Welcome From Florida, The Tuesday Connection July 15th

Karen S.
on 7/15/08 3:29 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha sister in trouble........Margo......you are a woman with challenges one right after the other, and I admire your stamina, determination and LOVE. LOVE is what you must have to go through what you are going through and to hang in there through the tough times with Michael. I know it isn't easy, but remembering the reasons you married him, and pulling up the happy memories can sometimes help get through yet another hurdle. Again, I wish I had a magic wand I could wave and make your life smooth, easy and happy every day.

I'm so glad you come in and share your life's experiences with us. There is so much wisdom and support in this room. It's like a big therapy session, or gabfest between sisters who share a lot in common.

You are loved,

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
annette R.
on 7/15/08 5:45 am - ithaca, NY
Just a quicky 2 cents worth from me - We are here and love you very much.  
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Mickey S
on 7/14/08 9:33 pm - KS

Good morning everybody!  Don't get shocked, I am actually writing in the morning!

Carla, I am not sure how much protein I am getting.  Not good with measuring and trying to figure out what all the different counts are.  My labs turn out okay, so I must be doing okay.  I am having trouble finding something to eat for breakfast.  Can't do that egg, bacon, sausage stuff.I have been eating the Weight Control oatmeal. It has 7 grams of protein.  But some mornings have trouble getting it down.  I bought some Kashi cereal yesterday (13 grams of protein).  It wasn't bad. Mid morning I have pineapple with cottage cheese.

Well, my grandson's baseball team is doing really good this year in their tournament.  They haven't lost a game yet.  The games were rained out Saturday, so they are having to make them up in the evenings.  They play again Wednesday night for the final championship. I hope they win, but if they don't, they have gone further than they ever have.  Which is an accomplishment.

Margo, sorry so much is going on with you and Michael.  I know it has to be really hard.  My prayers and thoughts are with you.


Well, better get ready for work.  Just wanted to check in.




on 7/15/08 2:29 am

 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*   Ohhhh   Boy,  Good Luck with the baseball tournament.  I remember well the anxiety of waiting and watching as my boys played.  It's so great to watch our children's children play in sports or in a school play or function.  How exciting....   ENJOY  ENJOY  ENJOY    Millie

on 7/14/08 10:11 pm


I just realized that I responded to you the other day, and alled you Debbie!! I 'm sorry! I was talking about scrapbooking and the cricut. Please pardon me for mixing up you and Debbie!!


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 7/14/08 10:27 pm

Hi Carla and all,

Well it looks like this OH thing is not working again and replying is a pain in the butt this am.

Not much new here. Yesterday I had the worst time at work trying to stay awake! I had tons of protein and good for me carbs but my eyes needed toothpicks to stay open. I don't know what to do when that happens. I am still not gettig enough sleep but I do exercise. The sleep thing is something that I have not been able to get a good result out of no matter what I try. Last night I got almost 6 hours and for me that is a huge amount. I dread trying to keep my eyes open all day. It's not due to being bored that's for sure! I try all of the tricks, getting up and walking around, water, stretching, even have a little fan blow on the back of my neck....coffee does nothing...

Got my thin pitiful hair cut yesterday. I was going to go really short and then spike it but it reminded me of the horrible boss I had at my last job, and I thought Man, I can't wake up every morning and have to look at that! My husband was relieved when he saw my do as he was thinking the same thing...he couldn't stand my boss either.

Margo, I am so sorry you are having to deal with all of that again.

Well, gotta go walk on the ole treadmill and then see if I can get my hair like she had it.

Have a good day all...






We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Connie D.
on 7/15/08 1:02 am


Cheryl could you be anemic???

Hugs, connie d

Laureen S.
on 7/14/08 11:01 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Carla & OFF Family!

Nice to see you starting the thread this morning, so many of you have sleep problems and I remember my cousin did too, I had them at one time, but that was before my hysterectomy, almost 3 years ago and most of the time I don't have that problem anymore, but then again, I only get 5 to 6 hours most nights and that seems to be good enough, sometimes on a rainy weekend, I get 7 or 8, all I know is that with less than 5 hours sleep, I am like a mad bear woken from hybernation!

As for protein, I've been lucky there too, almost from the beginning I was able to get in the amount my surgeon suggested, which was 73 grams and most days I got closer to 90, sometimes it took creativity, especially in the early days, or supplementing with one of the higher protein shakes once a day, but I managed to meet my goals and the only time I use supplements is when I am really on the run, during the work week, I plan and pack my food for work, string cheese is a wonderful on the run grab and go, wrap it with a piece of low sodium, low fat coldcut and you get about 12 grams of protein and I use Fitday.com as a way to keep a record of my protein, carbs and fats and having done that, it familiarized me with how much I am taking in when I don't have access to a computer, it takes time to customize, via adding things that aren't on there, but once in the system, it's easy access. . .  anyway, just my two cents worth on protein and measuring.

I'm here at my work station and obviously, not too busy, boss is away on vacation and things are quiet here, so I will amuse myself whatever way I can today and tonight is an AA meeting night.

Hope you all have a good day!

Prayers, hugs and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 7/14/08 11:39 pm - Galion, OH

morning carla and off family!!!

well yesterday i had my interview and also had drug testing done and also written testing done and i passed with flying colors...they will be turning in my app to this company just around the corner from me and i should know in a day or so if i am hired....its full time work starting pay is $9.75 an hour plus benefits!!!! but it will be 3rd shift...50-55 hours per week also!!! wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now the kicker...will i be kept on for permanant employment?? this job is working in the ceramics department...i will be cleaning the excess off the ceramic molds they make...its a sit down job and also will my butt be able to take sitting for all those hours??? the padding is gone from that area...lol it sounds very interesting to me to be doing this...its parts for airplanes they said so we shall see when i get there...IF i get there that is....but it sounds like i will be getting it...not counting my chickens just yet...lol still haven't heard from any of the other places yet that said after the 14th....so its the 15th already lol i am anxious for a job ya know....sighs...

bandit is being a bad boy again....always barking and whining when i am out of sight....if i am out of the room he is on the bar and knocking things down off it!!! when we go away and he can't go with us i have to lock him up in his crate in the garage so others can be in peace here....why does he do this??? he can't go all the time when i leave....i have never had a dog act like this when i am gone....any help would be greatly appreciated here!!!

went for our morning walk and we saw a turkey this morning!!! it was a hen and didn't really go far from us...last night rick was out there and he said this big buck came right by him...not even a snort or stomping of the feet...wild animals??? yeah right...lol i told rick that i bet this buck was the same one i saw the other day when it came towards me like it was tame...i wasn't sure if he was gonna attack me or what lol lots of bunnies out there this morning also...guess the coyotes are gone for now.

my rose bushes are not doing well since the move here and being transplanted...all the green leaves are brown and they look dead....will they come back next year??? HELP from any of you gardners???

well its time for me to get cleaned up and think of what to take to rick for his lunch today...lol would he be surprised if i took him some cottage cheese...lmao he would not be a happy camper at all...he hates cottage cheese lol guess i will make him a nice meat sandwich and some cookies...hummmmm well off to make myself pretty for him....have a great day and remember to smile..it makes people wonder what you've been up to!!!!



Brenda R.
on 7/15/08 1:31 am - Portage, IN
Judy, personally I think that Bandit is trying to get use to his new environment. It is all new to him and he wants to stay close to you since you are the only person/object that is a part of what he knows. I feel sorry for the poor little thing. He is scared and his actions are the only way that he has to express it to you. He is trying to let you know that he needs you because you are the one stable thing in his life right now. Bear patiently and he will come around but it is going to take him time. Bless his little heart. Just love him and show him a lot of affection. He needs the reassurance that only you can give him.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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