Welcome From Florida, The Tuesday Connection July 15th

on 7/14/08 6:36 pm - Bradenton, FL

Well it is 4am and I cant sleep. I am thinking of how my day is going to go. I have our Corporate Boss comming in From Maine today. She is comming down to meet all the new employees!!!!! Should be interesting!!!!!

I am thinking about Kathikins today getting in her protien. HMMMMM I get all my protien from my food. I dont do the protien shakes. Everything I eat has some kind of protien in it. Not sure if I am getting enough, but the labs are comming back sort of ok. I had my labs done a few weeks ago and my protien was sort of low normal. I do eat a lot of Deli meat and cheese sticks. Turkey, Chicken, Roast beef that sort of things. I do like salmon, Talapia, Perch, Tuna Egg Salad.

I do try to eat 6 times a day but that sometimes doesnt pan out.

Remember Life is like a Scrapbook, Enjoy the layout!!!!! My thought for the day.


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annette R.
on 7/14/08 8:07 pm - ithaca, NY

Good morning Carla and all,

Carla - that's a good thought for today. smile

I called my PCP and told his nurse about the painful symptoms from the Fosomax. He switched me to Actonel. a different once a week med. I looked it up before getting the Rx. The side effects look to be similar but I will give it a try.

The study on this was interesting. It showed that people taking the placebo has similar and in many case MORE side effects than folks taking the actual med. I will try to be optimistic that this one will agree with me.

For the first year following WLS we took my measurements monthly. Yesterday I got out my beloved tape measure again. Words fail me - I was shocked at the beginning numbers. MASSIVE best describes my previous size. I posted the numbers on my profile, in case you are curious.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 7/15/08 2:19 am

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  w o w     *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

How amazing is that ! ! ! ! !  It's hard to digest the difference in measurements from the beginning until now.....  Way to go.  Millie   PS  I love the pix of the birdhouse..

Margo M.
on 7/14/08 8:26 pm - Elyria, OH

morning! once i got to bed i was ok -but the last hour before bed was nasty- and it scares me cuz it's a precursor of today and tonite and probly tomorrow with michael....i have seen this enough to know that there is a pattern and it scared me sunday from the hospital but i was NOT prepared for it to start last nite; quick version: when we talked at 6 pm he was in decent spirits--he calls at about 10 from the hospital and is extremely aggitated in voice- it's about meds and his drs and this time he now has no primary care cuz he po'd the head of their group...the words got twisted but the end result is the same that he doesn't care for "our" primary of the 3 docs in the group( the man (doc)is extremely diff to understand and doesn't listen) so the senior doc * who michael wishes were our doc)takes it as michael is refusing their care..ouch! ok that's bad but the worse part is that the surgeon  takes him from morphine to 1 (he takes 2 at home) vicodin ev 4 hours and no bedtime meds (requip and sleeping pill). now. michael has mucho probs sleeping as it is and so this did not help...he was wound and he started on me about not being able to reach me ( i carried the phone ALL day-(it's even in my jammie pocket right now)when we spoke at 10 my battery was going and so i plugged in  in the bedroom-left the phone there and came back here-when he called again i didn't hear it so he called on his phone and laid into me)...he is now wound up about docs and the poor care at this hospital and has no clue that it is his body and it's dependency on the pain meds ...and he will get nastier before he gets better...add to this he has had none of his regular meds (BP/prozac /atavan,etc) since saturday now)...ok- so -it aggitates me and makes me wanna run away and i am looking at a possible bad scenario at work about something unrelated to michael and i just am ready -or was when i went to bed-ready to burst! this "personlaity disorder" and somewhat "anti-social behavior" (in the clinical sense) is simply chemical induced and is so outta my control yet i will be the one who has to deal with it. after his shoulder surgery in june i walked out of his hospital room when he started and threatened to leave him there! he becomes a total ass and a jerk and he doesn't realize it or understand it....and i just do not know that i have this in me one more time......i have prayed on this and will continue to do so. {janet; bob did you and himself a favor...you know what i speakof ,sweetsister!}

thanks for listening.

marti asked the other day what has improved simce wls--yesterday i did 5 loads of laundry in succession and carried 4 of them out to the clothesline  which is technically next door-hung them took them down folded and put them away! in past when i had to do that i would use the wheelbarrow to push the laundry basket!that's just one thing!

well- today is work and i guess bring michael home....

hugs and prayers.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 9:49 pm - Somewhere IN, TX


Sorry you are going through so much with Michael.  I think we shared this... Bob had the onset of dementia about 3 years before he died due to anurysms in his brain.  He was having TIA's frequently but, of course, he thought he was clumsy.  He had pituitary surgery in 1990 and we were told then that the bone to his brain had worn very thin but they put a patch on it......  It was then he pretty much gave up the will to do anything.... life was difficult, at best, but he'd been my next door neighbor when I was three and we married when I was 31.... second marriage for both of us.  We didn't have a 'med' problem.  Ours totally different.  Bob was lethargic.  He just sat.

I'm sorry you are going through this.  I know it's tough.  And you're right.  Life was not worth living for Bob and I had gained to 282 from the stress and the unhappiness.  When he died from another stroke and the carotid artery surgery, he was free of a life he wouldn't have known anything about in six months.  His greatest gift of love to me was taking me and my two boys and loving us for 20 years and then letting me move on when he couldn't go any farther .  Life is indeed short....... find something good in today and make it work for you.  You married Michael for a reason.....love what he has to give you.  It's called 'commitment'. 







Margo M.
on 7/15/08 3:07 am - Elyria, OH

yes, dearjanet...and that is why i stay..thank you for being here....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 7/14/08 9:50 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning all.....haven't been on for a few days -- had an extremely busy weekend.

Margo, I can empathize.....my late hubby was awful to me if he didn't take his zoloft. I pray Michael will get back on the right track very soon. Please take care of yourself, we
need you and love you.

My response to what has improved after WLS......LIFE!
Everything is so much better than a year ago at this time.
I can walk pretty good, do tons of stuff around the house and outside, and off five meds.....I feel great and surely
look better. God is so good to me, and has blessed me every step of my WLS journey.

Well, we got the hog roast in w/o any rain or storms. It was actually tolerable outside that evening. It was so good to see my niece and her family...her hubby hugged me and said "wow, Aunt Pat, you look wonderful".....had
several comments of that same type!

My carpets got cleaned Saturday afternoon and look really good. The man is coming back in 2-3 weeks to do the hallway and the two bedrooms.

I think I have gout in my right ankle ..... it is swollen and hot, so will start on the medicine this morning.....this is the first episode I've had since last August. I'm sure it's because I ate too much of the wrong food over the weekend.....i.e., sugar laden treats....bad girl, bad girl!!

Have the bed linens in the washer and have a couple other small loads to do before it gets too hot. Predicting high 80's into 90 for the next four days.

This coming Sunday I and a GF are going to the Elkhart Co. Fair in Goshen, Ind. to hear a southern gospel group called "The Baker Pasma Family". The Baker part of this group is a partner to my surgeon. He was a southern gospel pianist before going into med school.....he has 9 children and they all sing, plus some of his wife's family.
They were at the Blue Gate Restaurant last fall, but I wasn't able to go hear them. I am excited about hearing them perform.

Well, better get going with my day. Hope everyone has
a "good" one.

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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Laureen S.
on 7/14/08 11:03 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Margo, I'm so sorry you are having Michael stuff again, it's not easy dealing with someone who has personality and drug issues, especially when medication is needed to control pain, perhaps he can find somewhere where they can detox him and then find a new way to help manage the pain, just a thought, it may not be a possibility, but I'm trying to think of you.  I know insurance (lack thereof is an issue), but there are some places that take on people who don't have any. 

Whatever, I am praying that you find the strength within yourself to take care of you amidst the storm that can sometimes be Michael and hope that the storm calms down so you can enjoy the parts you love. . .  hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Margo M.
on 7/15/08 3:11 am - Elyria, OH

the parts i love are the ones i try hard to hang onto!we had only a very few years of those before all of these other "things" started...

thank you,sister!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 7/15/08 3:16 am - Evansville, IN


I'm sorry you're having problems with Michael. It sounds a lot like what my friend Margie went through with her husband, Wally (my former editor) when she had to put him in a nursing home (he had diabetes, congestive heart failure, kidney failure and had lost a leg because of his diabetes). She finally had to have the staff take the phone away from him and give them phone cards for him to call; that way, he had to get help to go down the hall to call. He was calling her at all hours of the day and night and she couldn't get any sleep, plus the phone bills were tremendous (and credit card bills ... he would order things ... she found this out after he died).

I hope the hospital gets his meds straightened out; perhaps you need some help too. Don't get too run down. Hang in there, Margo; here's a cyber hug for you ... I'd call you, but I know you need your phone line clear.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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