Speaking of Butts

on 7/13/08 10:18 pm

So, hubby and I took the children with us to Kansas.  On the way there, they slept like little angels, but on the way back, all I could think was, “            WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?”  So, we stopped around ten to get some food and the McDonald’s was the easiest with children so we went in and everyone got their favorite mcD breakfast food.  I got the McMuffin with egg and sausage and Baby Girl, who is 11 months, and I shared the sausage and the potatoes she ate and I ate some of the egg.  So, we are driving down the road and I get those foamy things, I’m sure you guys can relate.  Too much food or too much grease and the mouth turns into NiagraFalls.  So, I’m spitting into a bag and finally, I pull over where the food eagerly ejects out of my mouth.  I hurl and hurl and finally am feeling better…made a mental note, no more sausage on my list of foods that don’t sit well. 

We head on up the road and I say to my hubby, did I look pitiful and he said what and I said when I was hurling, did I look pitiful and he said is this like one of those questions you ask that I am going to regret answering and I say what and he says you know like the other day when you said do these pants me look fat and I said yes dear and you threw your shoe at me.  Okay, so I have anger issues.  So, he finally under a very precarious tone said, Yes. You looked pitiful. 

So, we go on down the road and end up at another McDonald’s for the kid’s lunch so they could play a little too.  The four-year-old goes up with hubby to get the food and this is what hubby said happened:  My Nana got sick.  She looked pitiful when she was throwing up her stinking sausage that we got at another McDonald’s.  The kid working, hubby said, said really and that only encourage the grandson who followed up with yes. She threw up all over the side of the road and granddad said her butt was big and she threw her shoe at him.  The kid looked at my hubby and hubby said that’s not true and grandson said yes you said.  There you have it…out of the mouth of babes go all of our secrets.

Margo M.
on 7/13/08 10:28 pm - Elyria, OH

only you jeannie-only you could tell taht story and have it so believeable and laughable!!!!!! thank you for sharing!!!

note to jeannie- carry a cup--nobody thinks it's pitiful to lift a cup to your mouth! yes; mcd's sausage and hashbrowns can do a number!!!

on 7/13/08 11:35 pm
I will never ever ever eat at McDonald's again.  For my lunch, I ordered the happy meal so the kids could get another toy.  The ten-year-old ate my fries and I just ate the hamburger patty.  I ended up pulling over less than thirty minutes later.  It's the grease, I think.

Judy G.
on 7/13/08 11:05 pm - Galion, OH

oh jeannie how i wish i would get sick like that once again so i would leave the wrong foods alone!!!! wish i never tried that one small piece of cake...now i know i can tolerate real sugar....DAM!!!!

your story of what happened was great...i feel bad that you got sick but it was funny....


on 7/13/08 11:37 pm
I don't dare try the sweets because I am afraid that if I try them, I'll eat them. I get so sick on sugaralcohols that I am sure the sweets would do me in; however, I love crackers and peanut butter and can knock off about four in one setting. I have to watch the snack foods, because I'd rather eat those than the good stuff. 

Brenda R.
on 7/14/08 12:00 am - Portage, IN

Children sure do a number on telling stories don't they? They all make sure that everyone within a mile radius can hear them too. Once people hear the beginning of them (like Grandpa told Grandma....) everyone stops what they are doing and the ears seem to grow antenea's so they can hear every bit of it. I know this because this is what I do!!!!!

Your story is kind of pitiful but funny and since laughter is the best medicine whe got our dose this morning. Thanks for sharing. We love it!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/14/08 1:23 am
Yes and this child tells everything and when we spell and he retells it, he tries to emphasize the spelling. LOL 

karen C.
on 7/14/08 12:28 am - Kennewick, WA
thank goodness it wasn't the local McDonalds! Jeannie, If I try to eat hamburger it has to be in something like a breakfast burrito. I can however, eat chicken McNuggets about 3. I know they are not "real" chicken but sometimes in a pinch that works for me. If I eat most any kind of meat it either needs some fat free gravy with it or a bit of mayo.  Was this precious Matthew sharing Grandma's secrets? Give him a extra hug from me. I'd love to see a current picture of him. Is he in Kindergarden yet?

Karen C

on 7/14/08 1:24 am
That is our Mathew and he does tell it all.  He starts preschool this fall.  He is excited to be getting a real backpack. LOL

Connie D.
on 7/14/08 1:06 am

Jeannie....I feel so bad for you...what an awful thing to happen. Not only once but twice!!

However....pitiful as it was...you made me laugh!!

Hugs, connie d

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