What's New Wednesday, July 16 -- Happy Hump Day!
there is a full moon brewing - can anybody else feel the effects? 
The excitement level is off the charts with all the comings and goings of this birthday week for Melanie. It feels as if I have to schedule a potty break or hop around like a bunny. Although this is fun, I am tired.
I just got home from work, the other Grandma (Sue) is at Mary's house for some 1 -1 time with her grand's, in an hour I'm grabbing Travis and Lindsay for our outing.
It may be a challenge to leave Melanie behind. She is not used to Grandma Sue but IS used to going out with me. Let's hope she doesn't throw a tantrum and make Sue feel sad.
Matthew has cried each time he sees her - oh my! It is hard because he is shy with strangers, since she only visits once or twice a year, she is a stranger to the two little ones. I'm trying to stay in the background but he is slow to warm up to her.
Travis delights in patting me on the head and calling me his "little grandma".
Lindsay has tried on my diamond ring which she "claimed" as her own when she was 3 years old. At 3, she licked the ring and said it belonged to her. Yes, someday she shall have this ring. For now, it lives on my finger.
And away I go -------
We have some serious shopping to complete

The excitement level is off the charts with all the comings and goings of this birthday week for Melanie. It feels as if I have to schedule a potty break or hop around like a bunny. Although this is fun, I am tired.
I just got home from work, the other Grandma (Sue) is at Mary's house for some 1 -1 time with her grand's, in an hour I'm grabbing Travis and Lindsay for our outing.
It may be a challenge to leave Melanie behind. She is not used to Grandma Sue but IS used to going out with me. Let's hope she doesn't throw a tantrum and make Sue feel sad.
Matthew has cried each time he sees her - oh my! It is hard because he is shy with strangers, since she only visits once or twice a year, she is a stranger to the two little ones. I'm trying to stay in the background but he is slow to warm up to her.
Travis delights in patting me on the head and calling me his "little grandma".
Lindsay has tried on my diamond ring which she "claimed" as her own when she was 3 years old. At 3, she licked the ring and said it belonged to her. Yes, someday she shall have this ring. For now, it lives on my finger.
And away I go -------

Annette..you know you may be just gracious when you say that about Grama Sue...that kids don't take to her because they never see her...my son-in-law is always amazed at how their babies are so comfortable with me and I don't get to see them but about 3-4 times a year.......kids know ...they get vibes and they don't have manners so they just go with their vibes....I just laugh and say.."well maybe my voice sounds like Sarah's voice" and he just shakes his head and says "you know even our dog follows you around, it is like you have cat-nip"...I just laughed again and said "my Mother always called it "Kiddy-nip"...I don't think Matthew and Melanie follow you around becuase you see them all the time.....it is because they feel the love you have for them. Kisses, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
You are too sweet to me.
Different grandma's, and different aprroaches - the kids see right through us.
I don't get to see Travis and Lindsay so often but have always made sure they knew me. When they were infants, I asked to talk to them on the phone so my voice was familiar. Each time we get together it feels as if we pick up from our last meeting and treasure our times together. The same holds true with Matthew and Melanie.
Sue is always nervous that she will say or do something wrong. I get right down on the floor and join in their activities. Nothing standoffish about me with the kids or them with me.
Kiddy-nip - I like that description.
Too bad we can't bottle the stuff. Thank you.
So funny - their dogs adore me too. Lindsay calls it "puppy love" as Jasper (their ****a-poo) slobbers me.
You are too sweet to me.

I don't get to see Travis and Lindsay so often but have always made sure they knew me. When they were infants, I asked to talk to them on the phone so my voice was familiar. Each time we get together it feels as if we pick up from our last meeting and treasure our times together. The same holds true with Matthew and Melanie.
Sue is always nervous that she will say or do something wrong. I get right down on the floor and join in their activities. Nothing standoffish about me with the kids or them with me.
Kiddy-nip - I like that description.

So funny - their dogs adore me too. Lindsay calls it "puppy love" as Jasper (their ****a-poo) slobbers me.
hi it's me again- the other shoe fell today -the bad attitude and horrid fighting started again...we're in a reprieve right now --i know it's the meds issue...and he feels worthless...problem is he is also narcissistic (sp????!!!!)) but when he is like this i want to just leave...and i plot it...believe me!
anyhow- it will be ok or i will kill him......oh gosh i hope i don't kill him cuz then it would be pre meditated since i wrote that here!
because of this; i have delayed my granddaughter's two week visit by two weeks- just not right to have her here right now.
anyhow- it will be ok or i will kill him......oh gosh i hope i don't kill him cuz then it would be pre meditated since i wrote that here!
because of this; i have delayed my granddaughter's two week visit by two weeks- just not right to have her here right now.
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White