Speaking of Butts
Your stories are a delight. Thank you for sharing. Kids are wonderful.
Have you always had trouble with food or is this something new? Stricture or obstruction has come to mind as I read your posts. What does your surgeon suggest?
Although I have had numerous other woes, getting physically sick from eating has not been one of them. (knock on wood)
We had surgery within a week of each other and one would think our systems might be similar at this point. Guess not, Marti hurls too. Strange, strange surgery. No wonder we get confused and frustrated.
Everything digestively is fine; I just have a weak pouch. LOL I do know that if I go for a day or two without eating well, it will take me a week to get back where I can eat at least three fourths cup of food at one setting. When hubby and I had the flu and I went a week with just drinking liquids, it was like I had just had surgery and I had to start with a tablespoon of food and move up. It's really weird.