What New Thursday!.............
good morning my OFF family!!!!
marti that was a terrible nightmare!!!! one i never want to have!! those are the ones that seem so real it is hard to let it go!!!
well the excitement continues for us here in wickliffe....ricks aunt was beaten by her husband and has internal bleeding...we are going to get her and her things and move her back here with us!!! (well at rick's mom's place because we don't have OUR place yet) i guess she has been beaten many times over the years and doesn't do anything about it but go back to him!!! whats it gonna take him killing her before she leaves hm for good??? just wait til i see her and we can talk....i have been at the hands of an abousive husband before and i got out before he killed me!!!! sorry for this rant but needed to vent i guess.
well again no word on the job for me. i did stop to see the woman that is trying to get me this job and she was going to email this company and see what the hold up is and when she hears back she will call me and let me know. i told her i needed a job ASAP because my funds were getting low!!!! she said she will try hard to get an answer for me...we will see.
had a heavy rainfall again yesterday afternoon and thankfully no leaks!!!!! the temp dropped to 65 and the wind blowing made me get chilled...its 70 now this morning and the sun is shineing(sp) so its gonna be a beautiful day!!!!
when i took bandit out this morning there was a pretty doe up by the cottage house in back...she looked at me and just walked away...so beautiful!!! the doe with the twin fawns were out back last night and it was so cute watching the one fawn play in the water...just like a little kid in the puddles...LOL also saw the mother cat and no kitten so i am assuming that all 4 kittens are now dead. so sad...they were so cute....
noticed gas prices were at $3.89 here so hopefully tomorrow when i pick rick up they will still be lower so we can get gas in my car. gas prices are sure taking a chunk out of my savings thats for sure!!! another reason i need a job soon....sighs......
tonight back in saginaw michigan my support group is meeting and they are going to have a woman speak to them about her WLS that she had 32 years ago....wish i was there to hear about it....if i get any info on this meeting from them i will pass it along if you are interested.
well time for me to shower and wait for the call about my job. have a great day everyone!!!!
Good Heavens, Marti! I hate those kind of dreams. I have ones like Karen has about her husband, that Tom has done something and I actually wake up crying or so mad at him that it's lucky I figure out I was only dreaming.
Not much new here, going to dinner with my friend from my old job who took my place. Trying to really stay on track so will prob have a cup of soup then go home and have a little fruit and my snack of yogurt and Kashi. I finally hit a new # by a 1/2 a pound. Not a lot I know but after almost 2 months of the same numbers back and forth it was nice to see that my work paid off a bit. I took my measurements and only saw a one inch loss from May 1st so that was a bit disappointing. but...all is good...
Still fighting the anxiety battle...ever heard of a social worker with social anxiety disorder? What a deal huh? Yep, that's prob why I am one...trying to redo whatever, who knows? Takes a lot of work and prayer and focus to not let the neurotic me stay in control...So off to get ready for work...
Take care all,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Karen C
What a tough night for you, Marti. Dreams are fascinating subjects. They can feel so very real and can really shake us up. I've been expecting some kind of dream much like that after my hubby's doctor's visit this week. Out of the blue, hubby asked the doctor if he thought he had about 6 months to live. (Hubby's COPD, asthma, and emphysema are very big issues at our house.) The doctor was pretty surprised with the question. I sat there like a bump on a log and felt I shouldn't interfere. The doctor got it together and told him he really didn't have a crystal ball but then talked at length to hubby about his wishes for future care and pushed him to put some thought into these things. Needless to say, it's been tons of fun at my house this week.
I'm struggling to eat protein, try to get enough fluids in, and........ gaining a couple of pounds in the process. Trying not to get down about it all but resigned to this will work or it won't work. Not a thing I can do beyond what I am doing now. I get credit for trying. My friend began traditional dieting when I had surgery 6 weeks ago and she has now lost more weight than I have. Hooray for her.
On a much more positive note. Our daughter and her hubby are coming to visit tomorrow after their cruise to Mexico. I'm sure they had a great time and it will be fun hearing all about it. I'm taking tomorrow off work to be able to spend the day with them before they drive home to Phoenix.
Have a good Thursday one and all.
kathi...how often are you getting on your scale?? if more than ONCE a week stay off it!!! i remember getting so depressed when the scale didn't move down and i was told to stay off the dam thing...so i did even tho it was hard to do but it worked!! also your body has gone through a major operation and is trying to figure out what happened...take your measurments and you will see that you are losing inches if not weight...then all of a sudden you will see the scale move downward once again i promise!!! i still can't figure out how i lost the weight i did with all the stalls i had....hang in there you will get there!!!
What a nightmare! Had one of those myself recently. I dreamed George was cheating on me with a woman who works with him. I woke up and wanted to slug him! Poor thing wouldn't have known why he was getting hit. (I'd never really hit him.) LOL
Ethans ball games are so funny! Imagine approx. 15 little guys (and sometimes a girl or two) standing in the field watching the ball go by. They hit and throw really well, but catching the ball is another story. No winners or losers, very politically correct. Games begin with a prayer - Catholic Church affiliated park. Each team gets three turns to bat, going through the entire roster (no outs), ending with a prayer of thanks for good sportsmanship. The coach tells the kids to thank their parents and grandparents for attending their game. After the game we went to eat Mexican - Ethan's favorite, followed by chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (two bites for me and George finished my piece - YUK). Almost an hour drive home, didn't get home until 10:00.
Shorthanded at work today. One coworker out having cosmetic surgery on her neck, and another out with high blood pressure. Gee, I managed to work with bp of 210/100 don't know why she needs to take off when hers is 140/70! Our real dept. princess visited last week while I was on vacation. She's finally decided not to return to work after a 6 - month maternity leave. She's been out since the week before Christmas - DUH, ya think it was about time she let someone know her intentions. FYI, she ran out of sick, annual, and family leave months ago and was on leave without pay. Sorry, just being biotchy!

The visitation with the shut ins yesterday went well. We saw 2 and spent most of the afternoon with them. They love the visits and we love them too. We usually always had 3 shut ins but one passed away last month. It felt strange no going to see Ken yesterday. He was a sweetie.
Nothing much is going on here today. I am going to stay home and get to cleaning out my closet. AGAIN! This about the 7th time I have done it. Each time it gets a bit barer and barer. I guess I should be happy that I am have clothes to cover my bee hind. lol
It is so nice again today. It is cooler and the sun is shining and that is what makes life a wonderful thing. Misty had been watching out the back door at her back 40 acres. She was watching all the birds flying all over the place and then she was listening to them all singing and chirping away. That sound is what makes it sound like summer to me. Snow shw is gone and heaven only knows where she is at. Most anywhere I guess. I have been calling her Misty MaGoo for the past couple of days. Probably since she is so silly. I don't know why I chose that nickname for her since I have always hated Mr. MaGoo. I always thought that he was so stupid. I remember my sister loved him and I hated him. She would watch it on television and I would complain about it. Memories!
Tomorrow morning I work in the office. Jeri is going on a camping week end with her family. Who in their right minds would want to stay in a tent is far beyond me. I could think of a lot more nicer things to do! Like almost anything. lol Well, anyway back to the office. I am going to be up there until noon and then Fern is meeting me there and we are going for lunch and then we are off to see the nursing home folks. There is 3 of them so see. Thank heaven they are clustered around each other and so we don't have to go all over the city getting to them. lol
Oh! I knew there was something that I have been going to tell ya all. My best gf's son works intake at the county jail. The other night in walks a officer with a man he arrested. The man was wrapped in a blanket. The officer just was snickering. Here the guy was naked as a jailbird (excuse the pun) and he was arrested riding his bike nude with nothing but his sandles. Kyle said that at least the intake form for the prisoner was easy to do. The only thing that had to listed was "sandles" and that is it. lol They guy thought that riding nude was a good idea and so he just did it. He had been thinking of that all day. lol He was not drunk Kyle said and he is highly educated too. He has a couple of degrees and he is now going for his doctorate. Kyle said that he his very intellegent. I thought that it was so funny. I guess you can do whatever you want if you think of it enough. lol I must remember that. I bet if I did what he did they wouldn't arrest me for the simple fact that they would be running away screaming at the top of their lungs "My eyes! My eyes!" lol
I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up, with special ones going up for those in need of them.