What's New Wednesday, July 23!

Laureen S.
on 7/23/08 12:30 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Sounds like you will be well prepared for the upcoming school year, and based on the stories you share with us, I can imagine you will win, perhaps you are a writer in the making? 

Well enjoy your day and the dinner party later, looking forward to the stories you will have to tell us tomorrow. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Brenda R.
on 7/23/08 1:11 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Laureen and my OFF family. I missed you all yesterday but things kept happening and just couldn't find the time to get on here. I have so much to catch up on. That is one reason I hate to miss. Other than missing talking to all of you I have so much to read and catch up on. I feel out of the loop until I do that.

I am sitting here at home this morning but I am going visiting with a woman from church. We are going to visit the shut ins this morning and then on Friday we are going to visit the nursing home folks. I love doing this since it just gives me more of a chance to talk. That is if I am allowed to. The woman that I am going with is a talker too. haha We figured out that since Pastor is still gone we better get it done so it is finished for the month of July. We will take August as we come to it.

Bill is out pulling weeds and trimming. It is a beautiful day today as it was yesterday too. The sun is shinning and it is cool with no humidity. I hate humiditiy. I have the doors and windows open and the breeze is so nice. I can't understand why the guy upstairs has his air on. Why would you want to have fake air when you can have fresh? Oh these young kids now a days. Misty was at the door watching Bill and he picked somethng up and off she scurried. She loves to do that. I think she wants us to chase her but neither one of do. I couldn't keep up with her and besides this place is so small we would end running into something. lol

My petunias are dying. At first I thought that it was just the folliage because the floweres were still beautiful. Today is a different story. They are starting to wither and die. Not all of them are so I am having hope that it might have been the humidity that did it to them. The other flowers are starting to bloom. The stargazer lilly has about 7 cream colored blooms on them. Some of the other lillies are starting to get there too. Not all of them but some and that is better than none. Our hostas has flowers all over it. Beautiful lavender ones. Bill has done such a good job on his little patio garden this year. He takes pride in it. There is still some things that we want to do with it. We want to put some bricks around the edges and we want to take up the blocks that grill is sitting on and put down some paver bricks for that. We kind of know what we want for that. Then we want to get some solar lights out there. We kind of saw some we like and then there is others and so it hard to come into agreement. I know~it sounds petty. lol

My cousin and his wife came over with their little granddaughter. She just turned one last month. We went over to the Goodwill which is right across the street from me. I just wi**** was the nice one that they have in Valparaiso instead of this one. I hardly ever find something there. Anyway, back to the subject that I was approaching~must do that before I forget! I was looking at the shirts and found a I Love Lucy shirt. It is bright pink and has the episode of the candy making on it. Underneath the picture is the words "Speed it up a little!" and a size medium. I told Cindy that I wouldn't fit in it but sometime I would and it was only $2. I bought it since God sent me a sign~while I had it in my hand it came over the PA that if you find something that you like buy it today because they might not have it tommorrow. I took that as a sign and told Cindy I was getting it. She is a nut and she agreed with me. lol Well, last night I thought that I try it on and guess what?!? It fit. Of course I looked like 5 great tomatoes in a itty bitty can but before I would have looked like the 8 great tomatoes! So that is a improvement. I was shocked and so was Bill. He is happy about the changes in me I think. In the beginning he was a bit aprehensive but I guess we all are when it comes to change.

I guess I had better get going. I have a lot to read yet before getting ready for my visits. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers for everyone. Special ones for those in need (Lora~but not sure yet what is going on since I haven't read yet) of them. Have a wonderful day and enjoy where God put you at this moment. You are there for a purpose.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 7/23/08 1:45 am - Evansville, IN
Congrats on the size medium ... I love "I love Lucy" ... and the candy making episode is great!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 7/23/08 2:30 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I know exactly what you mean when you say that if you miss a day on here, there is so much to catch up on. . .  now that I'm so busy weekends I don't spend a lot of time on my computer so Monday's it is just like an avalanche and sometimes I miss stuff because I only have time for a cursory look-see. . .  but I have come to really care about all of you and the wealth of information, sharing and caring on here is incredible!

I had the same thing going with my petunias, they seem rather sensitive to all this heat and humidity, seems you need to water them every day or they just kind of wither, now excuse me, but remember I'm a NYC gal, so I've still got lots to learn in the horticultural area and everyone here sure knows lots!

You certainly did have a full day and I'll bet you will be fitting into that shirt the way it is supposed to fit real soon!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Pat R.
on 7/23/08 5:54 am - Sturgis, MI
Hey Brenda.....petunias have to be constantly cut back or they will just die.....that's why they aren't my favorite annual flower....my kids gave me a huge hanging basket of petunias for Mothers Day and it was nice for about a month, then started to look awful, so I took the pruning shears to it and cut everything back to about 6 -8 inches and now it looks beautiful again. It requires almost daily pinching back of the long stems.....ugh!


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Done! Your Ticker: 
Eileen Briesch
on 7/23/08 1:39 am - Evansville, IN
Good morning Laureen and my OFF family:

Yes, it's still morning ...although not for long (it's 11:30 a.m. here). I was rudely awakened at 7:30 a.m. by the lawn mowers ... they were out yesterday afternoon but only briefly because of the impending storms.The storms didn't last long, though, because they started as I went to work and ended when I got there. It was nice and cool when I got home, so I opened the windows. Then the mowers were out, so I had to close the windows in the morning and flip on the air, so I could go back to sleep. Can't stand the noise, plus don't want the grass pollen in the house.

I had a busy night at work last night. My boss had scheduled one story on Blackwater ... the guy who runs it is from our area, and we had a story in business about the business of Blackwater. Anyway, we also had a story about this resort in bankruptcy. Well, by the time my boss left, I had too many stories and too little space, and couldn't fit everything. So I had to call and ask what he wanted to do. We wound up scraping the Blackwater story and leaving it for Sunday (it really wasn't a business story anyway) and squeezing in the resort story (cutting it a lot). Plus, I had to put some stories online on our Web site, and since I don't do that a lot, it's a little slow going for me and stressful. Hard on the neck and shoulders.

But I got home, watched the White Sox game (they won!) and enjoyed my evening til about 2, went to bed, slept pretty well until the lawn mowers. My cleaning lady left me a story in Self magazine about weight-loss surgery nightmares ... some people who lost too much, or had bowel obstructions, or other complications. I realize these things happen, but I wish magazines wouldn't center on these nightmares all the time because so many of us have had successes. The one woman, however, did remind me of Annette ... losing too much and becoming malnourished. I guess, though I will never reach a "normal" BMI, I am happy with the weight loss I have achieved (which is 180 pounds and a BMI of "overweight"). It's much better than being super morbidly obese.

Well, I'm going to take a shower, make some blueberry pineapple bread and maybe exercise ... knee is still bothering and I don't know how it will take to the cycle. But we'll try, maybe, if I still have time before lunch ... maybe after? Maybe during the ballgame today? Go Sox!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 7/23/08 2:39 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Hi Eileen,

It's officially afternoon as I read and respond to your post.  Sounds like your job is an interesting one, though I imagine very stressful meeting deadlines every single night. . . many years ago, when I worked 2nd shift at my old law firm, I would go to sleep around 4 a.m. and it was very hard living on an opposite schedule, I never did make the adjustment very well, so after 9 months I asked for a different position, though that year I had the best tan of anyone I knew because I would be on the beach every day for 2 or 3 hours. . .

I'm a Mets fan and I live in Phillie territory, tomorrow me and Tony are going to a Mets v. Phillie game at Shea Stadium, let me tell you how hard it was to be a Mets fan last September, but a week later when the Phillies season was over, I was able to once again hold my head up (lol)!  Last night's game was a big disappointment, hope tonights is better and tomorrow's too!  Let's go Mets!!!

Have a wonderful day, Laureen

P.S.  Speaking of Annette, wonder where she is today, sure hope all is well!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 7/23/08 4:56 am - Evansville, IN

The Mets-Phillies series has been really interesting ... the Mets had it going there for awhile, with their new manager, the White Sox' old manager ... he's a little too mellow, though, and that's what did him in with the White Sox ... couldn't win here (or at least not take them that extra step like Ozzie Guillen did, to the World Series). But hope he can do it for you guys. I'm just glad Johann Santana is out of the AL Central and the Sox don't have to face constantly anymore (couldn't hit him!).

Yeah, I miss Annette too. Hope she is OK.

I love my night schedule ... I am not a day person ... If I work the morning shift, I would be getting up at 3 a.m. or earlier; I'd rather go to bed at that time.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Pat R.
on 7/23/08 6:04 am - Sturgis, MI
Okay, girlfriend, Eileen -- we will be on opposite sides this weekend when the Tigers play the Sox!!!!!

I know, I know, who loves the Tigers???? Me me me!!!

Hey I found that I didn't have the blueberry pineapple bread recipe == would you PM it to me. The zucchini bread turned out really good -- too good, I ate most of it in just 3 days!!! I did have a question tho'.....it raised up really nice in the loaf pan, but after it cooled for a bit it
fell.....I tested it with a toothpick before taking it out of the oven and it came out clean.....any ideas???

Found a recipe for zucchini cookies, but it needs to be
made WLS friendly and it sure isn't in the original form.
Maybe I will experiment and see if I can change it up.



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Done! Your Ticker: 
Eileen Briesch
on 7/23/08 7:43 am - Evansville, IN
I'll post it tomorrow when I get home ... don't know about the bread falling flat ... never happened to me. I have a recipe for chocolate zucchini bread/muffins that I've made, gonna make that too ...will send some down with Carla/Paulette.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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