Good Sunday Morning!..What's New

on 7/13/08 3:07 am

 *~*~*~*~*~*~*  You all sound like you are so full of vim and vigor.   AINT  WLS GRAND ! !   So many activities to do, places to go and people to love......  Prayers are sent to those who need them and to those who don't  (or think they don't)  .....  Yesterday my sister and I went to the farmers market.  It was her first time to this one.  Boy, we didn't finish going through it... time limit.   I ended up buying 20# of cherries and 20# of fava beans.  I canned 13 qts of cherries and froze 8 qts of beans.  I've already frozen a flat of strawberries and a flat of raspberries.  I'm hoping to get in a box of apricots soon as they are almost gone for the season.  ........  I love canning and playing in the kitchen.    The best thing about wls is :  being able to bend over, sit comfortably, move with ease, fit clothes easier, eat less (still tied to food.. but healthy food), recognize the person in the mirror (not that fat broad who was following me).  .......I  hope you all continue posting about your wonderful lives.  I love hearing about it.    Millie


Eileen Briesch
on 7/13/08 3:31 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Marti and everyone:

Well, the editor is working better today, but I decided to change to a bigger font anyway ... it makes it easier to see for me too. Best thing that happened to me since WLS? I talked about this with my psychologist last week ... it was meeting all of you. Making new friends. My old friends are still my friends, but we have outgrown each other somehow ... Roxane and I are disconnected in some ways ... when we talk, she talks about her family and then doesn't want to hear about me, and that's strange since she was the one who encouraged me to get the WLS. I think there's a jealousy factor there, because now I'm actually smaller than her in size, and she was always the one smaller than me before. I don't hold it over her at all, I just stated the fact one day that I had gotten into a size small pant and she just said, "Oh, you couldn't be ... that's smaller than me!" Since then, she tries very hard to put me down, brings up old things from the past that irk her still, and when we are talking and I start talking about my life, she suddenly will say, "Well, I got to go." So I'm glad I got to make new friends.

The reason I had the surgery was to take the weight off my back and knees so I wouldn't be in so much pain ... unfortunately, I'm still in pain. I have five more days of Celebrex and that's it. It hasn't worked, it's expensive and I run the risk of getting ulcers. If it was working, I'd continue taking it, but I tried a month and my knee still hurts ... it actually hurts more. So that's it. I go back to the ortho doc Aug. 1 and we have to try something else or I look for another doctor.

I had a rough night last night ... knee was bothering me for some reason unknown and I needed a second vicodin to get to sleep. So uncomfortable! I didn't do anything like stand for an hour cooking, so not sure why it was hurting. And it didn't start hurting until I got to bed. I did cycle for a half hour, but not that vigorously.

Well, I'm off to watch baseball, read, bake some zucchini bread, etc., usual Sunday activities. Everyone have a good day.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Karen S.
on 7/13/08 3:42 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha BEAUTIFUL Marti....I got so excited about your post that I'm gong to go ahead and answer before I read everyone elses!! I'll probably repeat what many have said, but oh well!!

It does NOT surprise me that you have created a fabulous baby gift that is unique and memorable. You are just that way. Even when you are piled with work to do, you still manage to spread aloha everywhere you go...helping, loving, laughing and being full of life. Now that to me is a WOW LIFE!! You so inspire who is a koala bear in life.....snugging up in a tree as often as I can with a "do not disturb" sign on my belly! LOL

First, before I take a stab at your questions (which are fantastic by the way), let me tell a little about my day yesterday. I had TEN BABIES TO TEST yesterday! There were actually 13 born on Maui on 7/11/08, but two were on monitors and one went home before I could get my hands on her! Little stinker! It took me about 4.5 hours to test all ten babies....and I got in a lot of good "talking" and smooches as I tested. Filled my "baby loves tank" very good....ha!

Came home, and brought my ill friend next door some soup, papaya, applesauce and soy crisps hoping she could find something that appealed to her. She has shingles and has been VERY ILL for the past 10 days or so. She's 83, and I love her dearly and want her back out there teaching hula and loving her little doggie, Bubba, to the max. I walked Bubba for her...or rather he walked me...I just followed him to the beach and he had to smell every bush, and rock and foot that came close to him. Funny, adorable little shihtzu...I love him too!!

OK..the very best thing that has happened to me since WLS is being FREE in my body to do almost anything!! My 319 lb. body could not do stairs, airplane seats, beach walks, chairs with arms, blah, blah, ALL know what I'm talking about! Right? My body now doesn't even think about a chair before I PLOP down in it....not gently lower my body in case it breaks! Airplane seats are a joy.......and I always delight in pulling through at least a foot of seatbelt. I never tire of that tangible proof of my skinniness!! At work I am standing for hours, pushing baby cribs, lifting babies, running down the hall to mother's room, etc. and I can DO IT! I do get backaches sometimes but that's mostly from bending over cribs for too long without stretching.

I feel like a miracle has happened in my life. I never want to cease to be grateful and thank MY BIG KAHUNA every day for giving me my life back. Just this morning I slipped on a long, narrow sundress with skinny straps and it slid down over my hips like they weren't there. I remember so vividly trying on a BIG MUUMUU and having it get stuck on my bodacious butt!! Ah...I am grateful.

What I was looking for out off WLS was a longer life, and the ability to be a REAL tutu to my be able to get down on the floor and play with them (can do), to be able to walk a long ways on the beach with them (can do), to be able to chase them, feed them, change them, laugh with them without getting exhausted after ten minutes (can do!). It's a win win, sisters! And thank you Marti for again letting me focus on all the blessings......THAT was a blessing.

You are loved!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Brenda R.
on 7/13/08 4:35 am - Portage, IN

I just wanted to tell you, my big sis Maui Karen, that you and others here are a blessing to me. I have learned so much from all of you that it truly is a blessing in my life that God led me here to this place. The place that I am loved unconditionaly and accepted for me, and not someone that you expect me to be.

Thanks to all of my brothers and sisters! And~thank you God for bringing to where I am right now.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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