I'm back!

Cajun Angel
on 7/21/08 11:50 pm - New Orleans, LA
Please keep one of my coworkers and her family in your prayers.  Rachel's baby girl was born the July 10 (before I went on vacation).  All seemed well except for she was a few weeks premature and had a little trouble breathing.  That resolved itself and everything was going well.  As a precaution, she was transferred from the hosp. where she was born to Children's Hosp.  Baby passed away July 17 at one weel old.  Autopsy performed, awaiting results.  Family devastated as you can imagine.

Actually I got back Sat. night late.  Sunday was Ethan's b'day party.  Yesterday was spent finishing my unpacking, catching up with laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking.  Back at work this morning.

Disney World was really fun.  I enjoyed most of what I saw/did.  There were a few things I didn't care for like the long lines at some of the attractions.  I rode Thunder Mountain, Tower of Terror, and Rock'n Roller Coaster

My cold stayed with me the entire trip, coughing, hoarseness...one day I completely lost my voice.

My mom took a trip to the ER.  Sis and I offered to go with her, but she and BIL insisted we enjoy our vacation.  Mom's knee was hurting, she walked all day Sunday on it, Mon. we rented a wheelchair.  Tuesday morning it was swollen and the bottom of her leg was red.  We all thought maybe a blood clot.  Luckily that was not the case.  DX:  Baker's cyst and arthritis.  ER doc gave her Darvocet and Naprosyn (sp).  By Tuesday evening she was back at DW in a wheelchair and feeling better. 

Must confess to eating a little too much junk.  Healthy food was available at most places, but in Epcot Sis and I decided to try a few pastries and quiche - we shared so it wasn't soooo bad.  Did find salads with grilled chicken and turkey wrap that were both very good.  Breakfast every morning was good protein at the camper.

Walked my legs off - reset pedometer every morning.  Thursday it registered 5.2 miles!  All other days it read between 2.7 - 3.5.

Left DW Fri. morning and stopped outside of Tallahasse at a campground with a pool.  Put on my bathing suit and learned how to swim a little.  Probably couldn't save my own life or anyone else, but did manage to make it back and forth across the pool in the shallow end several times.  Sun. at son's house went swimming again.  Swimming is FUN, still a little afraid of the water, but not as much as before.

Prince Charming kept up with his laundry and dishes, and managed to clean out the foyer closet.  He picked up in the living room and got one of the spare bedrooms in order!  WOW, I should leave him alone more often. 

Speaking of George, he's having lots of back and leg trouble and has been diagnosed with sciatica - going for MRI in the morning.  Also will have an untrasound of his heart at the end of the month.  Please keep my Sweetie in your prayers.

Better get back to work!  Got a pile of paperwork on my desk to sort through.
(((HUGS))) Debbie
Laureen S.
on 7/22/08 12:11 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Welcome back, sounds like you, other than the cold and your Mom's situation scaring you a bit, a really wonderful time, I'm impressed with the rides you went on, I think I must have gotten old, as I used to love roller coasters and now the thought of them makes me a bit scared, but never say never!  Swimming is still on my list of things to get better at, especially since it is such a great form of exercise, so good for you girl!

It was great hearing about your trip, hope the work day is not too bad, as usually punishment is order for those who dare go on vacation to have a good time ;)

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Cajun Angel
on 7/22/08 2:54 am - New Orleans, LA
So far, pretty good day at work.  No screaming tirades from the boss YET!  He'll never admit it, but I know he missed me as he had to do his own typing and faxing.  None of the other clericals will do anything for him.  He's burned too many bridges!  About those rides - I figured if Disney World is for kids, how bad can the roller coasters, etc. be.  Tower of Terror warranted 3 Oh ****s and a Hold Crap!  Pretty scary.  Rock'n Roller Coaster - well let's just say I was too scared to even mutter "Oh ****!"
Connie D.
on 7/22/08 12:16 am
WELCOME BACK DEBBIE......you were missed!!!

My thoughts and prayers will be with your coworker and her family. Such a tragedy...my heart is aching for them. So Sad!!

Sounds like your trip was fun...sure got enough miles in...yay!! Roller coasters and rides....woooohooooo!

Sorry your cold had to hang on and go on your vacation with you. Hope you get over it soon.

I am glad your mom's knee wasn't anything worse. I am sending healing prayers her way.

You are right....sounds like you need to be gone more often. Hubby sure came up to bat for you...wow!

I am glad you are back all safe and sound and with us once again on OFF.

Hugs....connie d

Cajun Angel
on 7/22/08 2:59 am - New Orleans, LA
Connie, I'm sure Rachel and my mom will appreciate the prayers.  Yep, George is definitely a keeper, he pitches in all the time around the house, and is very self-sufficient when I'm away.
J Brown
on 7/22/08 12:58 am - Omaha, NE
Welcome back !! All in all it sounds like a very good trip.  You rode rides that I would be too chicken to try.I am SO  PROUD of you learning to swim!! You may actually get to enjoy it. Sounds like George deserves an "attaboy " too. A man who will actually take care of himself AND notice his surroundings I am impressed. George's upcomingtests, your mom and Rachel and her family are in my prayers. How devistating to lose a baby. Let us know what they find out.
Liz had her first ultrasound last week, she is a whopping 8 weeks along now and all is going fine. She is ultra moody and cries at  a drop of a hat, but we just hug her and laugh. Ray, her bright and shinning new hubby is shopping like a fool, all baby boy stuff. I told him he had to stop and leave something for the rest of us to buy. One more welcome back to you and I had better start looking busy.. Blessings
Cajun Angel
on 7/22/08 3:05 am - New Orleans, LA
George was well rewarded for his efforts!  As I mentioned above, DW was planned for kids, so it must be safe - scary but safe!  I'll certainly let you know what the outcome of the autopsy is when I hear something. 

I'm so glad everything is going well with Liz's pregnancy.  I hope moodiness and tears are the only thing she has to worry about!
Debbie G.
on 7/22/08 8:05 am - Derby Line, VT
Hey Angel Debbie, nice to see you again!  You were missed!  I'm sorry about the co-workers baby and hope all is well with George.......Just HOW WELL did he get rewarded?  What a guy! 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Eileen Briesch
on 7/22/08 8:25 am - Evansville, IN

Sounds like a fun vacation ... maybe some day when I have money (ha! when will that be? ... my brother has offered to use his timeshare as housing again for a vacation) I will do the Orlando theme parks, but I'm not big on rollercoasters (too much motion sickness as a kid  and the memory of that) but I do like the water rides as long as I don't have to climb too high.

Your George sounds like my dad ... he always pitched in and did cleaning and cooking like any partner in a marriage should do (but doesn't always). So I always said I was waiting to find a man like my father who would cook and clean for me (or who was rich and could hire someone to cook and clean for me). Well, since I haven't, here I am, still single. They don't make too many like my dad (and my two brothers, who learned well). And apparently, George. Hope his sciatica is better ... I know the pain well. Sorry to hear about your mom's knee problems, I know of those, too. I have rented scooters at amusement parks and they are a godsend for those of us with mobility issues.

My thoughts to your coworker.

Well, back to work! (for me too ... took a break at work to look at the board).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 7/22/08 11:05 am - ithaca, NY
Welcome home Debbie. You were missed.  
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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