What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Friday

Linda S.
on 7/11/08 1:35 am, edited 7/11/08 3:03 am - PHOENIX, AZ
TGIF!!! I am off today too. It rained and stormed and I slept like a baby!! I hope all my groovey friends are having a wonderful day! B- Chicken salad L- Chopped egg salad on Romaine and fresh cherry tomatoes D- ...a mystery LOL.. S- SB granola bar S Fresh, juicy orange. I hope everyone has a glide in their stride, and that you hang loose as a goose!  Sunglasses 

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 7/11/08 1:58 am

I'm going for the protein: 

Breakfast one egg fried in pam

lunch one boiled egg

supper one boiled egg and in between I'll be sipping on the protein shakes.  Today, I'll get my protein in, if it kills me. 

Cajun Angel
on 7/11/08 2:16 am - New Orleans, LA
Jeannie, just a question, what protein shakes are you using?  I drink Eas AdvantEdge, have for a looong time and love the cafe caramel, chocolate isn't too bad, vanilla is so-so, strawberry is nasty.  I also use Biochem protein powder (from Whole Foods) mixed with ff milk.  It comes in a variety of flavors - caramel, chocolate, peaches and cream, strawberry, vanilla, and unflavored.  The first three are my favs. HTH Debbie
on 7/11/08 2:57 am
Debbie, I just bought that one and used it for the first time yesterday and hurled twice.  It has more sugar that the others and that might be why I got sick.  Today, I'm doing the whey from GMC.  Either they have too many sugars or the milk that I mix them with makes me sick.  I've done it all, the mixing with coffee, mixing with soy milk, rice milk, and even in water.  I dump on about everything too fatty too sweet or too milky.  Jan suggested that I use Isuprell, I think that's right, so I'm a going after it next pay day.  I have got to do better with my nutrition. 

Cajun Angel
on 7/11/08 11:12 am - New Orleans, LA
Good luck finding something that works for you!   I'm with Linda on the eggs, especially hard boiled!  You'd swear there was something dead in the room!  Now, eggs fried over easy don't have that affect. 
Linda S.
on 7/11/08 3:07 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Protein rocks and so do you!! Girl,if I ate that many eggs in one day,the gas would blow my arse from Arizona all the way to Kansas!! More power to ya! Kudos on getting that protein in!!  Bow Down Together 

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Cajun Angel
on 7/11/08 2:02 am - New Orleans, LA
There you are!  I was beginning to wonder/worry just a bit!  Hack, cough, sneeze, gliding along.  Glad you had a good night!  My last day of work for awhile!  Boss decided to take a vacation day!  So, that will make a total of 7 working days without him!!!  I have to wonder about his thinking sometimes.  He could have come in today to get out any cases that arrived (2 so far), and taken off a day or two next week while I'm out.  But NOOOO, he had to take off today!  Not that I'm complaining... B - light cranberry-raspberry juice and a protein shake S - 1/2 a pancake from the cafeteria, not a good choice, but at least it was something solid L - grilled chicken ceasar salad S - protein shake D -  there's enough leftovers for George for dinner so I won't have to cook, so maybe I'll just have some deli ham with swiss cheese or there's always one of my many 1/2 - 1 cup containers of various things in the freezer. S - protein shake or ??? This is probably the last time I'll post on the What we're eating and what's eating untill I return from my visit with Mickey, Cinderella, Goofy, etc.  Prince Charming will be home waiting for me! Have a wonderful day off! Debbie
Linda S.
on 7/11/08 3:13 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hey my sweet angel!! We all know your boss is not wired correctly and needs to go back to the factory. But hey!! Sounds like you are in for a good time! Skydiver 1  Swinging 2 Rock Climber  Beekeeper Leaf Pile  Beach Hammock ENJOY!! Hugs and more hugs!!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Cajun Angel
on 7/11/08 11:27 am - New Orleans, LA

Thank you sweet Linda!  My sister has called me several times from DW with updates.  She's more excited about my first time than I am!  But then, that's Janel - gotta love her.  I'm 100% sure DW will be there tomorrow when I arrive!  Oooo, wait, there goes my cell!  Yep, Janel again telling me to bring a light jacket or windbreaker.  It rained and now she's very cool - not cold, but cool and she knows I'm almost always cool/cold too!  I'm so glad I updated my cell plan - did it for this trip so I'd have long distance to call George and also to keep in contact with sis, BIL, niece, and mom in case we get separated.  Got 500 anytime/anywhere minutes.   I love the little plane - hope that's not the way I'll be exiting in Orlando - who knows with all the airline cutbacks! HUGS back atcha!  The only reason I'm not happy about vacation is I'll miss my sisters and brothers, but then look what I have to come back to - all of you! Deb

on 7/11/08 1:59 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hey Debbie,

Ya you better take a light jacket with you. when you go into the stores or where the air Conditioning is on and it gets very cold in those places and you dont have your jacket you wil wish you did!!!!! I keep my winter jacket in the car at all times. So when I go into the grocery and or restaurant I tie it around my waist. I sue get some weird looks and stares but who cares. I am cold 24/7!!!!! I learned the hard way!!!!!


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