Any Suggestions?

Connie D.
on 7/14/08 12:18 pm

This board is making me mad!! I keep losing my posts!!

I wrote one to you and I have no idea where it went.

I like tuna and mix it with cottage cheese...good protein! Any kind of meat and cheese. Boost Protein shakes if I need extra or a protein bar. Pure Protein Bars are high in protein and very low in sugar.

I eat 6 small meals a day and have since I was allowed to eat. It just works better for me!!

Good luck Kathi....hope you find some answers soon.

Hugs....connie d


on 7/14/08 1:13 pm - CA

Thanks for BOTH replies, Connie!

I agree the board has been difficult of late.  I don't see all the posts and have been missing out.

I'll try tuna with cottage cheese!  Can't imagine mixing those two.  Hmmm..... I wonder if the protein bars are better absorbed by me than the protein drinks have failed me.  I'll get some tomorrow.

I'm going to try the 6 meals a day then since you have been so FABULOUSLY successful in your journey!  You're a role model here on OFF my friend.

Thanks for taking the time to input!  Your new picture is truly special.



Connie D.
on 7/15/08 12:20 am

Kathi...thank you for the nice compliment.

Yes, I agree protein bars would last longer. Remember the liquids run right through. That is why I rarely ever drink my protein. Sometimes it is just convenient but I prefer the bars over that. 98% of the time I get my protein from the food I eat. I have never had a problem getting my protein in.

Remember to watch the sugar amount on those protein bars. Some are pretty high in sugar. Like I said Pure Protein Bars are great. They come in so many flavors. Chocolate deluxe, chocolate chip, chocolate peanut butter and even S'mores!! 20 grams of protein and 2-3 grams of sugar.You can get them at any Walmart or places like that.

PM me anytime I can help you out.

Hugs, connie d


peggy H.
on 7/14/08 1:10 pm

Hey Baby Sister,  Well heckie darn. 

Okay, This is want I ate almost from the start.  Grilled steak, as rare as I could handle it.  Small, tiny, thin slices.  Real food is the way I was able to get in my protien.  The liquid stuff made me so sick, tasted to sweet and I just couldn't stand the smell, ever.

6-8 SMALL meals a day.  If you need to stretch the food intake out even more , then so be it.

Sweet girl, we are all so differant, I t may take a while to get your system working in a way that works best for you.

I f you can handle fresh veggies, add some small bites with each meal.  Slice a granny smith apple into the thinnest slices you can.  The next word I'm going to give you is ..........

CHEW, chew till your jaw gets tired,  I'll always bless my WLS  Surgeon  for giving me this very good advice.  You may think your eating all day long,  and you may be spending a lot of your time feeding your new body. I was also told to spend 30 min. at each meal, chewing.  Taking a bite, lay the fork or spoon down after each bite, sit back and chew.  It worked then and it still works now.

Water, just plain old water, It's easier to remember NOT to drink anything 1 hour before and 1 hour after each meal. You don't want to wash out the hard earned protien.  Then drink up till 1 hour before your next meal. It may seem a bit of a hard job to get  it all in . You are a very smart , strong woman and I have faith that you will get er done. 

This isn't easy, this may be one of the most intense test of your time managing ability. 

Dear girl, You did this surgery for you.  The you that wants to get out of the tired,   just wish I could,   gee how much did I gain this month, old bad habits life,  into a movin, grovin getting on with this wonderful life , life. 

It is going to take a while, You may always have some issues with your surgery.  You may not have any problems.  This is just another thing in life that we learn to handle.  I 'm hopin that you wake up some morning soon and go through the day , and realize at the end of the day that you had a super good day.  T he smile you have on your face is a permanent fixture and you can start living a more active , fullfilling life. 

The only Nutritonist I went to was the one that interveued me prior to surgery.  I do realize that I should have had more info from a Nut, but I just didn't.  My blood work has been coming back in the good range . I'll be doing my 2 1/2 years labs this week.  Appt. to see the doc is the end of the month, I'll see how things are going . 

Blessing to you  Kathi, You have taken on a hard job, and just remember you have us sitting right next to you. Hugs, Peg


on 7/14/08 1:20 pm - CA

Thanks, Peg!

I'm not to eat beef until after I have the endoscopy but will try the steak first time I'm allowed.  I do need to do better at slowing down the eating.  It's been hard because of "no feeling" in there.

I'm going to develop a timetable schedule and food program of what to eat and when.  You also point out I'm not getting any veggies and very little fruit with this "force the protein" direction from the surgeon's staff.  Maybe adding a touch of veggie might help...... certainly couldn't do much more harm I wouldn't think!  Not at this stage of my game anyway.......

I was told to use the Isopure for fluid in lieu of water because everything I put in my mouth was supposed to have protein in it.  I have a bottle of water going again tonight because I have missed it.

Best of luck with your labwork this week!  I'm sure yours will be simply stellar!  I have no doubt having met you.

I'll be fine as soon as I work this bump in the road out......  and I will work it out......  Nothing worth having is not worth the battle to get there.

Hugs to you my Woman in Red!


peggy H.
on 7/14/08 1:39 pm

Kathi, I didn't realize you still had to have some test run before you could eat beef. Boy that sure puts a kink in the protien train, real food protien train that is.

I did have one heck of a bad time when I was 3-4 weeks out.  I was still trying to drink the liquid protien, man I thought that I would never turn the corner and start to feel better.   One of the sisters on this site sent me an e-mail.  She told me to buy some low fat , low sodium, chicken broth.  A box of instant patato.  Warm up just a few tablespoons of the broth, add a tiny lil' bit of the tater, mix well, very runny. Eat with a baby spoon, small bite's.  This wasn't on any WLS Surgery page I ever read, but within a day my outlook was so changed, I could think, I knew I was going to make it.  After that , I was able to start taking care of me. I found what worked for me.  I knew I was going to do well with food, not liquid.  Again , we are all so differant.  And we keep trying til we find the Right way for ourself's.  We be keeping you close, Peg


on 7/14/08 2:24 pm - CA

Thanks for the support and the story~!  Love the idea of you eating your instant potato and chicken broth mixture.  I'm determined to conquer this and if it must be food then it will be food...... ugh....


on 7/14/08 1:24 pm - moorhead, MN
VSG on 02/01/08 with
I think Peggy hit it on the nose. Are you drinking with your meals? If you are stop drinking one hour before you eat and one hour after you eat.
on 7/14/08 2:26 pm - CA

I haven't been drinking with my meals but..... I'm not sure I've been waiting a complete full hour.  I'm going to try that, too!

Nice to hear from you for the first time.  Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.  I really appreciate the help.


on 7/14/08 1:39 pm

 *~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~  Do you feel like the mad scientist try all these concoctions and experiments?  lol  When I looked at the chart of foods with the highest proteins I spotted chili....  I have a bowl of chili with beef and topped with cheese and onion.  Then when I got tired of chili I turned to taco fixins.  Refried beans topped with taco seasoned beef and cheese with of course, onions & tomatoes.  Another item I like to have around is a protein bar that has 30g of protein.  I wish you the best of luck with your new "science project".    Millie

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