What's New Wednesday, July 23!
66, hmmm, that sounds real good to me! You and the hubby putting in new gutters, not something I could ever see me doing since I don't like heights, most especially from ladders, but that's nice that you and he can do home projects together. . .
I love the early mornings and wish I had time to walk before I left for work every day, it would be so nice; the quiet, the wildlife, not to mention a good way to get the heart going in the morning, but me, my way is zipping to the train station, then navigating the people in Penn Station, NYC to the cattle cars they call a subway, gets my heart pumping for sure. . . lol.
Have a great day! Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Settling back in to my work routine. Getting up at 4 a.m. takes some getting used to! I always enjoy your posts, Laureen. You have a busy and happy life and it's fun to share your joy.
First day back to work yesterday and I was really missed. Had auditors there and spent an hour with them with minimal problems. Still alot of backlog to clear up but I think it can be done. It must be done. It will be done!
Special hugs for Lora these days and all who are in need.
Pat - I like to hold on to the side of the pool and kick my legs like I'm swimming. Remember, walking in the weight of the water burns calories! Swimming is one of my very favorite ways to get exercise.
Connie- Safe trip and have fun. I know you will.
Margo - you solved the a/c problem and very good for you to figure that out.
Jan- Good luck with the gutters today. I know you will figure out all the parts but maybe you have a new invention with "gutter glue." ???
Spoke with my daughter yesterday before the cruiseship sailed into Mexico. Their first cruise since she was in high school and her hubby's first cruise ever. They were having a great time. I'm glad about that. Their son is in San Diego at surf camp so it's just the two of them on vacation.
Have a great Wednesday everyone.
It sure does take getting used to when you wake up before first light, but there is also a quality about the day at that time that I enjoy, so I mind it less, just wish I could spend a little more time enjoying it before I had to hurry off. . .
Hope today is busy, but not too crazy as you get back to being a fulltime worker again!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Yes, Laureen, my prayers are with Lora, Debbie's co worker and all my OFF sisters. I think of all of you often even if I don't get a chance to stop by.
Short work day at the salon, I do't need to be there until 3:00, but will wor****il 8:00 or so on a new client's color. So....this morning I need to work some more on Walk fom Obesity stuff and if I get a chance I need to order some new glasses. Mine are just a year old, but the Rx has changed enough that it's tough to see the computer screen and my music stand.
I think the heat/humidity has me retaining water. I'm up 2.5 lbs and haven't passed 1600 calories for days now. My rings are tight, so I guess I'll really push the fluids today and see what 'goes".
Connie, have a safe trip
Debbie, sure glad you're home!
Hugs and smoochies to all, prayers to everyone
I've been watching the scale go up and down with the same 2.5 lbs for the last week now, so I'm with you on the water retention thing and if I drink anymore water, I'm going to float away ;)
Have a great short work day. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Today is going to be one of those days that I seem to run around doing random things that I'll never finish!
First thing is to be at the Paper Factory and Dollar Store when they open at 9 to order the banner and balloons and decorations for my 40th high school reunion, which is Aug 2. Funny, I don't feel like "almost 60", but there it is... I worked till midnight last night, bed by 1 am, and was wide awake before 6, which is my usual time to get up. No chance of going back to sleep, so I grabbed a cuppa, and caught up on the board for the first time in a while.
Then I have to pick up some groceries, head for the credit union, pay some bills, and be home before 10:30 to meet my niece, who's visiting from Tennessee. She wants to go hit a few balls....I've never golfed before, so it should be fun.

Next week doesn't look much better. Two meetings for the reunion, picking up people at the airport on Friday, then a weekend of ice-breaker, reunion dinner/dance, and picnic. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm already tired.
My last reunion 5 years ago I was the fat, gray-haired granny lady that's in some of my "before" pics. Can't wait to see some of the faces when they get a load of the new me!
To those sisters..and brothers..who may need that "something extra" to help them deal with life's trials and other "sucker punches"... My thoughts are with you.
Wow, you sure got a lot going on. . . all of it sounds like great fun though. I played minature golf for the first time in my life not too long ago, it was great fun, hope you enjoy hitting the balls with your niece. . .
As for almost 60, you look like a whole different person from the one at your last reunion, I wonder how many people will wonder who you are. . .
Take care and enjoy all that you've got going on, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
morning laureen and OFF family!!!!
well its a cloudy day here so far today and it is nice outside to boot!!! not sticky or hot!!! a nice 70 degrees right now!!! but the dam mosquitos are still there!!!! (i hate them!!!)
took rick to work this morning and there in the road lay two dead baby black kittens...made me so sad to see that....when i came back home they were picking them up to dispose of them...poor babies!!!
yesterday i had a nice chat with diane (ricks mom) and she was telling me that rick had told her that he loved me with all his heart!!! she said he never ever said he loved his ex wife or any other girlfriends he had so i should be proud...i am..hell it brought tears to my eyes when she told me how much he loved me!!! she said that since we have been together that he has changed for the better and that i was good for him!!! she said that she sees us together for the rest of our lives!!!! WOW i hope she is right!!! i love that little guy!!!! (5' 8" and 140 lbs) when i picked him up at work i had this smile a mile wide on my face and he asked what??? i told him i loved him so much and how happy i was!!! he said cool...he loved me too and was very happy with me!!! ahhhhhhhhh life is good!!! (would be better if i had a job!!!)
going to the movies this weekend to see the X FILES i am nor ever was into the x files but rick wants to go see it so i will go...then he will take me to see the MUMMY the following week so its only fair...LOL
well time for the shower and then i am calling about those jobs!!! i am tired of not working and earning my keep!!! i am so bored sitting here day in and day out eating all dam day being so bored!!!!!
have a great day and those near the hurricane area be safe!!!!
I'm very happy for you, sounds like meeting Rick and leaving Michigan behind was a good thing for you, hope that "perfect" job materializes for you soon, just believe it will come and put forth the effort and it will!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland