What's New Wednesday, July 16 -- Happy Hump Day!

Judy G.
on 7/15/08 11:00 pm - Galion, OH

morning everyone!!!

well we over slept this morning!!! rick was 10 minutes late for work!!!! seems the alarm wasn't turned on???? HUMMMMM but i got him to work even if he was late....so far its a cool morning but gonna be a hot one later on!!! next few days are gonna be a hot one!!!

well i still haven't heard anything on the factory job...i did hear back from BJ's tho...the socking job fell through but she did offer me another position that is full time but it has to be posted in the store for others that work there first....but she said she didn't see anyone taking it so it would be mine if that happened. its a supervising the deli area...sounds ok to me...be full time and benefits plus normal working hours. she said she would call me back next week to let me know. i rold her thankyou for the call and i would be waiting to hear from her again. rick said his grandma had that job and she loved it...soooooooo i hope i do to if i get it.

took another look at my rose bushes last night....OMG THEY ARE TURNING GREEN AGAIN!!!!!!! I AM SO THRILLED TO SEE THAT!!!!  can you tell i am excited??? LOL i was so worried about them you just don't know...its my link to spike and it was tearing me apart seeing them so dead looking. so hopefully we will see the beautiful roses soon!!!! jan you are so lucky to have all those beautiful flowers!!! margo i had all kinds of those hostas at the old place...too bad i didn't know you back then i would have sent them to you!!!!

i think bandit is missing his toys.....i did find a few of them and even bought him another ball to play with...he was so full of himself last night running around here like he was on drugs or sometheing...lolhe even tried to take my shoe off!!! he got it untied and then he grabbed hold of the tounge and was shaking the living daylights out of it trying to get it off my foot!!!! i know he misses squirt...they used to chase each other all over the house and play fight...ricks cat sassy still doesn't want him anywhere near her!!!! so i think that is part of his problem...not getting in enough play time like he had before to wear him out!!!! so we are gonna try playing with him more then putting him in the crate and going outside and see what happens then...maybe he just needs to work off that energy he has built up???

margo i am so glad that michael is back home and he is doing well....hope it continues to be calm and happy for you both!!!

karen c i bet your moms place is still beautiful!!! flowers are always a nice touch no matter how many or how few....

saw a deer last night in the backyard and a family of bunnies and in the street the hen turkey was back....the mosquitos are terrible here thats for sure so i sure don't stay outside long when they are out!!!!

well today is laundry day  so i better get it started before it gets to hot to want to do it...hope you all have a wonderful day....


on 7/15/08 11:04 pm, edited 7/15/08 11:05 pm
Good Morning all,

Jan I am jealous of your flower find. My husband has taken our bare desert yucky hot back yard and transformed it into a lovely place for trees and flowers and veggies. He even built his own designed arbor. My mother always says when she comes over "I can't believe this is the same yard, I never thought it would ever look like this!" So, I can relate to you and Karen. I don't do most of the work, but a little. It is our haven sitting on this lovely old fashioned porch he built looking out into the yard. 8 years ago the scrawny trees he planted were just as tall as me, now they are huge and give us shade all day.
Karen, I am jealous of your camping trip! Have fun!
Margo, I am thinging of you...
And, I am thinking of all of you and have enjoyed reading about your day...I just can't remember it all...Oh, yes, Laureen sounds like a very nice day ahead for you.
Me..?I have a test at the eye dr and another day of tring to stay awake. connie may have something there about being anemic. I will have to look into that.
I am still frustrated with no weight loss, but not mystified...I do have extras that peobably keep me in this stall...just have to figure out how to stop and eat only what I need....
this editor crap is getting oon my nerves!
Pat, your avitar certain shows your new beautiful body, but can't see your face, but seeing how slim you are is great!!! good job!

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 7/15/08 11:27 pm - CA

Hi Lauren and Everyone,

Enjoy your day today, Lauren.  Sounds like the perfect balance of work and play.

I'm going into to the office this morning to problem solve.  I've been gone 6 weeks now and the place is a mess.  I'm not looking forward to going back full-time next week.  Yikes.....  I may do half days for a while to ease back into the stress.

Nothing else new for me today.  The weather is warm but not unbearable.  The a/c just kicked on at 6:30 a.m. and it's set at 77 degrees.  Makes it hard to walk in the afternoons so I'll stay with the treadmill.

Margo- keeping you in my thoughts.
Pat- Love the new avatar.  Don't get to see your face but WOW on the skinny body!
Jan- I'm exhausted just thinking about the gardening you're doing.
Judy- Got my fingers crossed on the job.
Susan- Congratulations on finding just the right Nutritionist!  Can't wait to follow the progress.
Marti- Enjoy your clean house.  I need to find a Gisele.....

Hugs and prayers to all who need them.


(deactivated member)
on 7/16/08 12:22 am - Park Forest, IL
Good Morning Laureen and my OFF family,  wow it's 9:15 am here and you all have been so busy and have so many plans for the day...I am jealous. I noticed that you all are so energetic...I need that boost...are you all just normally that energetic or is it a bonus of wls??  Before I got so heavy everyone called me the energizer bunny, but then everything got so hard to do especially after my fracture in the back became unstable 4 years ago.  And now at 40 pounds down I have more energy than before but still get so tired some days.  Maybe because we worked so hard the last few weeks on the bedroom remodel and it's done now.  today I have to finish getting a few things done, my company gets in tomorrow and find some energy to get some exercise, haven't been on my bike in a week, the last time I overdid it. Of course it is supposed to be 93 here today and very humid.  well I am rambling, hope you all have a beautiful day. Hugs, Paulette
Brenda R.
on 7/16/08 1:29 am - Portage, IN
Hello Laureen and everyone!

Today is a ozone action day for Porter county and so I am planning on staying in the house today. They are telling people with asthma to stay put in the house and this one time I am going to do what is suggested. Just this once though!

I am going to have to work on my sermon today. I got the subject but that is it and it has to get done. I wonder if there is a magic sermon fairy out there that is on the way to my house today? If anyone sees her please point her in my direction.

Today is pretty boring as far as I am concerned. Nothing going on and part of me is happy and the other part wants something exciting to happen. I just don't know what is wrong with me today. I am just kind of antsy I guess. I want to do something but just don't know what. I hate those kind of days.

I love the work that Bill has done on our patio area. He has worked so hard and now it is time to reap the rewards. But for some reason things are just not blooming. My petunias are pretty but the foliage with them is turning a icky brownish yellow and they just aren't looking as pretty as they did. I know that he has been giving them water since we haven't really had rain but what is wrong with them? He is out there watering now and I hope that things turn around with them. I love having flowers and plants but I just don't want to do any of the gardening. I have never been one to work in the yard and I don't forsee that changing any time soon. Bill on the other hand loves working out side. He missed cutting the lawn but now he said he doesn't miss it anymore. How time changes things and people. He will still take his trimmer and trim around since the company who does the lawn care just doesn't do it the way that he thinks it should be. He goes up and down and does all the other neighbors trimming too. Oh well, it makes him happy and that is the important thing.

I guess I had better get going. I am sending my love and hugs to everyone. I am keeping all of you in my prayers and special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day today and make super memories!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 7/16/08 1:58 am
Good Morning Laureen and everyone......

I have a busy day ahead myself. I have to meet my boss for a lunch/meeting at noon. I am asking for a raise!!

Laureen ...enjoy your 1/2 day of work and your lunch with Tony. Hope you have a nice meeting later as well.
Jan and Karen....the gardens sound so beautiful. My dad always had the best looking yard for miles. He had a huge flower garden. I remember it so well. I used to spend alot of time in that garden. It was so beautiful and peaceful.
Kathi...good luck at the office problem saolving today!! Don't overdo!
Margo...glad last night went well. I will be praying for a peaceful day for you and for Michael.
Pat...the avatar is awesome eerrrrr you are awesome!!
Susan....wooohoooo a new NUT. I am so happy for you. I pray all goes well with that.
Marti...sounds like you have a gem for a cleaning lady. I do too. I would be lost without her!!
Brenda.....Keep cool! I also have asthma and the temps are in the 90s here as well. High humidity too. I have a meeting to go to today and I will be right back home. Later I am taking my granddaughter to a movie...it is always cold in there!!

Hope everyone has an awesome day. Sounds like everyone is sure keeping busy!

Prayers continue...love and hugs to all......connie d
on 7/16/08 2:44 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Laureen and all,
I am packing today for my trip to Yosemite. It's only a few hours from here- I think it takes about 2 hours to drive to the falls. I'm going with one of my TOPS friends. WE are going to spend the day in the park sightseeing and having a picnic. We are each bringing a few things to eat outside... but we aren't telling each other what we are bringing... I like being surprised! She reserved a motel room for us in a nearby town. I checked it out and it is AWFUL. I hope I can sleep in it. It better not have bugs! I'm sure we will have a good laugh about it. I'm taking my camera! We will be coming home on Friday afternoon. On Friday night my husband and I are going with another couple to see Leon Russell. Saturday is dinner out with a CA OH group and I have a wedding to attend on Sunday. Busy, busy, busy! Happy day to you all!
Eileen Briesch
on 7/16/08 3:00 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Laureen and all my friends:

It's a hot one here today, and now it's clouding up. I got out of work early last night, about the fifth inning of the All-Star game, so I guess I didn't miss much. The American League was down 1-0 at the time, and the game wound up in extra innings (16 if I remember) ... it went on til after 1:30 a.m. I went to bed about midnight or so so I wouldn't eat anymore and watched the rest of the game in bed. I was tired and thought I'd doze off ... but I didn'****ched the whole thing. The AL won 4-3 finally.

I had to get up for an appointment at the allergist; met with his nurse practitioner today instead of the doc. That was fine, though. She was very nice. My allergies haven't bothered me too much, but I guess that's because my drugs are working. She gave me samples of some eye drops because the only thing really bothering me now is my eyes are itchy. So we'll try these and then she gave me prescriptions for whatever works best.

I was going to go grocery shopping afterward at this Meijer that I like nearby, but by the time I got out it was nearly noon, so I decided against that. Just came home instead, made a cup of coffee in my Keurig brewer and went online, spent the time catching up with my friends.

Jan, I love reading about your gardening exploits ... it's something I can't do (no place here at the condo ... and I can't do it with my knees anyway ... I'd love to have a veggie garden). Karen, not much on camping, but I love to explore around water. Pat, your new photo is very nice but we need to see your face, and yes, you have a beautiful face (this is from someone who has seen her face in person!) You look so wonderful! I was going through my closet and found a couple of size large tees ... they're a little big on me, but I'll bet they fit you. Margo, I'm so glad things have settled with Michael. It's hard when the one you love has problems; I learned that from Margie. I know she loved Wally despite his issues and the pain he sometimes caused her (like when he told her he should get the kidney transplant first because he was the man, even though she had been on the list longer and needed it more). She put up with a lot of hurtful comments like that and still loved him.

Well, otherwise, not much new here. Just work tonight, paycheck tomorrow (not as big as last week, but could this be the week I get my extra money from the bankruptcy court?)

This is a banner week ... it's Wednesday and I have money in my wallet and in my checking account. Can't believe it, but it's true. And I haven't bounced a check all week. Wow, it's amazing. And folks, I haven't bought anything from QVC in two months, maybe more, I've lost track. Not that I haven'****ched it or wanted to buy something (I have ordered things, but then didn't send in the money, so I'm not perfect).

Well, hope everyone has a good day. Off to find some lunch.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 7/16/08 5:16 am - Manteca, CA
I'm so proud of you Eileen! I know how hard it is to not buy "stuff" you don't need and can't afford! I'm working on my buying too. One thing I do now is I shop online but then don't finish the transactions. It's like windowshopping.
Eileen Briesch
on 7/16/08 7:46 am - Evansville, IN
I do that with QVC ... I order them and say I'll pay them by check. Then, if I really want them and have extra money after I've paid necessities, I'll buy it. So far, I haven't bought anything. Doesn't mean I haven't wanted to. Just no extra money. Not even for the shoes I need because my shoes are now too big since I got the new orthotics (I only really have one pair of shoes, my New Balance shoes, and unfortunately, they cost nearly $100 ... I can't buy cheap shoes because I have bad feet!). And I need new glasses too. Maybe one of those extras will get taken care of this week. Thanks for the compliment, Julia.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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