An update from the faceless person were around when I first came in here, and I loved your contributions. Then you had surgery, got busy and we didn't see much of you. So, I HOPE that you will pop in more often now.
Congratulations on the PhD! I understand about not using the Dr. in front of your name. I don't very often......except when I need it to get something done. When I did mine, I did orals, comps and instead of a dissertation, a small group of us started a mental health clinic in Santa Cruz. We did all the incorporation, legalization, decorating, office set up, etc. We had a psychiatrist, MSW, and a business manager on staff and we all interned until we got our licenses. It was an experience.....never made any money, but sure learned a lot about community mental health.
You haven't mentioned how much weight you have lost. Have you reached your goal? Are you happy with where you are? Sounds like your body has given you freedom and the ability to go, go, go...THAT is success in my mind!
So happy to see you, and I am so happy for you!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Hey Karen,
I swear when I get a chance, I'm coming to your beautiful beach for coffee. Two months ago, when I weighed at the doctor's, I was ten pounds below his goal of 180. So, if you count from the very beginning, I've lost 370 but from surgery, I've lost 160. So, I am over half of me. LOL. I am going to put a picture somewhere soon. I have to tell you that I'm looking into plastic surgery so I can get rid of some of this hanging skin but it looks like my surgeon won't clear me until after October. So, maybe I'll go behind his back. LOL
I'll try and be better at posting. I always come on and read but have little time to post. It's good to keep up with all of my friends.