What's New? MONDAY, July 14, 2008

Judy G.
on 7/13/08 10:48 pm - Galion, OH

morning OFF family....this compter is giving us troubles....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR first it crashed then i couldn't get the OH boards to show up...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR wasn't pretty yesterday at all here...LOL but i am here today and thats a good thing....

Marti...what WLS has done for me was give me back a life that i can do almost anything i want to!!! i can walk and tie my shoes and take a shower without the dam curtain wrapping onme all the time, i can even ride a horse if i want to...man i miss going to jennys and riding dolly!!!! guess i have to find a riding stable here and try that huh?? lol i can also sit in a booth in a restaurant and even the movie theater seats!!!! also i went on some rides at the festival couple weeks ago!!! i can even get up off the floor without any help!!! so many things i can now do since having WLS!!! and the best part is having so many new friends that share this new life with!!!!

saturday we went to the parade but missed the festival due to the rain and storms...oh well...there is another festival this weekend so we will be going to that one for sure!!! rick says this one is the best one of them all so i am looking forward to this one!!! yesterday we stayed in bed most of the day just vegging out...after the parade we stayed at ricks friends house and had a blast...he has this huge dog rebel...he is a rotweiler and is a big baby!!! LOL then gary got out the mini bike and rick just had to ride it up and down the street...lol he was having so much fun...then he got on the bike and wanted to do some tricks for us but i told him to get off it before he hurt his nerve again....he got off the bike...but today i notice his leg bothering him...bet its the pinched nerve...grrrr i got this god awful pain in my left shoulder blade area hurt so bad i was in tears...rick put some heat rub cream on it and it helped some but its still hurting....wonder if its because we were wrestling saturday night and i pulled a muscle?? bet thats it....gezz i have to remember i am no spring chicken anymore...LOL

have a job interview at 1 today...stopped in at a place to get a newspaper and saw a help wanted sign in window...i asked the clerk about it and she wasn't very nice at all...used alot of "F" words while talking to some guy also...not sure i want to even ask for an app there!!! wow!!! just wish i would get a job soon....i am sooooooooo bored here with everyone working but me...need to get some spending money for some new pants...the ones i am wearing now are either to big for me or are just old and wearing out....i deserve new clothes!!!

got some mail from back home...lori sent me bills for the house...said her dad paid them for me and i HAVE to pay him back...yeah like thats gonna happen....i paid all the bills that were in my name and the ones she paid for him were in his name...if i am told by MY lawyer that i have to pay them i will but lori telling me i HAVE to...no way will that happen!!! she can be such a biotch at times....

well best get going here and read up on the posts from yesterday and see what i missed...then off to shower and get ready for my interview...will check in later and let you know what happened....have a great day!!!!


Brenda R.
on 7/13/08 11:44 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning to all this lovely Monday morning.

I have to go to the doctors early this afternoon. I can't say that I really want to but I need some refills and then it is off to the pharmacy to get the couple of meds that I am in need of. What is a girl to do when she needs refills? Such is life I guess.

It is so pretty and sunny this morning. I am not sure what the temperature is outside but I am sure it is going to be humid if it isn't already. There is only 2 kinds of weather in Indiana~hot and cold. It is either so hot and humid during the summer you can't breath usually or it is so cold that ice forms everywhere! There is just no happy balance on the wether around here.

I am working on getting use to that bike that I bought at the rummage sale. I have never rode a bike with gears and I am having such a time with that part. I am suppose to hear when it goes into a new gear but I am either stupid or oblivious to it. I am not sure what I am suppose to doing so I fake my way through it. My legs are killing me for some reason. I know what it is but it isn't suppose to be happening~I am getting old and it has been at least 30 years since I have rode a bike. Ha! I am suppose to young and able to do anything that I want to do. Isn't my body aware of that?

I guess I had better get moving. I have some other things to do before I start getting ready to go this afternoon. I have to leave at the same time that Bill leaves for work. I guess if looked at it that way I would rather go to the doctor than go out to that icky mill and the the coke plant at that. ICK!!!

I am sending love and hugs to all for a wonderful day. I am keeping you all in my prayers with special ones going up for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/14/08 12:25 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi All,

I am getting ready to go to work today. I work from 12 to 8 today.

I am also going to get a B-12 shot on my way to work.

It is supposed to rain most of the day today. Again.

I love Chick Flicks and my husband doesnt so we dont go to the movies.

I do have Bucket List as I just baught it. I haven****ched it yet.

My next one I want to see is REturn of the Zohan. I really want to see it cause Supercuts sponsered it.

well off to the grind.



image hosting site

on 7/14/08 12:42 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with

Hi Julia and all my OFF Friends,

I saw the movie Hairspray on pay-per-view and the last movie we saw at the theatre was Indiana Jones and the cracked skull. lol. For some reason I could never remember it was the crystal skull. My husband laughed everytime I would say it without realizing.  I went with my sisters and my Mom (who is 80 in August) to see Sex And The City.  We have laughed because the last two movies we took our Mom with us to see unintentially turned out to be sexually explicit.  She was a little wide-eyed but got through it laughing.

I'll be going at lunch to mail mystery box # 2 out to Kathi in Enfield, CT.

Today is my husband's informational session at the hospital about his knee replacement.  I'm working half the day and going with him.

Tonight, all my siblings (5) and I are meeting at my sister's to plan my Mom's 80th birthday bash.  It should be interesting with six different opinions on what we should do.  But we will compromise and make it special for her.  We did one for her 75th with a hall and catering so I'm hoping this one will be a little more intimate.

I went shopping yesterday with Linduhm for purple outfits for our Red Hat Society outing on the 25th of this month.  We had a great time.  Our group we were trying to keep to twenty is growing to almost 30 instead.  What fun we will have.



Connie D.
on 7/14/08 12:48 am

Good Morning Julia and everyone........

Julia I am sure you will have a great time with your friend. What a wonderful day you have planned for her!! You are so sweet!!

Annette your cat stories always make me smile!! I can just visualize that poor cat and the falling curtain rod!! Hope she had a soft landing!

Margo...you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad things are better for Michael.

I am recovering from the long weekend with my family. We had so much fun!! Kyleigh will be with me this week. That will make for some interesting moments!! She is 16 so it isn't hard having her around . I can still do my job. She can be alone if I have to go somewhere.

This afternoon I see my pulmonary doctor for a routine check up. After that I see my phychiatrist. He is so awesome...just a super guy.Tomorrow is my 6 month dental check up. Always something going on!! My mammogram results came back from last weeks test. All is well there...YAY!!

I hope everyone has a beautiful day. I am always keeping you in my prayers.
Love and hugs to all you wonderful friends....connie d



Kathy K.
on 7/14/08 1:20 am - Kenosha, WI

Hi Julia and friends. I have a well-deserved day off today. Got a late start, though. Gee, wonder why I didn't want to get up at my usual 4:30AM??? LOL. Yesterday I went to get my new loveseat cushions that are awesome in the sunroom. Went to JoAnn's and ordered fabric for a little valance around the room which is almost all windows - 7! -and patio doors. They had 40% off their special order fabric so that helped a lot. I'm going to buy rods that look like bamboo poles and just make the valance to hang on clip rings. Cute, cute, cute.

Today I'm assembling a little serving cart I bought for a little corner of the dining room. And maybe hang two plate hangers on each side of the corner for my Limoges plates. And maybe do some wash. I might go to Lowes, my latest favorite store, LOL. Seems like whenever I go to Lowes or Target, the bill is never less than $80. How can that be???  

Have a great Monday!

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 1:38 am - Park Forest, IL

Hello my OFF family, I'm off to a slow start again this morning, but once the coffee hits me it'll be nonstop. Earl is puting up the new organizer in the bedroom closet. I have the usual errands to run today, bank, groceries, post office, put all my new clothes away. 

Saturday night I went to a friends house she lost  80 lbs in the last 2 years by altering her diet. anyway she had lots and lots of size 18 & 20's clothes she had me try on  ( I was like oh sure this will be embarrasing) Well amazingly the 20's all fit and by the fall the 18's should fit. I could not believe it, but she only buys really good quality clothes (Liz Claiborn, etc) so all I can figure is that they must run big or else they would not go over my big butt and tummy!  I don;t really care right now why they fit I am just going to enjoy the feeling and hope it never goes away. I don't think 40 pounds lost is alot since I have so far to go but I do know that the clothes I was wearing 24-28's are hanging so I must be losing inches too.  I need to measure again, havent done that in a while. 

Yesterday, we went into Chicago and I met dear friend, Dawn,  from Arizona and her sister, Carol, and later her mom showed up.  It was much more like seeing close family than friends, I didn;t want the day to end. Dawn took lots of pics (I forgot my camera- how dumb) but she will email the pics to me when she gets home. They all commented on my weight loss and her sister had wl friendly foods for me.isn't that sweet! Dawn had told her sister, Carol that I was preparing for weight loss surgery. I want to pick up a special thank you card for Carol today for hosting our little get together and her thoughtfulness. 

I hope you all have a great day and week ahead. Hugs, Paulette

J Brown
on 7/14/08 1:53 am - Omaha, NE

Good Morning. I have been gone since Thursday and have just spent the last hour catching up on posts. I sure do miss all of my sister news when I have to be gone. I went to Waterloo Iowa for an American Legion Convention. That is very close to some of the worst flodding, fields are still under water and depris in some places. We stayed at a Ramada and the service was so so terrible. AC off and the temps were sweltering. On Saturday 35 people checked out because  it was too hot.People arriving and having to wait 6-8 to get their rooms. The room keys kept going looney and sometimes we would have to take them to the desk 2-3 times a day to be reset. People who had made reservations and reserved cots, couldn't get them and ended up sleeping on the floors. It just went on and on..All our meetings went well , if not it just would have been a nightmare. I am over with my year as District President which lifts such a load off my shoulders. This year I am Chaplain, that I will love and will only take a fraction of the time. At  Spring conferance and Fall Conferance Ihave to have theme and do a memorial service for ladies we have lost through the year.  I already know what I will do for the fall conference. I will use a graduation theme. I got very little sleep over the weekend and I am very ounchy and can hardly see straight. Wish I could have stayed home in jammies today and just vegged. No such luck.

On the way home last night I stopped for gas and a car wash. Somehow I missed getting my car tires lined up right in the car wash and had one tire on one side of the track, one on the other. I finally was able to back out and get of the thing.. so Icame back in, then put my code in. The track started to run, but it didn't take my car through it. I just sat there for ever, finally got an attendent, and they worked and worked . I finally just drove off, I was tired of waiting. I hope I didnt break their car wash. But honestly I should not have been driving I was so tired. I dont feel much better today  but I still have to pick up mom after work to do her shopping and such.

Movies.. I love them and pre-Chuck mom and I may go as much as twice a week to the dollar theater in town. Now I seldom go and I miss it. I am on a "Meerkat Manor" kick. I don't get the channel that shows the series so I ordered sesson One from E-bay and I am hooked. Last week I finished season 2.  Next month I will order Season 3. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It is an animal show and may sound like" yawn" but it is gripping. These little animals are way too human like in there social structure. You root for them, yell at  them and shed a tear now and then. And a plus , it is something you can watch with the grandkids. My grandson Zach(6) loves it and he knows all there names. I had better get some work done. Being  gone for a couple days I am behind. I look at the pile and just want to bang my head on the desk. The boss has been gone, will return tomorrow, and Ian knowck this stuff out in a couple of hours if I would just buckle down.. Have a good day..Blessings

Eileen Briesch
on 7/14/08 3:01 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Julia and everyone:

I got moving early today and just got back not long ago ... well, early for me, that's 9 a.m. When I last left you yesterday, I planned to do some baking. Somehow, in the grating of the zucchini for the bread (that's one way to get in some more protein, Jeannie ... I add it to my zucchini bread recipe and blueberry recipe), I must have aggravated something around my ribcage. Anyway, my shoulder hurt something horribly after that. I tried ice, I tried heat, I tried massage ... would have tried Ben-Gay or Icy Hot, but couldn't get it down there and there's no one to help me. Lying flat on my back in bed seemed to help (or maybe the combo of neurontin and vicodin did it) because this morning it wasn't quite so bad. It got so bad I was having trouble taking a deep breath.

So this morning I went to the chiropractor. I thought it was my shoulder blade; he told me I knocked a rib out of place. So he adjusted my hips and my back and my ribs ... took a while to make it feel a little better ... he told me to put some ice on it because it's still irritated and inflamed. Meanwhile, I have to get some more vicodin because I used my last four over the weekend. I put a call into the pain clinic for that; also went out for some stool softener ... didn't realize I was running out until Saturday; stopped at Hallmark for some cards ... been meaning to get a get well card for Aunt Bernice, the 90-year-old, she broke her arm a month ago and I keep forgetting to send her a card. Then I stopped at D&W and got a Starbucks coffee (I can get a discount there on a Grande ... I get a Grande for a tall price with a coupon, plus a discount using a mug ... unfortunately, my Dallas Delights mug, the photos are all fading ... boo-hoo! ... I will have to get Diane to send me another photo collage).

Anyway, that was my morning. Now it's back to the grind. It's a 6-day workweek this week because I'm making overtime ... nice paycheck for next week at least. Well, it's time to make some lunch.

Oh, as for movies, I saw "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" ... haven't been to movies in the theater too often because of cost; want to see "Mamma Mia" sometime this summer; saw "Hairspray last summer and have the DVD. ... loved it! Also loved "The Bucket List" ... want to get that one sometime; it's on my Christmas list; got "Amazing Grace" for my birthday but haven'****ched it yet ... saw it in the theaters last year and it's a wonderful film.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 7/14/08 6:53 am - Elyria, OH

how does one knock a rib out of place??????????????????

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