Good Sunday Morning!..What's New

on 7/12/08 11:22 pm

Oh geeze Margo,

Poor girl!

Take care,


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 7/13/08 2:49 am

 Margo...  I hope you called the place where you ate the questionable food.  I'm assuming it was not at home.  They need to know what food you ate so they can pull it off the food line.  Did you know most food poisoning in restaurants is from unsanitary dishes, silverware etc not necessarily the food?  I learned that in my health class at culinary school.  I sure hope you feel better soon.  Not fun being sick....    Millie

annette R.
on 7/13/08 6:00 am - ithaca, NY

But Margo,

WHO is taking care of YOU???? Please be extra careful and DRINK LOTS. Michael may seem more needy but you are more in danger of dehydration than he is.


Special hugs for our Special Sister

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 7/12/08 11:20 pm

Hi Marti and all,

Today I am going to go walk my treadmill for an hour. Then we are going up to the camp where my dtr is a counselor for church and brunch and to see her...miss her. Then home to get groceries and do laundry and hopefully squeeze a nap in somewhere.

Doing the scrapbook weekend thingy puts me so behind. To make that part worse I did the WORST in my eating that I have done in the past 9 months! I ate everything in sight and lots of it! I am ashamed and freaked out. That feels like crap! I feel like a HUGE failure and that now the fat is just going to pile back on. Part of my brain, a tiny part, knows it won't happen quite like that, but right now most of my brain is not functionng on logic.

This new editor thing is the poops, it doesn't show the little red line under misspelled words anymore, so now you will all see just how rotten I spell!

I think this whole thing with Beth's bio dad has gotten the best of me( I will spare you all with the mess, but it is a mess and he is a diagnosed anti social narcisstic personality disorder, not one of my better decisions in life)...sorry for the negativity today.

What WLS has done for me....

1. Given me you guys as support and friends

2. A new cute wardrobe (not new but new to me)

3. Put a smile on my sour puss most of the time

4. Let me fit in the tub

5. Sleep on my side if I want

6. Made my family proud of me

7. Too many more to name...gotta go walk on my treadmill to get rid of all I ate this weekend....

Have a lovely day all,


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 7/13/08 12:11 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi Marti and All,

Well a quick not before I embark to go and cut heads. I dont think we will be to busy as it is raining all day.

Well what made weight loss great for me is that it allowed me to go to Beauty College and get my Cosmetology certificate and get a job.

I can stand on my feet more than 8 hrs a day without dying.

I can make better food choices.

I can fit in my car a whole lot better!!!!!

I can have a wardrobe that is to dye for and not spend a lot of money!!!!!

I can run after the Great Nephew with ease.

I can dance the night away

Oh new flash my Great Nephew just took his 1st 3 steps!!!!!!

Well got to go and get ready for work.


image hosting site

Brenda R.
on 7/13/08 4:39 am - Portage, IN

Cheryl, how did you get little red lines under mispelled words? I never got that. I hate this new format (I finally figured out it wasn't just me since I didn't post on her yesterday) since this font thing is getting to me. I like using the small size since I can actually see it! Now it is a struggle keeping it on that font. Is there is anyone that can answer my question of is there a way to keep the font on that you want to use or do you have to change it all the time? Help~I am a computer idiot!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Kathy K.
on 7/13/08 12:51 am - Kenosha, WI

Hi Marti and all good friends! Had a good day yesterday with the folks who are getting older by the minute.   Used to be they'd come over to help me do physical things at the house but no more.  I only ask them to help with things where I need more than 2 hands.  With the walls all painted now, it's time to hang pictures and drapes! So yesterday we hung my big triple oval mirror in the living room and the big wrought iron medallion in the family room where I needed a few extra hands. I also bought a black bench for the guest room that came 'assembly required' so we all took parts of it upstairs. And I bought a cute rattan bombe chest that we all moved from the garage to the sunroom. I always find so many cute things online that I don't find locally in furniture stores but it's such a hassle when they're delivered to get them in the house by myself. I have a new black daybed on the way where I'm paying extra to have them move it into the house and up the stairs for me. Otherwise I'd have to take it off the truck myself!

Things are finally falling into place yet no one room is done yet. But the family room is the closest to being done. Need a few more 'things' for inside/behind the entertainment unit glass doors. I have so many ideas and so little time to 'play' house. And so many things laying around in their respective rooms waiting for that 'required' assembly!  This morning I'm off to Milw to the rattan furniture store to pick up my love seat cushions. They ordered the wrong ones and I've been waiting and waiting since Mem Day for the right ones. In the meantime they let me use the wrong ones so I have to return them. I didn't want to wait 2 more weeks for delivery so I'm willing to pay the gas to go pick them up myself. It's practically an hour's drive each way, but what are you going to do?

Well, I'm off to get my cushions, then going to JoAnn's to see if the curtain fabric that's 40% off that I want to order actually goes with the cushions! I'll let you know how it goes.

Great day to ALL!

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

Marti O.
on 7/13/08 1:12 am

Hey Kathy mentor through all the WLS,,,,,thought you might like to know they took Diabetic off my diagnosis...You really helped me get over my fears of the surgery for that. Good to hear how you are doing...please stop in more often. I am glad to hear you are in your new home and busy as usual. Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 7/13/08 1:04 am - CA

Happy Sunday, Marti, and Everyone!

Your baby shower present sounds perfect, Marti!  I think baby presents are simply the most fun to shop for and put together.  Enjoy the day. 

Margo - Special hug for you today with being sick yourself and with hubby being sick to boot.

I got sick last night for the first time!  I know what I did wrong so I'm not worried about it.  I ate a bite of egg - too big and too much at once.  I actually forgot.  I think that showed me that I'm feeling "normal" (whatever that is).  So, I'm off eggs for a while until I "forget" the experience.   That will take a bit of time for me.  Whew.....

I'm setting out today to work out some sort of activity routine.  I've been walking and treadmill but not much progress.  I go to the doctor tomorrow and will ask to be cleared for more activity.  I may look into a gym membership I think. 

I'm not quite six weeks into my WLS so it really hasn't done too much for me yet.  I'm very grateful for the 23 pounds lost so far.  My progress, so far, has allowed me to buy clothes 3 sizes smaller than before.  That's a very good thing.  I'm off one of my blood pressure medicines so that has to be a real positive in this!  I'm looking forward to being off all medicines in the future.  I've had some mood swings, apparently, that hubby has noticed.  He commented yesterday about that.  LOL  Another reason to look for an exercise program and see if that helps!

Have a great Sunday.  Prayers for everyone -- needed or not.  Know that I do think about you all daily.



(deactivated member)
on 7/13/08 2:22 am - Park Forest, IL

Hi Marti and my OFF family, This will be short and sweet today as I am getting ready to head into Chicago to see my best childhood friend and her sister, Dawn is visiting from Phoenix, and I haven't seen her in a couple years. I haven't had wls yet but have already had some benefits from losing 40 pounds,  off my bp meds and fitting into size 20-22 clothes down from 26-28. Yipee!  Have a great day! Hugs, Paulette

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