Thank God for this website!!
Hugs, Peggy
hi marge and welcome to our fantastic OFF!!! (best one OH has in my opinion!!)
i had my RNY when i was 53 i weighed 334 pounds and am now holding at 190 pounds...not my choice but i believe thats where my body wants to be seeing as i am still at this weight...LOL
with the RNY if i eat to much or the wrong things i get sick...just wish i would get sick again when i eat real sugar!!! but i still watch what i eat because i don't like getting sick...i still can't eat pasta and chinese makes me sick also...but i love my new life and my only regreat is i didn't do this WLS sooner!!!
wishing you the best on your journey to a new you!!! hope to see you posting here more so we can all get to know each other!!
I also post on the Ontario Forum, as well as this one. Most of the people on the Ontario Forum are OK - but lately there has been alot of snipping going on. I just stay out of it. I went back and read your original question and checked out the website. I totally understand why you thought that Dr. L was retiring based on that information and I also noted that you did not state he was retiring, only asked the question to determine if it was true. Please don't let the few that were a little brusk in their responses put you off the site totally - you can still get some good informaiton and support there.
I like this board as well - you get a different perspective from people within our own age group. I haven't noticed any snippy comments here, so I feel more comfortable reading all message.
As for your questions about surgery - you really need to research all types to determine what is best for you and your lifestyle. Personally, I've decided on RNY, but I do have a much higher BMI than you (54). Where abouts in Canada are you from? The availability of certain surgeons and locations might also have an impact on your decision.
Anyway, good luck with your research and welcome to OFF! This is a great place to get information and support. Everyone I've met here has been great!

Hi Maggie
Thanks for the supportive comments.
I live in Chatham, Ontario, which is just about 50 miles from the Windsor/Detroit border. I'm fortunate in that I have several US surgeons and types of surgeries within one hundred miles, or so, but, at the same time, having so many to choose from has actually made it harder for me!
At first, I thought that the DS was the answer - I had been told that by someone I know. However, the RNY may be a better choice for me. I don't really know.
I see my GP on Monday and will hopefully get the application off to OHIP then. My doctor has been dragging his feet; I think that he had forgotten about the application when I first spoke to him. I've put a fire under him now, so he'd better be ready for me. lol
Thanks again Maggie.
Marg (also called Maggie by people who knew me 50 years ago!)