
on 7/14/08 1:35 pm - northeastern wisconsin, WI

OK I have a question for y'all. I have my date for this Thursday. I have been following the liquid protein diet since last Thursday. I have actually lost a few pounds. But right now I am freaking out!  I am concerned since I am 53 about the long term effects of the rny. Most of the posts are from people that have had the surgery within the last year to 3 years. I am wondering about the real long term effects, 10, 15, 25 years out. I thought I did my research but I read the regrets forum again and saw some other postings that are just freaking me out.  Is this normal or am I just a chicken s...?

on 7/14/08 1:55 pm

 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  When I asked this question of my nutritionist and the head nurse they couldn't give me an adequate answer.  When I asked my surgeon he said the medical field has had many, many years of stomach surgeries. (paraphrased) And many years of success.  Most of the people I've read about regretting the surgery have had several complications prior to surgery...  and had too high of expectations about the WLS.  Following the surgeon's and nutritionist's advice will help tremendously.  Also, there are risk with any surgery.   I for one am so glad I had surgery. Yes, I've had minor adjustments since then but I don't regret my choices for one minute.  To live like I did before surgery I would have had many other health issues.  .....  I hope this helps you a little bit.  Best of Luck....  Millie

Marti O.
on 7/14/08 3:07 pm

I think that worrrying about health issues 19,20,25 years from now is just "borrowing trouble"

It is natural to have apprehensions going into major surgery...and this is major surgery....but I had mine at 65 years old and I am 67 now and my doctor told me my last visit that I had saved my life and he thought I would have been dead in 4-5 years without this surgery.

Just think of all the health issues you will avoid by having this surgery.

That is not to say that  you won't have other health problems, but it will be easier for you to deal with them.

[Sorry this font is so big...don't know what is happening with this HTML Editor.]


"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 7/16/08 2:42 pm - northeastern wisconsin, WI
Thanks Marti. I think I have calmed down some. My daughter is here.

I used to go to Madison and on occasion have to go to UW for meetings. Maybe we can meet for water next time I go!
Margo M.
on 7/14/08 8:42 pm - Elyria, OH

i think too that many ppl who had their surgery 5 -10 years ago etc who have regrets also have suffered (for lack of better word) from A) surgical procedures not being as advanced as they are now and B) lack of initial after care which seems to be improving and C) lack of knowledge about proper vits and nutrients and possibly D) an attitude of thinking they can be "normal" and eat /drink whatever they want...this is life changing and mindset needs to also change.....and there are risks - i would be lying to you if i said there were not....

also-many of the ppl who have had their surgeries further out (mine was 4 yrs ago) have moved on to not posting-they have a life ( i don't!) so you don't hear from so many.....and, often,,, people don't listen to us oldsters ( 3, 4 5 yrs etc out) anyhow-that is why my avatar is a cow--i felt put out to pasture because it appears that i don't "know" anything to some......

there are folks- michelle aka vitalady--who have had many probs and got very proactive to regain control of their bodies......she can be found occasionally on the grads board

the above is simply MY opinion.......

your fears are somewhat normal however, as marti suggested, you are probly buying trouble and i truly don't think you need to add any to your cart! i would put them back on the shelf where you found them and proceed to your surgery -put your faith in your God if you have one and be as proactive as you can about your own body!

good luck to you in this journey-it can be a true rollrcoaster ride! post more often-read the trials and tribulations here- ask questions as they come up--stay off the main board so much where the probs are more about aunt flo and the younsters and what everyone is doing saturday nite! will someone post to tell us when you are out of surgery????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 7/16/08 2:44 pm - northeastern wisconsin, WI
Thanks Margo. I love your cow!

karen C.
on 7/14/08 9:26 pm - Kennewick, WA

I hope it helps just a wee bit to know that your anxiety is not unusual. I too researched and asked questions for almost a year. I weighed in at 377 lbs the day of my surgery. I had tried so many diets like you and many others without success or for such a short time before regaining the weight plus more. 

I have been very fortunate post WLS, but I must add that I am religious about taking my supplements, getting in  my protein, and drinking fluids.  I still have weight to lose, but I have my life back.  When I asked myself your question (the long term effects?) I can't answer what lies ahead in 10 years.

HOWEVER, had I NOT had RNY 3 years ago I sincerely believe that I would not be around to worry about life in 10, 15, or 25  years. That is not drama on my part, I really believe that I would be dead. I was killing myself "softly" as the song goes. . . .Best wishes, you'll soon be through surgery, and day by day working towards a healthier you. It takes some adjusting, be prepared for a roller coaster ride, but what a marvelous ride it has been for me.

Karen C

on 7/16/08 2:45 pm - northeastern wisconsin, WI
Thanks for your support Karen.
on 7/14/08 9:56 pm


I'm with Karen on if I had not had wls, I'd be dead. I, too, am convinced.  There are many people who had wls back in the 70s and are doing fine today.  The lapband wasn't around but the gastric bypass has been around for decades; however, the changes have been that they now can do it laproscopic and they now know that they need to bypass more than they did in the beginning and that it is okay.  I can tell you that I know that a decade or more in the future, I will still be fighting to get my protein and water in and I'll be taken suppliments but what I won't be taking are the fifty pills that I was taking pre wls.  Oh, and I can walk and do so much more physically that there is no way that can be wrong.  I do, however, understand that many have complications but many don't.  Good luck

on 7/16/08 2:48 pm - northeastern wisconsin, WI
Thanks Lightswitch. I forget that they have been doing this back in the 70s.
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