What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Friday

Thank you sweet Linda! My sister has called me several times from DW with updates. She's more excited about my first time than I am! But then, that's Janel - gotta love her. I'm 100% sure DW will be there tomorrow when I arrive! Oooo, wait, there goes my cell! Yep, Janel again telling me to bring a light jacket or windbreaker. It rained and now she's very cool - not cold, but cool and she knows I'm almost always cool/cold too! I'm so glad I updated my cell plan - did it for this trip so I'd have long distance to call George and also to keep in contact with sis, BIL, niece, and mom in case we get separated. Got 500 anytime/anywhere minutes. I love the little plane - hope that's not the way I'll be exiting in Orlando - who knows with all the airline cutbacks! HUGS back atcha! The only reason I'm not happy about vacation is I'll miss my sisters and brothers, but then look what I have to come back to - all of you! Deb

Hey Debbie,
Ya you better take a light jacket with you. when you go into the stores or where the air Conditioning is on and it gets very cold in those places and you dont have your jacket you wil wish you did!!!!! I keep my winter jacket in the car at all times. So when I go into the grocery and or restaurant I tie it around my waist. I sue get some weird looks and stares but who cares. I am cold 24/7!!!!! I learned the hard way!!!!!