what's new TUESDAY?
Hope you have a good day! Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland

The support groups are my weekly life-line. Seeing the hopeful faces each week keeps me on track and motivated.
Laureen, at this point, YOU are a veteran and a source of inspiration to others too.

Thanks for your kind words.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Geez, it's almost noon! No good morning for me! I have been up since 9 but busy this morning. I had an appointment with the sleep doc. A recheck from last year so I could get my meds again since the prescription had run out. It was kinda stupid for me to drive all the way out there (the office is out by the MMPC office ... Pat and Judy, you know the place) so a bit of a drive for me and with gas at $4+ a gallon, I wasn't too happy at having to make an appointment, but needed my meds renewed. So I went out there and Dr. Marmion asked why was I there? ... Well, your office said I had to come. He wrote the script and said next year, I could get this renewed by my PCP. Well, that's better. We talked about my mild sleep apnea, the reasons last year I was waking up (which were more caused my mild asthma, which was diagnosed the following week by the allergist ... finally!) I told him about that, and he smiled and said, "Well, we're all on the same page then."
So I came home on the backside because my exit on the interstate is closed by construction (found that out last night ... hard to see in the dark), stopped at a Meijer to see if they had my Wheat Thins that I like ... I think they may have discontinued the 5-grain crunch flavor cuz I can't find them. Maybe it's just Meijer that has discontinued them ... will have to check the other stores.
Got some good news in the mail; my payroll order has finally come through and I should be getting extra money in my check soon, I hope ... that mean the bankruptcy budget has been changed finally. Maybe this week, I hope. It looks like about $60 a week. Enough for gas and a few groceries.
Annette, a friend of mine that retired early last year from a buyout is looking at renting in Baton Rouge because her family is there ... in fact, she is going to permanently rent an apartment there until she decides where she want to settle. But you could also do something like a trailer, that way you wouldn't have to worry about the cats. Just an idea. Sorry about the tooth ... know how those can be. I had a root canal a few years ago and had to wait to get it done ... it was very painful waiting. Any cold or pressure on it and I was in agony. I was so happy having it done, the procedure didn't bother me (they called early one morning and moved me up!).
Well, it's time for lunch. I have leftovers from yesterday's lunch out with Mary Kay (fajitas) and then I have to pick up a bit before the cleaning lady comes so she doesn't throw out stuff that I don't want thrown out (she's done that before).
Have a good day.
i was up at 230-heard running water-we all know what that can do-the power of suggestion--however i had to find the source-my window ac was making some noises that caused me to turn it off ! i'm thinking it may be in the window too straight and may not be draining out properly.
anyhow -didn't feel like starting the thread so- annette ; i am glad to see that you did!
i do not envy you the prospect of moving- A) you are right about the cats!
B) 42 years -wow--lotsof packing and memories!
i am trying to get us ready to move and i am not as motivated as i should be! progress is being made slowly but surely! and since we keep changing destination the rules about what furnishings we would want/need etc keep changing too!!!!
well; the birdlady finally showed!yea!!!! i came out of work at noon to two frantic vm's and two texts and then found an email at home- she didn't have our address for directions! yes ,she did however she evidently had not written it down or printed it out of email--again- how can one run a non profit and a business without some type of coordination of efforts- oh well! then; she is planning on paying $100 a week-ok- so 3 weeks ago she said this- and yesterday she shows up without any money in hand! (if you are doing the math that means that i could have had $300 toward the final amount!) geeez i cannot tell you how frustrating this is--however i do feel it will be a good pair for Doc once she finally gets to take him home!
i am making some progress on the cleaning out of clutter...again slow but sure! hauled a huge box worth of magazines to the curb for garbage day today and took some in a box to the post office before work ( there is a bench there ppl put books and mags on) and the box was gone totally when i went back at noon! i have some again today to take.
today a lil shopping after work then more cleaning!
we ate our first cucumbers out of our garden last nite---whoooo hoooo!!!! yummo!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it when we can grow our own and eat healthy!!!
and i got a really pretty handmade card and a starbucks card i the mail yesterday-i'm sposed to guess who but i know it's from someone who loves me !!!! and i know who you are dear sister! thank you!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
It's my Monday at work and looks like a good day and week $$ wise. The economy is so odd now that the least little slow down in my business I start to worry that the bottom will fall out. I'm the worrier of the family, but hey, someone has to do it! LOL
Spent the better part of the day working on the Walk From Obesity stuff. The check and registration FINALLY got to the headquarters so now all these folks can start signing up. I've gotten two gyms to sponsor, Tropical Smoothie will provide their drinks for the finish line, and there's some other things in the works. We'll have another "Team" meeting on Monday, lets see if any of them have done anything (yeah, right)
Annette and Debbie, toothaches are NO fun at all. Hope you can get some relief soon.
Margo, bummer about the crazy bird lady. Maybe now that she's met Doc she'll get it together quicker???
Everyone have a dandy day and take good care of yourselves!
Your "Team" is so small and there is a gigundous amount of work involved in this event.
The person who has organized "Toys For Tots" joined my team and has offered a wealth of information and help. The others are full of knowledge and energy too. We are not doing our wal****il 2009 so that we have more time to prepare.
There are so many little requirements that we never knew about. For example: if there are over 20 people in the walk, we need port-a-potties set up, so many per entrant. Luckily, there is a place in town who donates the potties.
Good luck!!!!
I'd be just fine if I were still in San Diego where I had all the contacts to get this sort of thing done. The learning curve is pretty steep for this skinny ol' gal LOL
Thanks for the heads up on the potties. I'll check with last year's coordinator to see if it's an issue. It will be held in a pretty well used area, so it might be ok. But still, I need to check.
I'm sorry about the tooth..... Yikes! Very painful and I'm surprised they are making you wait until Thursday. It's exciting to think about retirement in your future!
Had an Endoscopy yesterday as the surgeon's office wanted to check to be sure all was right in there. It was. The GI doctor only found Gastritis but everything else was fine. Prevacid for a couple of months. Alrighty then!
I'm back to work today - officially - for the first time since surgery. Should be interesting. I have food planned and packed up ready to go. My first day back in six weeks and the auditors are there this week! Oh joy. I went to work on Saturday to try to get myself oriented and it's just a mess -- plain and simple -- a mess. My people tried but........
I've been eating things that are low fat instead of fat free and I've actually gained 3 pounds. Terrific. I am now convinced I am going to be the one person who completely fails WLS. Oh well! The surgeon's office says don't worry about the weight......... Little do they know......
Got to play with our little grandson this weekend. That was a real highlight. He's at the age where he talks a mile a minute and you understand some of it! I'm still the Gramma who goes through the gate. Our condo complex has gate entry and that's our finest quality when you are 2 1/2 years old!
Have a great day everyone!
Well it's a little cooler here this morning, so I have the doors and windows open for some fresh air.
Kathi, I just can't imagine why you are on a stall this soon after surgery. I wish your surgeon provided better after care and nutritionist visits. I see the nut everytime I go
for a checkup.....it's sooo important. I am hopeful when you do meet with the nutr on Aug. 2nd she will be able to
get you on the right program. Don't get discouraged (easy
for me to say, right?) and no no no you won't be the first person to fail WLS.....I just know it will happen for you very soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!
It's laundry day and have the first load going....piano student at 9 a.m. then nothing planned except returning
a pair of shoes to Wal Mart that are TOO BIG....hope they have a smaller size.....can't imagine my feet have gotten smaller but evidently they have. Want to go out to the blueberry farm and see if they are ready....plan to put
about 10 sm. boxes in the deep freeze. Yesterday after work I took care of the produce my "wonderful" neighbor guy brought me. Cooked the green beans with a little piece of ham, and shared them with my neighbor lady next door....she so appreciates my sharing cooked food.....she's 84.....I also gave her one of the yellow squash as one was
all I could use now. So I still have green peppers, cuke, onions and the yellow squash to cook sometime this week.
The peaches I bought at the farm market on Saturday are
sweet and juicy, but they're "cling" and the pit doesn't come out very easily, still enjoying them and only 40 calories for a medium peach!!!
Better check on that first load of laundry and get some breakfast.
Hugs to those suffering from tooth aches -- ouchie. My dentures never hurt!! LOL!
Cyber hugs,
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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