Welcome From Florida, The Tuesday Connection July 15th

Judy G.
on 7/15/08 3:42 am - Galion, OH

thanks brenda....i know he is trying to get used to his new home but its getting old now with his barking and whinning all the time i leave or even rick leaves...i can't even go to the bathroom without him there with me...gezzz he gets tons of affection from everyone here too...its not like he is alone for ever....he even goes for walks with rick's step dad jerry....he can't be with ginger (rick's mom's dog) because she is so protective over her food dish and if bandit gets to close all hell breaks out...lol

but thanks again for tryng to help out!!


Margo M.
on 7/15/08 3:20 am - Elyria, OH

judy; the job sounds positive if they already did the drug test!!! usually they don't want to pay for that if they aren't somewhat serious! your butt could get used to it and probly you could stand for short times to change up the situation--take a kitchen chair cushion for goodness ' sake!! sounds good!!!!

bandit-as brenda said- is not adjusted yet - and you are his world---don't  forget he was there for you thru the gary thing.....give him love and positive attention--however- when he does stuff that is naughty he needs to know that too.... he will adjust...hang in there!

probly that deer wanted fed!

rose bushes-i would wait to pull them out-jeanb can offer better advice but i think they are in shock from being moved...did you give them lotsof water and love when you replanted?? maybe some fertilizer without overdoing it?


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Judy G.
on 7/15/08 3:50 am - Galion, OH

hey margo...thanks for the input on the pillow but not sure i can take one there...have to wait and see what happens....

as for bandit...well he should be used to this new place by now its been almost a month that we have been here for gosh sakes....i know he is still here for me when i need him and he will always be here for me no matter what...i am here for him too but its getting old his carrying on like he is!!!!

that one buck is getting closer and closer tous everytime we see him...makes me wonder if he was hand raised and turned out on his own??

yes we gave them lots of water and also put some fertilizer on them when we transplanted them...jerry has been babying them everyday since we planted them here. i hope they come back next year because they are so pretty!!!! it kills me to see them like this now...they were in full bloom before we dug them up and now this...so sad!!

you hang in there too margo..you are going through some tough stuff right now and its not gonna get better anytime soon....my heart goes out to you!!


on 7/15/08 12:17 am - CA

Hi Carla and Everyone!

Thanks for the thoughts today, Carla.  Much appreciated.  I'm determined to get protein from food for these two weeks and see if my labs improve.  I got LOTS of GREAT advice on my separate post and appreciate all the input.

I had two people I know have dogs who died over the weekend.  Such a sad time when a family loses a pet.  One dog was 18 years old.  Truly amazing.

Otherwise, my only news is in my separate post so I won't bore anyone with the gruesome details. Today is a brand new day and the FIRST day of the rest of our lives.  Live to the fullest.



Marti O.
on 7/15/08 12:46 am, edited 7/15/08 12:49 am

Good Morning Carla...

oops font too big...I hear you, Cheryl,  this is a little crazy sometimes I have to change "editor"...[this is 8pt...seems big for that]

ANYWAY...it is a glorious morning here in Madison. I have already been out for my cappachino. Lady at the coffee shop wants me to send home information to her brother in California so she can convince him to move here.....I have already been on my computer and phone, done an amendment and a notice and sent those out. I need to talk to an attorney about a client and something on the title work....yuck phone phone phone...sometimes drives me nuts.

I decided yesterday that I would sit outside and get some Vitamin D and sunshine and got too involved in my book...Body Surfing" by Anita Shreve [excellent book, I Had to fini**** last night] ...anyway I got a sunburn on my left ear....that is so wierd, but it really bothers me. I am constantly touching it.The wind was blowing so I also think I burned some of my scalp...no burns any other place....wierd.

I also just read another super good book "A Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion....an incredible look at the death of her husband by a heart attack while eating dinner and while her daughter was in a coma in the hospital at Christmas. She is an excellent writer and she and her husband were both writers and wealthy and lived in New York and California and Hawaii...it displays what a common denominator death is, but she is able to write about it so beautifully and describe feelings that many of us are not able to describe...even to ourselves.

Carla....it sure seems like your move to Florida was just the right thing for you.

Margo, honey....you sure are struggling.....are you taking an antidepressant? You know what you are going through is a form of spousal abuse.....it is hard for us to admit it even when it is happening, that we are allowing it to happen.....even when it is "only" verbal abuse. I wish you were able to talk with a professional about this, if not perhaps a group support. I am n ot sure what is avaiable to you and perhaps someone else could tell you. I do know that AA has a group for spouses who have become "enablers". Perhaps Narcotics Annymous? Michael seems like his whole life is about himself, his pain, his health, his drugs.....just a thought honey. I do know that frequently abusers are often motivated by feelings of powerlessness and insecurity....and I think that Michael probably feels this way.

Spousal abusers all give the message to their victim that she is responsible for his behaviors, she is the failure. Unfortuantely victims of abuse eventually come to believe that they are powerless and objects of shame. If they were just perfect, everything would be fine.

Keep thinkin' the good thoughts...Love, Marti




"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Laureen S.
on 7/15/08 4:38 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Hi Marti,

No one else has mentioned the font thing, but today I'm having the same problem. . .  have to use #2 and change font size, the one you used today, is coming up the smallest and hurts my eyes, so I can't read it, it would be nice if they created a way to lock the font size specific to one's choice. . .  oh well, have a great day!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 7/15/08 1:21 am

Good Morning Carla and Everyone.....

Work as usual today. I also have my dental appointment at 2:00PM. I will be courious to see if the change in diet has caused any problems with my teeth.

My granddaughter, Kyleigh, loves the chinese buffet by my house. I took her there and drank water and chatted with her while she ate. Then I came home and ate my dinner. I wasn't going to pay those prices for the little I can eat!! We had a good time. Tonight we are going over to my girlfriends to go swimming. Probably rent a movie or maybe go to one.

Margo.....I know things are hard for you right now. I pray you can find the strength you need to cope with all of this with Michael,I pray for Michael to find peace and contentment. God Bless you both!

Judy...you sound so happy and I am sooooo happy for you!! Good luck on the possible new job...I pray you will get it!! You will have to find a little pillow to take along to sit on. I drag on with me all the time!! Bandit is just scared. New surroundings and new people. He is just afraid you will go and not come back. The poor baby!!

Sounds like everyone else is doing okay. I best get back to work!

Prayers to those in need...and all the rest of you too.

Love and hugs to all....connie d



Judy G.
on 7/15/08 4:05 am - Galion, OH

hey connie....yes i am so very happy here in my new life!!! i get lonesome for family but i am not that lonesome to go back just yet to visit them!!! my mom and sister were the only ones that came to say bye when i left!!! my younger brother joe never even called me...my older brother said i was an idiot...sooooo why bother going back home again??? might go back next holiday not sure....family never did anything for holidays anyhow....here there is always something going on...i get that job i will be even happier!!! not sure if i cvan take a pillow there or not but will find out!!! as for bandit....he should be used to his new home by now...i thinkhe is just spoiled beyond spoiled!!! everyone thinks he is so cute they baby him all the time whenhe wimpers...soooooin time i know he will settle down but dang he makes me so upset when he does this and i feel guilty for it....

i miss our emails connie...wish ricks would do them but it seems they make his pc crash and we don't know why!!!! so PM from oh works well if you want to chat....hope nik is doing better...miss getting his updates on his bridge thing....tell him i think of him often and hope he gets better soon!!!


ps you look great in new pic!!!! WOW

Connie D.
on 7/15/08 7:30 am

Judy...it is always good catching up woith you too. I guess I should quit sending you emails until further notice. Hope you get your computer up and running soon. You must have dozens from me by now!!

I will keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that you get that job!! Let me know how it goes. The right job is there just waiting for you....this could be it!

Bandit...spoiled...no way.....lol l!!! He sure is a cutie!

Hopefully you and Rick will have your own place soon. That will be good for you , rick, and Bandit!!  I wioll keep the prayers coming!

Thanks for the nice compliment about my avatar!

Hugs sweetie......connie d
Brenda R.
on 7/15/08 1:26 am - Portage, IN

Good morning all my OFF family. I am so glad to be here.

I didn't think that I would be able to post since it wouldn't let me. I thought to myself that maybe if I played with the editor thing (whatever that is) and so I tried the editor #2 and low and behold it worked!!! I guess it did since my computer hasn't blown up or anything. The OH site is still here so I did something new on the computer and it worked! That is a first I think.

I am planning on staying home today. I am going to work on my Sunday service and see how far I can get on that. I have my readings and the topic so that is a plus. I am going to do the sermon on forgiveness and extending that mercy to others. I hope that it continues to fall into place like it has so far.

It is going to be hot all week. The channel 2 weatherman said that it is going to be the hottest week of summer so far. It is going to be in the high 80's and low 90's but the humidity is going to awful. I just can't take the humidity. I can take the heat better now but not that humidity. I just can't breathe in it. It must be the asthma that is acting up. I have it but it doesn't seem to bother me to much.

I better get going. I guess I have a lot of nothing to do! lol I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers going up too. Special ones being said for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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