Good Sunday Morning!..What's New

Marti O.
on 7/12/08 3:25 pm, edited 7/12/08 3:27 pm

12:30 am CDT

I have been up late, puttzing....I have to go to a baby shower today...and I love to make baby clothes baskets....I got a "laundry" basket yesterday at a garage sale for $1 and my husband spray painted it white for me and I hot glued little brown and white ribbon flowers around it and put the presents including a big teddy bear, and little baby clothes [it's for a baby boy] and tied it up with blue netting and a big ribbon.  It really looks pretty cute. I had fun and it will be useful.

I have to do an Open House first, but then I will go to the party. It has been a little warm here, but still real nice. Supposed to be a high of 78 degrees and sunny.

I had a very relaxing, for me, Saturday. I shopped and got some makeup that I had been needing and the baby clothes and some matching shirts for my little grandsons.  I also had a very relaxing pedicure and manicure. I just sold the house of one the manicurist in three weeks and sold them a new they think I am great..[.got them fooled.]

What are you going to be doing today? ...and what is the the very best thing that has happened to you with your WLS......and pre-ops..... what are you looking for most out of WLS?

Hugs, Marti


"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Jan C.
on 7/12/08 4:16 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Hi Marti great to see you this morning
what im going to be doing today is digging. This lady i know bought this house and the back yard is filled and i mean filled with flowers. She doesnt want them she wants nothing in her back yard but trees and grass. wow why i dont know, anyway she knew i loved flowers and told me if i would come up and dig them up i could have them but i had to dig them all up lol So that is what i will be doing today. She said she thought my pick up truck would be really loaded down. I may have lots of flowers to give away lol.
What is the best thing that is the result of wls. that i can plan on doing something like the above and know that i can do it and follow thru. I may be most of the day doing all of it but i bet i can get it done. Amazing. Next month is my two year surgerversary. and in that two years my whole life is so totally different.
I couldnt walk from the house to the mailbox and back and now im planning on using a shovel all day long.


Debbie G.
on 7/12/08 8:44 pm - Derby Line, VT

Good Sunday morning Marti and all OFF'ers!

It is just a little after 0630, dogs have been out, fed and I have clothes fluffing in the dryer and will start the protein sip here soon.  I went to the doggy adoption event yesterday but didn't stay long past lunch.  I find the longer I keep the feet down the more they ooze (ick) so am keeping them up like I should be!  Don't have a lot planned for today other then doing a small load of laundry and propping feet up.  Back to work tomorrow and oh yes, let's not forget my prime mission in life is to Let the Dogs our, Let the Dogs in, Let the Dogs out, Let the Dogs in, FEED the dogs, Let the Dogs out and Let the Dogs in.........

So many good things  have happened since WLS, I guess the very best is being able to do what ever I need or want to do with out issues.  You know, just getting up and taking a brisk walk (should I want to do that) I just go.  Paint a room?  OK!  clean house?  Sure, I can do that!  Going outside and doing poop patrol was a major event.  Now, whoo****'s done.  Mowing the grass, I had the old rider just to mow this small yard.  Now, I briskly walk behind the self propelled and get the yard done in 45-with out stopping.  Freedom to do, confidence to do, ability to do.  WLS has given life back.  I am more ME now then I was 20 years ago.  Iknew I was not really that woman trapped in that body, that wasn't ME, I lost me a long time before that.  I'm me again. 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

on 7/13/08 2:39 am

    I applaud you....  isn't  it a great feeling to be who we are rather than being trapped in "that" body?  I love the new freedoms I'm gaining.. lol  as I lose.   So much life to live...  Millie

annette R.
on 7/12/08 9:44 pm - ithaca, NY

Good morning Marti and all:

Marti, the basket sounds like a labor of love and will be appreciated. You are clever and thoughtful.

We have a full day planned. First I will finish my paperwork and get that in to my boss tomorrow - a day early no less.I'll spend a couple of hours with the Grand's, then head to the grocery store. After that we need to complete birthday shopping for Melanie and my SIL. the spare room needs acouple of finishing touches for our house guest then I plan to relax!

The best part of WLS has been the multitude of little things which most normal sized people take for granted.

*Walking through a crowded restaurant and not worried that people have to stand up to let me pass through.

*Drop something on the floor and being able to bend over to pick it up.

*Easily shaving my legs in the shower.

**Not sweating like a fountain with the least bit of exertion.

*Painting my own toes.

*Having a lap to hold 2 Grand's, a dog and room for more.

*Feeling Tom's arms wrap all the way around me.

*Having the ability to encourage others who are waiting to have WLS!!!!

*Meeting a whole bunch of new Sisters and Brothers who are loving, kind and supportive - unconditional love.

The list is endless.

There have been a few days when I wonder "what have I done?". Some of the bumps were caused by WLS, but the majority are plain old age and genetics. Without this miracle tool, I would not have bounced back so quickly.

Thank you for giving my memory a nudge in the right direction.



 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Brenda R.
on 7/12/08 9:55 pm, edited 7/12/08 9:56 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning, Marti, and all my other OFF family. I am back today after being mia yesterday. I hope that all is fine with everyone.

This new font size thing is driving me NUTS~or maybe I should say more so than normal. I usually use the small font and now it has a bunch of different sizes on the little thing to choose and it just keeps changing to itsy bitsy and I hate that. I don't know if there is something that you can do to make the size stay what you want it to but I can't change it if there is. Can anyone help me with that one? I don't even know if there is something you can do so you don't have to change it all the time. I am NOT computer literate as most of you know. I try but most of the time can't succeed on doing some things.

I was so busy yesterday. Ella and I went to rummage sales and I got some real treasures. I think my best one is that I got a Roadmaster bike that was only used 3 times. I guess Grandpa overinflated the back tire and just blew the innertube. So they got her a new one. My luck! I got it for $20 and paid $3.50 for the innertube. It is such a pretty color of purple and I am so happy that I got it. I got some clothes and I like them. I got 2 everyday tops for 50 cents each, a dress 2 peice top for $2 and a dress for $3. I thought that I was going to have to lose a couple of pounds before the dress would fit but I got it on without even having to unzip it. It is so pretty too, a yellow linen with a sheer over jacket that is attached. The jacket is trimmed in the yellow linen with buttons with the fabric button stip things (what are they called? Button strip things? Don't think so!) and the jacket is pastel flowers. The sleeves are the same as the jacket. It has the thin straps in the back that tie too. I was so happy and told Bill now I am going to have to get a slip and pantyhose that fits me. The last time that I wore those 2 things they kept falling down. I just kept tugging and pulling!

I am up since Bill set the clock for 5 this morning. He is gone fishing with his cousin and 2 friends. They are going to fish on the Kankakee river. Heaven only knows when they are going to be back. I went to bed at 1:30 and once the clock went off I was up and going.

I am going back to church this morning. I know that since I got so little sleep by the time it is time to leave for church I am going to be so tired I am going to want to just curl up in bed again. lol I haven't gone for 2 months and I HAVE to go back. I know that my week goes so much better when I get to church. I just miss everyone when I am not there.

While I am on that subject I am in need of your prayers for Pastor and his dad. They found out yesterday that he has a brain tumor. They are going to do surgery to remove that mass but the bad thing is that the mass has grown "fingers" and they have wrapped themselves around the venticles of the brain. When they remove the mass that is all they are going to be able to remove. Pastor needs the prayers for strength and wisdom and his dad needs them for healing. I appreciate all the prayers. I know that this is such a group of "prayer warriors" and we have so much strength when we all gather together. Thanks!

Today is sunny and that is better than what it was yesterday. It poured rain and Ella and I thought that the rummage sales was not going to happen. by the time we set out (about 9 since Ella was running late) it was starting to clear up. We ended up with a beautiful and sunny day. Humid but nice still and all. I think today is going to be humid again. I guess that we have to realize that there is only 2 kinds of weather here~hot and cold. haha

I got a bit of a sunburn while I was out and about yesterday. I burn so easy and then it never turns into a tan. I just burn and then it goes away. I have a lot of freckles since I am a natural redhead and so I am going to tan someday because I am just waiting for the freckles to grow together. That is going to give me a nice tan. I just can't wait. The way I see it is that I am 54 now and so in about another 50 to 55 years I should be nice and tanned. lol

I guess I had better get going. I have to check my e mails from yesterday too since this computer never got turned on at all. I am going to have a gazillion of them and I think most of them is going to be tossed! I get some things from places and if they are a day after they are sent I just glace and delete.

I am sending all my love and hugs and prayers are being said for all. Special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful Sunday today.

Oh! I forgot the question about the best things that have happened since the wls. How could I forget that! It is such an important part of me.

I guess the best things are being able to do things that I thought was never going to happen again for me. I got to be able to enjoy life again~the way that God intended me to, not just surviving but loving it now. I am able to bend over and pick things up and not have to hold by breath since it took so much out of me. To be able to fit in a seat now like "normal" people and have room left over. To be able to go to my beloved rummage sales and not tire just walking around. To be able to find clothes that fit me at the sales too is a big plus. I am able to shop in the misses department and not the women's department. That is wonderful. There is so much that I enjoy now and I know that there isn't enough room to list them all. I am so grateful that God put this in my heart and I acted on it. I love my life and I am so grateful for it now. I just find it so hard to put into the words the feelings that I have for it and for all of you wonderful family that I have met because of it. I will be eternally grateful and never be able to repay the people that helps me to love my new wonderful life.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/12/08 9:58 pm - Alexander, AR

Hi Marti and the rest of my OFF friends,

I'm still not sure that OH has this system fixed, still having some trouble with spacing, but at least it's better than yesterday!  How's a girl to keep up??? Marty, your baby gift sounds adorable and your Saturday nice and relazing. Just what a girl needs!

Got  up earlier than I wanted, 6:00 a.m., but still got a good night's rest. So, I fugured I'd hang out here for a bit, get my grocery list together and to roam the aisles, then come home and clean house. I belong to a community band and rehearsal is at 2:00 today, so I'd like to get all of it done before leaving for that. Guess it's a good thing I got up at my regular time.

The best thing that's happened for me since WLS, I think, is the change in my attitude towards food.  While I sometimes think I'm still obsessed with food, it's not like before where I'd eat just for the sake of eating. Now it's planned, calcualted and well thought out, which may still  seem obsessive to some, but for me  maintenance is all about planning and keeping track to make sure I get in everything I need to keep my weight stable. Honestly, I don't care about food like I used to, now it's just what I have to do to stay healthy, not an olympic event!

I found a dietician here in the area who does the MedGem test. It tests your resting metobolic rate to determine how many calories a day you need to maintain your weight. It's a bit pricy $100 for the test, nutritional analysis and a counseling session, but I think it will be well worth it. I've given up on the Nut at our hospital ever helping me again, so I'm very happy I've found this new person. She used to work with the first bariatric surgeon here in Little Rock before he retired, so she's very well aware of our needs. I'll keep you informed on this! 

Well, better run, things to do, places to go




Laureen S.
on 7/12/08 10:13 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Marti and my OFF Sisters & Brothers!

Sounds like you had a nice time making that basket and what a thoughtful and nice gift that will make, I always admire the things that people give as gifts that have a creative flair to them, as well as taking the time and effort to do!  Glad you also managed some relaxing time for yourself.

Well my day yesterday consisted of meeting up with an old co-worker/friend of mine, we met up, got in my car and headed for the shore (beach, in NJ for some reason they call it the shore?).  It was a beautiful day there, light breeze, lots of sun, the ocean was very angry, with the effects of Bertha in the Atlantic being felt all the way up to the NJ coast, the waves were so big that by 3 p.m. we had to leave the beach because between the high tide and the waves the water had come too high to stay, which was just fine, since 3 hours is about my maximum for sitting on a beach.  I did get a bit darker yesterday, wait til Tony sees me on Wednesday, lol!  Anyway, my g/f called me her new "skinny" friend, I just laugh now when people use the "skinny" word, it's not true yet, but I realized this week that I weigh now what I did when I got pregnant with my oldest daughter in 1974, though I did lose weight after my 3rd child and kept it off for a short while, it's been years since I weighed what I do now. . .  anyway, we left the shore and went in search of a nice seafood restaurant, which we found and had the earlybird dinner, where I dined on spinach salad and broiled stuffed flounder, coffee and a few spoonfuls of rice pudding, it was nice, then we drove back to her car and I drove back to my hometown and met up with friends at Starbucks before the women's AA meeting, which is my favorite AA meeting that I attend, after that we went to Friendly's to chat for a little while and I got home at 10:30, took a shower and fell in bed!

Today I have laundry, cooking and straightening to do, but first I'm going to the gym and after the household things, I will be heading to my g/f's backyard to hang by the pool, this evening I will be attending my other AA meeting and then it will be time to sleep for the work week looms. . .

Hope you all have a great day!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Margo M.
on 7/12/08 11:02 pm - Elyria, OH


we had some real excitement here-NOT! went to bed at about 10 and by midnite i was wide awake--thought i was dying- pain and cramping and gas ; then found out michael had it too--now, not that i want him to be sick however, him being sick confirmed at least that i wasn't necessarily dying!

long story short-food poisoning-omg by 5 am i was done puking and was able to fall asleep...michael still was puking when i got up at 8 am...he is running a fever and chills so i have to watch him ...we both ate the same thing but he ate a larger portion.....sorry if TMI...

i was able to sleep from 5 til 8 and need more- but i also needed to get up to get some fluid....i may go curl up in the chair cuz now i feel guilty if i go back to bed and leave him on teh couch sick.....

marti i may come back later to answer your question cuz it's a good one but right now i need to attend to michael....

have no clue as to what we are doing today..sipping and sleeping i guess......

hugs and prayers

Brenda R.
on 7/12/08 11:11 pm - Portage, IN

Margo, please make sure that you take care of yourself too. You won't be any good to Michael if you don't take care of yourself.

I know Bill had food poisening one time and he thought that he was going to die too. It was terrible. I am so grateful and thankful that I never had it and I don't want it either.

Take care and sip so you don't dehydrate. You are both in my prayers.

Love and hugs to you, hon.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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