What's New Wednesday, July 16 -- Happy Hump Day!

Pat R.
on 7/15/08 8:45 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning all.....woke up at 5:45 and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am, drinking my carmel truffle decaf and reading the posts.

Laureen, hope you have a lovely day with Tony and a good meeting at Barix.

Jan - you have more energy than I do, Girl! Altho' if I were closer I would be glad to take some of those plants off your hands....have space in my perinnial garden to fill up.

Karen, have a wonderful time on your little trip. Taking a dip in that mountain lake sounds good today, when it's going to be in the 90's here.

Margo, Margo, I'm so glad Michael is home and you know I am still keeping you in my prayers.....Yeah, I was wondering about Aime, too?

Took the med for the gout yesterday and got on the scale this morning and gained 2 lbs.....has to be water wt. as I was really good with my eating and even rode the bike
almost five miles. The ankle feels pretty good today so I will not take any more of the medicine and see how it goes.

Off to the pool in a few minutes, I'm sure it's going to feel good this morning as we're in for a HOT spell the next few days.

Hope you all like my new avatar -- thanks to Jan S. for putting it on for me. It was taken at the Hog Roast last
Saturday evening.

Sending Cyber hugs to everyone,
Pat R.


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Margo M.
on 7/15/08 8:53 pm - Elyria, OH
pat !! i love it!! only problem-and i think this of annettte's too--can't see your face!!!!! with the whole body your face is too tiny!!!!

(**** look who's talking with the elsie the cow avatar!!!!hehe!!!!!!)

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Brenda R.
on 7/16/08 1:08 am - Portage, IN
Pat I love the new avatar. It is fantastic looking. But! I am with Margo moo moo on the not seeing the face as well. Your face is way to beautiful to not be able to see it so well! But boy do you look marvelous darling!!! Do I sound like a Gabor sister?

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Pat R.
on 7/16/08 1:28 am - Sturgis, MI
Yes Dharling, you do sound like a Gabor!!!
Thanks for the compliment, I just had to show off my new "slimmer" bod! I think my face is ugly, but you can see a newer face pic on my profile.

Thanks again girl friend.....makes me feel "good".

Love ya!


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Connie D.
on 7/16/08 1:30 am

Pat....you beautiful little gal you!! 
You look wonderful...WOOOOHOOOO!!!

Love and hugs....connie d
Mickey S
on 7/15/08 9:33 pm - KS
Good morning to everybody!
I find if I don't take a little time and respond in the morning, I never get a chance.
Sounds like everybody is pretty busy.  I sure am having a hard time getting up in the morning and I even went to bed early last night.  Maybe I am getting too much sleep.  I feel better in the morning when I don't sleep as long.
It is going to be warm here today, in the 90's but actually that is my kind of weather.   It is so cold at work (I wear a jacket most of the time).  Actually, I ended up buying me a little heater to warm up my area.  Don't use it a lot but when I can't get the chill of it comes on.
Two women in our office, one of them being my cell mate made a big to do awhile back about how hot they were. So, now everybody else has to walk around with sweaters on. People come back to our area and say it feels like a meat locker back here. HA
Well, tonight our grandson plays his championship game.  It will be interesting. Can't wait to watch it and I hope they win but if they don't they still did a good job this year.
Jan, I bet your yard looks wonderful.  But all I can think of is standing out there watering everything. But maybe you have some kind of watering system.  I like flowers and have a few around my house but I don't like the water bill.  This year we downsized on the planting.
Karen I bet your mom's yard was beautiful.  And it is so great that the lady who bought it is taking good care of it. 
I have a lilac bush that has been transplanted every time we move. It came from my mom and dad's yard and I would rather take it with me and take a chance of it dying, then leave it and have them cut it down.  It has survived quite a bit.  The only thing this year there were no blooms.
Well better get ready for work.

Take care,


on 7/15/08 9:37 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Laureen and my friends,

Laureen, sounds like a great day ahead for you. Any day that involves working 1/2 and playing the other is a good one  LOL

Jan, you worked so hard to get those plants OUT, but now you have to plant them!  You go girl!

Miss Margo, my prayers go out for you to have continued patience during this trouble Michael time.  You're a strong caring woman and he's dang lucky to have you.

I get to be lazy for an extra hour this morning. Don't have to be at wor****il 10:00, and it's an easy day too. Not much money, but I so enjoy the people I work with it doesn't get me down.

Finally, finally, I've found a new Nut!  This is very good news since she was the original bariactric nutritional person here in AR.  She's at a regional medical center about 40 miles away, but I think it will be well worth the trip.  She does the MedGem test which  tests your resting metobolic rate which tells you how many calories a day you need to maintain your weight. She also analyzes your current diet (taking in food logs) and then gives you nutritional counseling. All this for $100!  I'll keep you all posted....appt not until the second week of August though.

Well, gotta go put some color on this hair and fix Gary's lunch. Everyone have a dandy day!




on 7/15/08 9:40 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Laureen and everyone,
It is 727 and I am up getting ready for work.
Laureen have a great time with Tony this afternoon.
It looks like rain today so I dont think we are going to be to busy.
Still dont have the results of the Ultrasound on my thyroid. I guess Ill call today.
Well of to get ready.
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Marti O.
on 7/15/08 10:32 pm, edited 7/15/08 10:35 pm

Good Morning Laureen......sounds like a fun day.....I have not been on a Ferry for years.....or a train.....both sound like fun......especially the lunch with Tony part.

It is going to be hot and humid today here in Madison, but I will most likely be inside all day working, except for the letting in of the plumber to one house, letting into another house of the electrician.....and running to the office to e-mail documents.

My cleaning lady, Gisela, comes today and this afternoon we are going to clean my pantry and my guest room closet and bookshelf.....I think I will make a big batch of iced coffee for us...she loves that. I will pick up a sweet pastry for her on one of my trips out. She is German and loves her sweet treat with her coffee in the afternoon. She always stays for dinner with us and we have a drink and watch a movie. I love her, she is like part of the family. She knows where everything is in my house and always helps out at parties. She cleans for 4 other families, but she has been with me for almost 25 years.

I guess I need to also go shoping today. I need to find a pair of shorts that cover my knees and actually fit me [ I hate my scars from the knee replacements] and a cool cotton, dare I say sleeveless top [I have one very skinny arm and one "regular" arm, so I never wear sleeveless. It is from my bone cancer surgery and even though I am very grateful that I am alive, the difference in my arms bother me] I am playing in a company golf outing on Friday. I am sure it will be fun as three good girlfriends are the other part of my foursome. It is supposed to be hot and humid on Friday also.

Have a great day girlfriends.....Love ya, Marti
ps Pat and Annette , I am with Margo, I love to see your faces, and Connie your Avatar is a little dark, I can not see beautiful you very well. Pat you look amazing....xxoo

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 7/15/08 10:56 pm

Today, I'm going to clean my house.  I've got a mess going on and when I have a mess, I can't stay focused.  So, the kids toys and their little sleeping bags that have been in the living room since the weekend are going to be put back up.  Also, I'm going to start preparing for my fall classes, so I need to go pick up the books.  While I love teaching college classes, there is a lot of preparation just for the first day. LOL 


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