Welcome From Florida, The Tuesday Connection July 15th

on 7/15/08 2:47 am

Hey Carla,

Today, I’m going to do some tutoring for the athletic department.   I wasn’t going to work between summer I and fall, but I don’t like staying home and doing nothing.  Since I don’t work the yard, and I don’t do a lot of other things, I thought why not tutor; plus, they pay really well. 

I have such a hard time getting in my protein and the protein that I eat doesn’t get absorbed.   The specialist that I’m seeing said that, for me anyway, I am only absorbing about 1/8th of the protein that I eat.  I chew and chew and eat and eat and was dying, so they have me drinking the protein drink and supplementing with real food.  The doctor said that this happens to only a very few of the wls patients, and when it happens, it can be life threatening, so I am working to bring up my protein levels and think I’m doing a good job. 

Margo, girl I’m so sorry that this is happening to you.  It is hard to be a good wife when the hubby is well, but I can’t imagine what it must be like when there are so many problems.  I can only admire you for sticking with him.  I think I’d do the same for my hubby because of the commitment, but it would be hard.  Be really good to yourself over the next few days. 

I hope everyone has a good day.

(deactivated member)
on 7/15/08 3:02 am - Park Forest, IL
wow Carla, you were up early! I'm still working on finishing up some things before my SIL gets here on thursday. Putting away all my new to me clothes, can't wait to wear them all,, of course in the meantime I'm going through my clothes to take out the ones that are too loose. Before I would have kept them just in case......not now...I'm never going back and not going to keep something just because it fits or may need it later!  whoo hoo!!!  Feels good!  I hope everyone has a great day! Hugs, paulette
Eileen Briesch
on 7/15/08 3:11 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and everyone:

I am being very lazy this morning ... well, it's afternoon here already.

As for protein, I only use one protein drink, and that's for breakfast, it's AchievOne Latte ... 20 g of protein, 120 calories and caffeine ... the perfect breakfast! I love 'em! I was never a big breakfast eater pre-WLS ... I had to have my coffee first, and then eat. Well, post-op, I was told to eat first, and then wait 45 minutes to have coffee. Didn't like that, plus I don't think well in the morning, plus I'm lazy and don't want to prepare breakfast. So when I found these drinks, I thought, this is perfect for me. Otherwise, I eat food to get my protein. I do use the AnyWhey protein for baking ... found several recipes for quick breads and muffins that work well (zucchini bread, blueberry and apple muffins, etc.) I only eat three meals a day and a snack, or at least I try to do that, because as my nutritionist said, that's what normal people do. That's what she wanted us to do post-op when we got to three months out. Because when we were obese, we snacked and grazed, and that's how we got to be obese. So I try not to snack or eat meals in between meals too much. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm not perfect.

We had a rough night at work last night. I had the business page done and then my boss e-mailed me and said the General Motors story had more details and should be the top story. So I had to rip up my cover and change it, and change the second page drastically. Plus, we had a late story (shouldn't have been late, but the reporter didn't think it was needed until today) so we had to wait around for that. So we could have been out of there by 11 and ended up getting out of there by 12:30. Not that it was really late, but it seemed late. And considering my shoulder was still bothering me, I was uncomfortable all night ... back, shoulder, knee. Still hurt early this morning when the alarm went off to go to ceramics, so I shut it off and didn't go. I do feel better now ... but I slept til 11 with Scooter curled up inside my arm. I think a little kitty loving helped (although my knee still hurts, but my shoulder is better).

Here's my cat calendar quote for the day: "My cat does not talk as respectfully to me as I do to her." -- Colette

Annette, does that sound like any of your cats? It reminds me of my dear departed cat, Kittle.

Anyway, have a good day. I'm going solo tonight, as my night partner, Kim, is apparently sick today.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 7/15/08 5:52 am - ithaca, NY

Ha ha - mine are all arrogant, rude and demanding. Never a 'please' or 'thank you'. Shall we blame Nature or Nurture?
Thanks for the chuckle
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 7/15/08 3:38 am - Elyria, OH

coming here to all of you fo rthe love and concern and nudges gentle or otherwise...i appreciate each of you!!!!and love each of you!

talked to m on the way to work- he was quieter but not a happy camper. felt the duty to call him.

ok- so - my routine every day after work is to call him to talk on my way home - do we need anything etc to get a feel for the "tude of the day...(no we do NOT talk all the way home!) so today i sat in the car in the parking lot at work and called  his phone knowing i would get vm and undivided attention--i called the cell before i actually called him--that way what i had to say would not be tainted in any way....and i reinforced my love-and concerns - and the part about being an ass and a jerk and that we need to work on this ....then i called him- he is onto soft foods but was waiting for lunch. his doc hadn't been around yet but the student nurse (poorgirl!) was working hard to help him--i'm sure she'll have stories when she gets home tonite! (side note : she wants to go to hawaii when she is done with school so that gave them something to talk about and if you can keep him on a subject like that he is ok for awhile!)--so- he is in somewaht better spirits but not great and we talked honestly about some of the issue...and we agreed taht we will talk at 4 pm (if not before with news of coming home). so--

i have gotten the mail and read emails and read threads and am going to call my mother cuz i promised and then roxie and i are going to try to take a nap--sunshine burning but i don't care cuz i think i need this quiet time......

he'll get the vm in a day or two when he is home and he will hear the pain in my voice and i hope it sinks in that he needs to try to help the situation.

anyhow- that's what's new at 137 pm  and i am going to nappypoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hugs and love and prayers ......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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