What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Friday
Linda, here is my damage for today.
B - Fage with pumpkin fluff mixed in
L - peel and eat shrimp with Old Bay seasoning
Apple with peanut butter
Zone chocolate protein bar
vanilla almonds, 1 serving
The apple with peanut butter, Zone bar and almonds where things I took to the pool with me today. My daughter and I were there for 6 hours!
Now I have to find something easy with protein and low cal for dinner.

Good to see you!
Linda, yeah I'm retired. Well, I always say I'm retired. I don't get any retirement pay from anyone, and I'm too young for SSI, but I don't work. I quit work in Customer Service 13 years ago to care for a preemie grandson so my daughter and son-in-law could both go back to work (they had both used up all their sick days). I took care of that baby, then the granddaughter that came 2 years later, until she was 4 and he was 6. Then my daughter got transferred 2 hours away. By then my husband had had an accident at work, had major surgery and was on SSI disability and I was taking care of him. Plus, running up to my daughter's at a moments notice if a child was sick and she and my SIL had to work. I worked for a month last year at Christmas and decided that I'd still rather just stay home. So I'm a lady of leisure with no money. But I love it!
The leek soup is one I created myself and it is quite yummy.