lab work
Well, today I'm going back to the doctor and have my blood drawn, which I hate doing. The girl who works in the lab has such a poor technique and since I've lost weight, I'm pretty easy to sticky but my skin is loose and she doesn't stablize my skin and of course when she pushes the needle into my skin it takes a little longer so that pain is a little longer and then she draws too fast and usually bursts at least one maybe two of my veins before she gets her quart. I hate it. If my protein and blood counts are not up, well, they want to do something a little more drastic than me drinking protein shakes. So, keep your fingers crossed that everything will be better. The doctor said it it just shows a slight improvement he thinks we can work from that. So everyone, keep your fingers crossed that all this protein has paid off.

I really hope you have success with this. Not sure what the alternative treatment would be so I'll be anxious for you......
the protein if it is 100% whey isolates that you drink is absorbed 100% that is why the drinks are important. if you dont like one kind try another and another till you find something,
Try Isopure, ready mixed....they taste like sort of weakened koolade.
I went to the doctor, they drew the blood and only one stick. Yeah. Now, they will call me in a day or so and let me know. The alternative for me is that they will give me iv protein in the form of some yucky liquid stuff into my subclavian vein or they will put a gastric feeding tube into the part of the intestine that has been made sort of inactive. I don't want either.

The alternative treatments don't sound great, do they? Thanks for the warning because I suspect that's in my future, too.
I'll keep my fingers crossed your labwork comes out GREAT!