What New Thursday!.............

(deactivated member)
on 7/24/08 1:18 am - Park Forest, IL

Good Morning Marti and my OFF family,  Marti I hate scarry dreams ike that and I usually can't go back to sleep either.

We've been having  wonderful cooler morings here, very conducive(sp?) to sleeping in and I have been taking advantage of that however I am getting behind on all my morning things I like to do, get on OH, have 3 cups coffee,..oops...household things also...so this lovely sleeping in habit will need to end soon.  Yesterday I had my PT appt and the therapist was pleased with my progress. My left hip & legs have been bothering me. I knew the legs were from the sciatic pain but wasn't sure about the hip.  He said my walking and bike riding had tweaked the tendons in the hip. so after some heat and massage therapy it is so much better. Then we took our granddaughters to a small childrens museum in Bourbonnais. They loved it even though it doesn't compare to the one we visited last year in Downers Grove,IL. Thi one has a very small animal petting area so we did take the girls there  after the museum and also went to the park for awhile so the girls could play. Earl & I walked alot but no hip pain. Today we need to cut the grass and I have lots of grape tomatoes ready to pick ...yummy!  Well my taskmaster Earl is calling so off I must go!!  Have a great day! Paulette

J Brown
on 7/24/08 1:31 am - Omaha, NE
Good morning.. I didn't get to reply yesterday, but today the boss is gone and I am making time to stop in. Those dreams can really stick with you. I hope you gave hubby a big kiss when he woke up. I had a terrible one like that the other day about my granddaughter, Their landlord lives downstairs from them and he is a major drunk. I am glad he got himself a live in gal, because I don't trust him close to my 15( looks like 19) year old grandaughter, if you know what I mean.
    I am ready to start a fun project and I love a good project.
My Mom turns 80 this Saturday and we are all ( both  my kids and their families, myself and maybe Chuck) taking her to a beautiful winery in Brownsville Ne. She just loves winery tours. This one has caves and all kinds of nice stuff, it was built over a creek. I collected some pictures of her( graduation, a baby pic, one of her posing on a car in 1946, and one in her prom dress)  that I am making stickers out of and them with a happy 80th B-day message. going to put together bags of candy and put a sticker on each bag and hand them out to people  in her assisted living home, and at Church on Sunday. Liz is getting a "face cake" made for her with all our pictures one the corners and hers in the middle. Instead of gifts she won't use we will all buy her a bottle or 2 of wine at the winery. She will just love this, and that makes me excited.
If you like to look up things Google whiskey creek winery in Nebraska, they have a great site. OK I had better get my work done so I can take some time toplay..Blessings
Eileen Briesch
on 7/24/08 4:53 am, edited 7/24/08 8:44 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Marti and everyone:

Those dreams are scary. I had a dream a long time ago about my dad, that he was in a war and had all these holes in his body, and he kept trying to stop them up with his fingers, like putting a finger in a dike to stop the flood. But he would stop one problem, and another would arise. And he couldn't stop them all. Not long after that, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Weird, huh? How would I know that? it wasn't long before I left for Montana, but I left anyway, and with his encouragement. I think he knew he was dying when I left, but he wanted me to be happy, and in the end, that job gave me so much joy and self-confidence. I hope your hubby is OK. Give him a great big hug and just appreciate him a little bit more today.

Well, today was payday and even though it was a half paycheck, it was pretty nice ... it had OT on it and I think maybe my extra money. I went a little nuts today at the store ... spent a little more at Meijer than I usually do. They had some good deals on some clothes. I needed some new capris; they were supposed to be on sale but when I got up to the register, they didn't ring up that way. Well, I said, they were on the same rack as the tag saying on sale ... turns out it was the other brand. The clerk gave me the discount anyway because I said it was kinda deceptive.  I also got a couple of cute tropical shirts from this brand called Erika ... didn't know they were on sale, but turns out they were, so that was nice. But my main gripe at Meijer was they took the chairs out of the fitting rooms so to try on pants, you had to stand up, then go outside to see if the pants fit when you sat down ... then you had to get the attendant to open the door back up to the fitting room. They did this for security reasons. People were stealings things. How stupid! It's very difficult for someone with bad knees to try on pants standing up. I was ticked off!

Anyway, It was the second time today I finangled a discount at a store ... at PetsMart, their 40-lb. box of litter was supposed to be on sale for 9.99 but they didn't have it, they only had the 28-lb. bucket for the same price. Well, I told the clerk that's not fair. So he gave it to me for $6.99. It pays to be a cranky consumer sometimes.

Then I stopped at New Balance. Been meaning to get new shoes because my old shoes are loose; since I lost weight, they seem big. They were 11D ... I had the guy size me and I'm still in 11 but just normal widths now because of the orthotics. They were on sale so I got those for $86 instead of nearly $100. A little more spending than I should do, but the prices were good. And I needed the shoes, really badly, because these are the only shoes I wear and I can't buy cheap shoes because I have really bad feet (flat as a pancake, very badly pronating too).

Stopped at Walgreens, picked up prescriptions, came home, made crab cakes and salad for lunch ... whew! I'm beat. It's going to be a long one at work tonight because I have four --- count 'em, 4 -- reviews tonight to be done by 1:30 a.m., and no one to help me.

Gas is down to $3.95! Wow! I need to stop off at the podiatrist's office and get some pads for my little toe bunionette (it was removed but still hurts) so I'll fill up my gas tank on the way to work.

Busy, busy day. I'm pooped and it's not even work time yet. Have a good day everyone.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 7/24/08 5:07 am - Galion, OH

HEY EILEEN!!! great buys at meijers for you today!!! congrats!!! so the crab cakes that you made did you buy them at meijers in the meat/seafood dept?? if you did i know those are great!! tried them when rick was staying at my house and we both love them!! now to get good ones here we have to go to long john silvers...grrrrr but they are pretty good there...enjoy your crab cakes!!!


ps not sure if i am coming to MMPC in october or not...have to call and explain the situation and see what they tell me...its one LONG drive from here let me tell you!!! but i might be at the GTG in frankenmuth i hope...keeping fingers crossed!!!!

Eileen Briesch
on 7/24/08 7:28 am - Evansville, IN
Nope, these are crab cakes I got from QVC. I bought them last August so they are nearly a year old but they've been in the freezer and are still good. They are really good ... I have one with a salad and I'm good. There are not a lot of fillers in them so it's mostly crab.

You know, I'll bet you could get your labs done out there and have them mailed in ... that's all they really want to see anyway. Hope to see you in Frankenmuth.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 7/24/08 7:52 am - Galion, OH

ahhh you have the good crab cakes lol

yeah thats what i was thinking just getting in the lab test and thats all....can't see driving that far just to get the results and have them ask how i am doing...if i was not doing good i sure would make that trip believe me!!!!!

keep fingers crossed for frankenmuth!!!!


Mickey S
on 7/24/08 10:14 am - KS
Hey Eileen,
That was a weird dream you had there.
I love New Balance. They are the only shoes I wear.
I paid $3.55 for gas here in Topeka.  But heard another station south of town was $3.37, but wouldn't be worth it to drive to get it cheaper.
Maybe gas is going down. About time, don't you think?

Have a good day!


on 7/24/08 1:49 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Marti, Mickey, Eileen and all,
Marti what a weird dream. Sometimes I have to look at carl to see if he is breathing too. He has had 2 stents put in in 1999 and it scares me that he may have some problems too.
I wish gas was so cheap here. I pay over 4.00 a gallon to fill my cars.
Tomorrow at 1pm I am going to see the ENY surgeon to see about the hard nodule I have on my thyroid. They are going to do a fine needle biopsy sometime when I get back from Chicago. I wont let them do it with a local. I want to be put out!!!!!
Well off to sleep I got home kind of late. I skipped out of work early and went to see MaMa Mia with Meryl Streep. Great Movie!!!!!
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