What is New with All of you on Thursday July 17!!!!! It is 12 15AM

Margo M.
on 7/17/08 10:55 am - Elyria, OH
here's a baseball champion whooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Aime B.
on 7/16/08 10:14 pm - Baltimore, MD
I am still alive!!!! Good morning everyone! I have been bogged down in that thing called life. Work, baby, N, baby N, work... seems to be the routine of my days. I have had a few days off from full-time care of N and the baby. My son has been off work this week so they have been staying with him. That does mean I often have to drive over there for whatever is needed. Yesterday, I took N and the baby for her WIC appointment. LP is up to a whopping 12 lbs. 10 ounces. He is eating food 3 times a day. He still hasn't cut those 2 bottom teeth,but he hasn't stoped gnawing on everything in order to help them along. LP has also discovered his feet. He sings to them, yells to them, and grabs his toes. He gets rather frustrated when he wants to suck on his toes and they won't stay in his mouth.
N is in and out of the hospital. She stays home for a few days and then ends up back in for a few days. I try to spend as much time as I can with her when she is in the hospital. I pack up LP and off we go. Apparently, they thought they had a heart for her about a week ago. It was a little too small. Her doc thinks that we will have one within the month. I am awaiting the practice run they have to test your ability to get to the hospital right away. Meanwhile, we deal with home nurses, a constant infusion of heart medication, and learning how to eat salt and sugar free. I have the sugar free part down.
I do get to see my friend at least once a week. He is such a calming element in my life right now. He appeared at my door last night as I finished talking to Carla. That was a ncie surprise.
Thanks everyone for keeping me in mind. Love you all and as always...your love has me humbled.

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Connie D.
on 7/17/08 12:35 am

Aime....it is so good to se you on the board this AM. You my dear are running yourself ragged. I sure hope things get better soon.
I keep N in my prayers that she  gets that new heart and can lead a normal and healthy life. LP seems to be thriving. I can just picture the little toe thing. Babies love their toes!! He is such a blessing!!

Hugs.....connie d
Brenda R.
on 7/17/08 2:10 am - Portage, IN
Aime, you have been so missed. I am glad that you got to post this morning.

I am keeping all of you in my prayers. I pray that N gets her new heart soon and that some of the stress you are under goes bye bye for a while.

LP seems like he is growing like a little weed. I love it when they find new things and they carry on conversations with what ever it is they found. They are so precious and you are blessed to have him and he certainly is blessed to have a special an loving grandma like you.

Take care of yourself and know that you are missed and thought about when you are gone from us. i am sending my love and hugs to you.

BTW~God sent you your special friend because he knew that you were in need of the quiet and gentle times that you two share. I am so glad that he came into your life. Enjoy each calming and happy moment that you can share.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Laureen S.
on 7/17/08 4:45 am - Maple Shade, NJ

My thoughts and prayers are with you and for N's heart to come through and for her to make a complete recovery for LP, your son and also so that you can get some relief from all that running.

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

P.S.  Thank God that your friend is able to give you some support and brings you a measure of calmness. . . we don't always get what we want, but we get what we need. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Margo M.
on 7/17/08 11:01 am - Elyria, OH
i'm just sitting here grinning about LP singing and yelling at his toes!!!a ren't kids-and grands- just teh most wonderful miracle created by God!!!!

and so grateful that you are swimming near the top of teh water! keep your head up sweetie!!love and hugs!

and prayers for N!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 7/16/08 11:06 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Hi all, a lovely Thursday here.  Had a grandson spend the night, and he isn't up yet.  He'll be wanting sausage and eggs when he does.  Then he's gonna weed eat.  His bro mowed for us yesterday.  My DH or I can mow, it's just if we don't get to it soon enough, our DIL sends a boy over to do it.  Not complaining!  It beats one of us getting out in the humidity!  And all I ever have to pay them is a meal (or 2 or 8).  I generally have one of them over for food at least once a day.  And now that summer is here, they generally bring a friend or 2 with them.

When I ask them what they want to eat, they all say "the usual".  Which ranges from sausage, eggs, french toast, pancakes, bacon (for breakfast) to tuna melts, mac and cheese, tomato soup and grilled cheese (for snack or lunch).  They all know they can get a meal at "Gramma's" house!  Well, at least until my DH has his lap band surgery, then I may not have all they junk on hand!  (Who am I kidding, I'll buy it for all of them anyway).

I've been doing "deep cleaning", getting ready for my daughter and 2 grandkids who will be here next month.  I have a tendancy to use the one spare bedroom as a storage room.  Then when she comes I am forced to find places for all that stuff.  Thank G** she comes once a year, or that room would NEVER get cleaned out!  I LOVE company and taking care of everyone!

Grammylew in Jax


Laureen S.
on 7/17/08 4:50 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Sure sounds like "Gramma's" is the house to be at!  Have an enjoyable day with the grands!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 7/16/08 11:10 pm - Galion, OH

hey carla!!!!! morning off family!!!!

when are you coming to see margo?? you won't be that far from me...lol (wish i had the money to meet you there also!!!)

well today its supposed to have a tstorm this morning but then get hot and humid again.....so far the sun is still shinning and they said 9 am for the storm...well its just after 9 now so where is this storm??

rick mentioned a job opening at his machine shop...i might be able to get it soon as the parts come in...he said it pays 11 bucks an hour....ok so i will sweat for that kind of money...lol still no word on any other jobs for me...hopefully today i hear something!!!! i am so bored here all alone til rick gets home...i am eating things i shouldn't and i even talk walks to get out of here away from the food!!!

talked to my sister online yesterday and found out she is taking gary in for extra income and to care for him...wow!!! never thought that would happen...

well just got a call from ricks mom she has an emergency so i have to go to see what i can do to help her....


Connie D.
on 7/17/08 12:49 am
Judy....the right job is coming!!! Hang in there and quit EATING JUNK!!! Hahahahaha!!!

Your sister is taking Gary in for extra income??? Why would your sister want him?? Money or not!!!

Hope Rick's mom's emergency isn't anything too serious!

Love ya sista!!  Hugs, connie d
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