What's New? MONDAY, July 14, 2008

on 7/13/08 5:16 pm - Manteca, CA

Good Morning Everyone! It's just after Midnight in California, and officially Monday morning. I am going to bed soon, but thought I'd just get this crazy thread started. I have a busy Monday planned but with fun things. I have a senior friend (in her 80's) that saw "Hairspray" on Broadway but never got to see the movie. I've invited her over to watch it with me in the afternoon. I will pick her up and bring her home,  I'll serve healthy snacks during the movie, and afterwards we are going out for Thai food. Monica (my friend) loves Thai food. She is a very interesting woman, has traveled the world- she even went to India just last year I think, where she rode an elephant. I haven't seen her since my surgery so she will be amazed. She's been hearing about my transformation through the grapevine, but this will be our first "date" in 6 months.

So what's new with all of you? Are there any summer movies that you are going to see? I'm going to go and see the Batman movie- the early reviews are stunning. Hugs to everyone!



on 7/13/08 8:40 pm - Alexander, AR

HI Julia, and good morning to all!

The old dog had to go potty at 4:45, so it's an early morning for me. Oh well, things to do, places to go.

Julia, sounds like you and your friend will have a good time this afternoon. I haven't seen Hairspray in any form, so I really must put it on my Netflix list.

Today is a busy day off as usual. First the beauty supply to restock my haircolor and products, then to a meeting at the hospital for the Walk From Obesity. This afternoon I'm participatin in a Life Coach seminar here on OH for the leaders.Two hours on the phone, but it should be interesting....maybe I'll learn how to run my own life....LOL!

Hope everyone's day is a happy one



annette R.
on 7/13/08 9:49 pm - ithaca, NY

This week is packed with events. It will be fun seeing the whole family every day.


This morning, Becky decided to walk along the top of the curtain rod in the living room. Not the first time and she is our tiny mite. CRASH!!! The darned thing snapped, cat, and draperies came crashing down. Bad timing. Our guest arrives in a couple of hours and I wanted the house to look "just so", or at least presentable. Looks like I will have a quick shop to find new rods and supports.

I have been employed by the hospital for over a year, leading two support groups. I just got a request to send in proof of a recent PPD, a letter from my doctor stating that I am healthy and verification of measles/mumps/reubella (MMR) innoculations. There is no problems obtaining the first two, but the MMR - BIG problem. I had measles and mumps as a child, maybe even reubella, but how do I get proof? I think there is a blood test to determine that. Darn - more needles.

This Fosomax is torture. My hands, legs, feet and back are aching like they did before WLS. Each dose makes it worse. At this rate I won't be able to walk much longer. My doctor had better prescribe another med for the bone loss because I can't take an additional dose of this med.

Must run off to work


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Marti O.
on 7/13/08 9:53 pm, edited 7/13/08 9:55 pm

Good Morning Julia and all ......Nice to see the West Coast start the Thread. I also have a friend in a nursing home I need to go see soon. I try to take something like Margaritas, Salsa and chips...she loves them. You are a good reminder for me.

My husband loves to go to movies...but the ones that he wants to see right now, I don't really want to see...like "Get Smart"...I make him go with our friend Susie. Her husband, who was my husband's best friend died about 5 years ago and she will go with him and then they go get a bite to eat afterwards. It is good for her, so it is a win-win situation for all. Although he did go see "Sex and the City" with me so I should be nicer to him. I have a couple of girlfriends that drag me to the "artsy fartsy" movies when they can. Last week I also watched "Care Bears to the Rescue" with a lot of Care Bears and two cute little grandsons spread around me on the bed....that was pretty nice and I managed to catch a few winks during it, but some little bony elbows kept me alert during the 'important" parts.

I also have heard that Batman is real good and I will want to see that. I liked Indiana Jones, but it was not great, entertaining and that is all I ask for in a movie, to entertain me for a couple of hours.

My Brother called yesterday and he is visiting my Mother in Florida and says that her memory is going, but she is 92 years old. He took her to her doctor and he put her on Aricept. What do any of you know about that.? I don't think she has Alzheimers....just some memory involved. When I talk with her on the phone, she always knows who I am and doesn't act like she doesn't know about my children etc. I am going to call her doctor today. I think he was a little fast to put her on a drug. I just wonder if he did any testing on her. I think the doctors, especially in Florida are quick to "prescribe and go" with their elderly population.

Today I am working on getting all my files orgainized for my current clients.....they have gotten in a mess over the last few weeks while I have been so busy and that drives me crazy. ...and now I need to get my butt over to the Health Club and work out and get my day started right.

Have a great day......by the way it was so up lifting to read all of your responses yesterday to my questions....thanks for all of them

Love you all, Marti



"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Brenda R.
on 7/13/08 11:26 pm - Portage, IN

Marti, my mom was on Aricept for Alzheimers. My aunt is on 2 medications for it now. Aricept is one of them. It is a very good drug for helping to keep the memory where it is now. It doesn't bring any back but it helps it from further fast deterioration. Just a word of experience here~just because your mom seems to know what is going on doesn't mean there is not Alzheimers going on there. They become very good actors and actresses. They know there is something wrong and they don't want anyone else to know it. It becomes their little secret. Sooner or later they can't keep it hidden anymore. My mom lived with it for a long time before either Bill or I saw anything. It came when my aunt passed and mom didn't know my cousin who was her nephew and Godson. I knew then that there was something major going on here.

Now the only bad thing about the Aricept is that once they go on it HAS to be for the remainer of their life. I cannot stress that enough. If they go on and then are taken off it the memory will will be gone and gone FAST and it will never come back. I tried to tell the nursing home that when a doctor took mom off it and they wouldn't listen to me and bang she bottomed out memory wise. It was a fast trip too. Just please make sure that she stays on it for the remainder of her life.

I am keeping everyone in my prayers.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Kathy K.
on 7/14/08 1:08 am - Kenosha, WI

Hi Marti. My dad, almost 82, has been on Aricept for about 3 years. His doctor wanted him to try it even earlier due to some memory problems, but my brother and I, both pharmacists, told dad to hold off. Probably a bit of denial on our part - we also didn't think he was actually in early Alzheimer's dementia. His doctor is an old family practitioner and we thought he was too quick to prescribe the Aricept. So about 3 years ago, with worsening memory episodes, he was put on it. He hasn't had any problems with it in terms of adverse reactions. He definitely has progressing dementia, however, with really bad short-term memory, as well as confusion and some episodes of agitation. Mom has found dirty laundry in the dishwasher - he probably thought it was the laundry chute, things like that. But he also has very good days where you wouldn't think anything was wrong. Yet, on other days, he doesn't remember where my brother lives - and he drives there every day! Now he is on a second drug for dementia. But, despite the meds, the awful disease keeps progressing. The meds can't stop it, just maybe delay or make the inevitable more bearable. Most drugs like Aricept have the most benefit for memory problems in early mild disease although clinical trials are always ongoing to look for benefits for more severe disease.

I would recommend, if you are concerned that she doesn't need it, to get a 2nd opinion, from a neurologist, perhaps, to see if he thinks medication for memory has more benefits than risks in a woman with her activity level and age.

We are learning this is a horrible way to leave this life. My friend just sent me a book called 'The 36-Hour Day'. It is a family guide to dealing with Alzheimers, other dementias, and memory loss in later life. 

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

on 7/13/08 10:07 pm

Hey Julia,

Hubby and I try to catch a movie at least twice a month.  The last one we saw was the kids movie with the Panda.  We took the ten-year-old grandson to see it and then took the 4-year-old to see the Go Diego Go play.  Now, I'm ready for adult entertainment. LOL 

Today, I will be writing a paper on truama.  Actually, I'm doing the research and hope to come up with a unique spin on African American literary response to postantebellum pain.  And, I'll walk and am going to try to do that new workout Zumba.  I have a little instructional video and if I can, I'll get to moving. 

I'm also going to make me some kick butt protein balls and some protein cookies.  I am all about the protein these days. 

I, too, love Thai food.  My friend and his wife are from India and they cook for hubby and me often and while I love the food, I cannot wait for thirty minutes after eating to drink my water and usually will get all my water in at one sitting with their hot food, which I love. 

Margo M.
on 7/13/08 10:15 pm, edited 7/13/08 10:20 pm - Elyria, OH

good morning!

good to see a west coaster starting the thread! and your day sounds fun, julia!i have seen the movie but not the musical-hope she enjoys the movie rendition!

i actually am staying home today- torn becuz i may need to use the sick time later -more- however- after no sleep saturday nite and such a horrible food day yesterday i decided to just go to bed last nite and didn't take my shower or anything-ucka! so--this morning starts out -after my OFF fix and breakfast-shower/struip our bed and get some laundry done and on the line...

michael called last  nite- i had been asleep for about an hour so was very disoriented when he called- anyhow- he was able to "move" some things thru his bod so the docs agreed no emergency surgery-they'll no doubt  run some tests today etc but i feel confident that i'll be making the trip to go pick him up today...so am starting the day quietly here with my OFF family, get the laundry stuff going as mentioned- oh and a few phone calls...cancell some appts etc

oh-movies- we don't get to go to the movies-finances-but we have cable with starz and encore and TMC and such--so i don't get to see 1st run movies- i have no interest in batman or those types- tho i would like to see the indiana jones one- bucket list is still on my list to watch! there were a few that i had really wanted to see about a year ago but i have forgotten the names!my granddaughter is coming soon to stay for two weeks- we'll probly do some movies via dvd....

sun is shining beautifully here- not too hot-yet- gotta get movin!

hugs and prayers


Brenda R.
on 7/13/08 11:31 pm - Portage, IN

I am so happy that Margo is coming back to us. I am glad that you are feeling better but make sure you take it easy and not overdo. Make sure you keep sipping and keep the food light today is my advice~for what it is worth.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/13/08 10:18 pm

Hi Julia and all,

I want to see Sex and the City but now will wait till it comes out on DVD. My husband doesn't like to go to the movies so we only go when something really has his interest...he would go if I wanted, but I'd rather just wait till it comes out on DVD unless it is one we both really just have to go see. Right now he is so busy with his school work...he doesn't even do the stuff he loves to do. He took 2 classes at once this time, and he still works full time, and says he won't do that again.

Marti, I work as a social worker in a nursing/rehab and many of our people have been prescibed that med. Another culprit of memory loss is blood pressure meds and some sleep meds. I will talk with my case manager nurses today and see what other meds can cause some memory loss and ask about the med your mom is on for the memory prob. They are pretty sharp and up on all that.

I am going to go wak the treadmill in a few minutes and I think I am back on track with my food.

Had a nice visit with dtr at camp and had brunch with her and the staff there. She seems very happy and having fun. Also seemed so grown up...she had some funny stories to tell and she is so funny anyway that  just her telling of them makes them even funnier.

The winds are suppose to pick up today which is bad for the fire fighters. I guess they figured out that the fire was started by some people with a fire pit. It was sooooooo windy that day I can't believe they didn't realize a recreational fire may not be such a good idea especially with the fire level high that day. 13 homes have burned so I would say those folks are in big trouble. What a horrible thing to be the victims and also the one who started it all. Apparently, their home was not touched....how bad must they feel....

Well, gotta go get my walking in.....

Have a great day all...


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

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