Beauty Queens and Princesses

on 7/19/08 10:39 pm - Alexander, AR
This might be long winded,but I need to get it off my chest. Hope you have a fresh cuppa!
Last night I attended my first beauty pageant. One of my clients, a sweet, beautiful and very smart girl was one of the finalists and we decided to support her and make the hour long trip to Hot Springs, pay $20 to get in, and whoop and holler for our gal.

The pageant was as anyone would expect, lots of glitter and glitz, bad talent, stupid acts between catagories and the glaring awareness of tremendous amounts of money having been spent.  Two things really bothered me and I spent the ride home thinking about this.

Of the top ten finalists, three were close, if not already, anorexic.  The swimsuit event was shocking.  Oh, by the way, it's no longer called the swimsuit competion, but "livesytle and fittness"  HA!!!  There was nothing fit about these girls, they were just sad. Worse of all, they were being rewarded for thier "lifestyle" choices by the promise of a title and a crown. Smart girls too, all college students, one of them in her second year of law school.

Each of the 44 State winners had a "princess" that followed her around the pageant week. Ranging in ages from 3-11, they were "beauty queens in training", that's how they were introduced, and they did a little dance number and strutted down the runway.  Some were adorable, but what got my attention was during the end of the pageant when the 5 finalists did their evening gown competition. All of them was escorted by their little girl (who all had thier very own crowns on)some shyly walking with thier big sister, some more comfortable than others. But there was one who, at age 11 was so programmed into the whole runway model thing she actually made people uncomfortable. There she was, strutting and posing, doing the princes wave and actually looked more like a pageant contestant than the finalist she was escorting.

It disturbed me to know that this little girl, at her age, already has this mind set, programmed no doubt by parents pushing her to do this and not knowing any better. You can say all you want that these are now "scholarship competitions", but it sure isn't the impression I got last night.  It's one thing for a 23 year old girl to make the decision to do this, but it's entirely different when you're brainwashed into it.

Is it any wonder our culture puts so much pressure on our young girls and they end up having body image and eating disorders?

Ok, I feel better now.

By the way, Ashleigh finished 4th overall and my DIL's cousin won Miss Arkansas.  It will be interesting to follow this young lady through the next year.



Margo M.
on 7/19/08 11:26 pm - Elyria, OH
when my children were growing up we had a "prince" that lived two doors down--he was a cutie but we wondered for a very long time how he kept getting all of these fancy schmancy motorized car (ride on) toys etc--when we found out he competed it became obvious- he became snooty and untouchable and it was hard for my kids and the other neighbors to fathom..his folks had seemed so "normal blue collar " as was the rest of the neighborhood  that it was hard to stomach--
i have not followed his progress thru school or competitions in teh last 9 years ....sad .....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Marti O.
on 7/19/08 11:33 pm, edited 7/19/08 11:34 pm
I read and interesting article about Beautiful Girls....and children's beauty pagents......she said they had been condemed ever since Jon Benet Ramsey.....but have existed for years.....while there are the unscrupulous pageant people...causing Kentucky and Tennesee to insist on a $10,000 bond for anyone putting on a "beauty pageant"...there are ones like Southern Charm that are run well.

She [the writer] stayed with the people and really did an in depth look at them and I think the conclusion was that the children that enter these are many times by parents that are hopeful that their children will make it in life farther than they have.

Many are from small towns and have little hope of ever improving themselves and see this as a way to help their girls to gain a poise and confidence in life that they have never had. There are apparently some bad coaches hired and they have taught their contestants exaggerated sexy type poses and that is not a good thing....also too much makeup, but in the very bright lights they do need some makeup or they are washed out.

She also commented that it seemed to be a real family time for pageants and she found herself even feeling so hopeful right along with a family she knew. She also noted that as their child was up there, they were all posied with camera with the looks on their faces of such hope and pride.....

I guess what I am saying is that I don't think it is a bad thing. I am not sure the parents are the pushy ones, if the child does not want to do is hard to make them.

No matter what we think...and we have all suffered from the abuse of being the fat person.....we do understand it is pleasant to watch someone pretty.....but if they are not pretty inside as it will show very soon......and no matter what we like or think......we are not the same person we were when we were fat.....we exude a confidence about ourselves....that was just not there before.

We all love our WOW moments and those of our friends....I sometimes think this is just another WOW moment for those girls.

Just my opinion and thoughts.
Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Connie D.
on 7/19/08 11:55 pm
Hi Susan.

In my opinion it is all alot of garbage. We wonder why girls feel like they do about themselves and yet there are pageants that encourage this THIN behavior. Why do there need to be beauty queens?? We need to quit directing everything towards looks. I feel sorry for the young women that feel it is necessary to prove their worth that way.

Children in pageants really makes me sick. No wonder men think of little girls as sex objects! It is disgraceful and should be stopped!! Parents need to get their heads on straight and teach their children what is really important in life not how they look in a crown!!

Sorry....this just really irritates me...sorry if I made anyone mad....this is just my opinion.

Hugs, connie d

karen C.
on 7/20/08 12:18 am - Kennewick, WA
Anyone see "Little Miss Sunshine?"  It came out right after some new news about Jon Benet Ramsey so I wasn't sure I wanted to see it. . . OMG! I'm so glad I did. . . If you haven't, it's well worth renting! Absolutely loved the ending. . . .

Karen C

(deactivated member)
on 7/20/08 2:32 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Susan, this was interesting to me as this morning my daughter and I were talking about my granddaughters age 4 & 6. We were at a family graduation party yesterday and there were quite  a few children there who are from the other side of the family. My granddaughters, who their pediatrician says are very slightly below normal weight and height for their age groups, and nothing to be concerned about.  Well almost everyone asked why my granddaughters are so small, petite, tiny, underweight etc.   I said they aren't , they are normal sized and they eat well. Compared to the other children there it appeared that my granddaughters are very small children. But we thought the other children were all bordering on being overweight and some are quite large for their age, but I would never comment on that.  The one lady said wow, they (our granddaughters) don't have any baby fat, I said well they are not babies they're 4 & 6. It amazes me that in our country  when children are young some people expect them to have "baby fat" but once girls get to a certian age they expect them to be rail thin.......why can't they just be "normal" for whatever their body type is? My granddaughters eat normally, like all kids they can be picky,  and they do get treats but usually fruit or cheese sticks or crackers some type of healthy treat, but occaisionally candy too just not a regular part of what they eat.  Oh well, hopefully they grown  up with a healthy body image.  Paulette
on 7/20/08 3:44 am
Now here is my rant on the subject of objectification of women and girls by the patriarchy.  First, beauty pagents are the musings of men.  Yes, without ment, there would be not competition to be the most beautiful.  You don't see girls glammed out for their gal friends, right?  Anyway, beauty pagents where children are involved are the same, objectification of the child's body for the pleasure of, here we go, the patriarchy.  Who, in history, cared most about the soft male bodies of's men. YUCK.   And who, in our most recent history cares about the sexuality of little  The only way to end the madness is to boycot the entrie process where women and girls and boys are being objectified sexually.  I know, I am going to **** people off.  sorry, a feminist here.

on 7/20/08 4:30 am - Manteca, CA
I'm with Jeannie....
Marti O.
on 7/20/08 7:49 am, edited 7/21/08 7:54 am
WELL, I would say that I have been a feminist since I granduated from high shcool in 1959 and my sister in law bought me the book "Feminine Mystic" by Betty Friedan.  I have always been a fan of Gloria Steiham...and for many years I worked in a feminine world bossing male aides around....I have always fought for women's rights....but I have never hated men....I love men.

In fact I think probably when I dress up, I expect comments from my girlfriends more than I seek them from men. My husband always likes' to see what I am wearing for the day....and needless to say he preferes I don't emerge looking like a ****but I think he likes me to look pretty and belong with him.

As a psych nurse I don't think perverts are the fans at beauty pagenents...they have much much deeper rooted problems with women.

Maybe it is just me , but I feel everyone to their own joys....and if beauty pageants make some family closer and happy...why not.......but child actors may be a different story to me.

Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 7/21/08 7:21 am


I don't hate men either nor do any of the feminist that Iknow.  Women dressing up for their friends, male of female, versus little girls dressing up are two different things.  Little girls who are painted up like big girls, their chests taped to make them appear to have cleavage,and walking and acting in sexually suggestive ways is not, in my humble opinion, ideology that is conducive for normal childhood develope.  My saying that I blame men for the etiology of the beauty pagents is fair and balanced because if you research beauty pagents, you will, I'm sure, find that they are a  male invention--especially the swim suit competitions.  And when I say that beauty pagents, even those starting out for babies, is objectification of human flesh, well, if it wasn't, then why are only beauties considered to win and why is that?  Why do the judges of beauty pagents judge for beauty?  Because we as a society have been programmed to think beautiful people are the best--skinny is good---big boobs good---nice teeth good. 

I'm just saying that whenever we watch TV or read a magazine the female body is so objectified and then we wonder why is it that so much violence is aimed at young women.  If men or boys see women as only boobs and a rearend or long legs and a nice tan well, they are objectified and objects are not deserving of human considerations.  Tons of studies have been done on this very topic.  Google Mulvey...or objectification of women and you will see that it starts with these beauty pagents.  I promise that is what the scholarship says. 

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