Approved Surgery 8/11!!!!!!!!!!!

I found out Monday mid day that I was approved with only one small problem on Friday before that Monday. Aetna needed more details about my 3 month nutritional consultations; Monday, with in hours they called me with the approval. Surgery date 8/11 at 7:00AM. I cried, was terrified, excited all the emotions rolled up in big emotional ball. I have settled down now and am trying to be prepared. Thanks for the support I received here...I have read all the messages and it helped me with a lot of my questions...I am sure i will have more. Sincerely, Nancygp
Congrats! I have a coworker who has tried to get approved through Aetna and been denied a few times (don't know all the details with her, though, although you think she would be approved, considering her BMI, comorbidities, etc., are all worse than mine were pre-op ... but then I had Blue Cross)
Relax and enjoy the ride. It's a wonderful journey.
Relax and enjoy the ride. It's a wonderful journey.
Since I've been busy I just saw your post, but the feelings you are having are a part of the roller coaster ride that WLS is. . . rest assured, most of us have experienced them. So congratulations on getting a date and I'll look forward to hearing all about your journey as it unfolds.
Hugs, Laureen
Since I've been busy I just saw your post, but the feelings you are having are a part of the roller coaster ride that WLS is. . . rest assured, most of us have experienced them. So congratulations on getting a date and I'll look forward to hearing all about your journey as it unfolds.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland