Hi Felice, congratulations on your date! It will be here before you know it. OK, take a deep breath, bear with me and I'll try to answer some of your questions.

What I can't address, I'm sure others will jump in and help with.
I'm surprised your surgeon said you could have coffee/tea. Mine said decaf only. As for the ff creamer, I don't know. Durng the pre-op liuid diet, I was allowed sf jello (fruit flavored, but no added fruit pieces), broth, decaf coffee or tea with milk, protein shakes, Crystal Light, and small amounts of fruit juice, oh and sf popsicles.
What to take to the hospital: chapstick, hand/body lotion (although most hospitals give you a care package with a small bottle in it), toothbrush and toothpaste, comb and brush, robe and comfortable slippers/shoes, friends phone numbers, something to read, very loose clothes to go home in, and a pillow for the ride home (to hold against you tummy which may be a bit tender). Not trying to scare you, but if the ride is bumpy or the seatbelt hits on your incisions you could be a bit uncomfortable. I felt so good, I went to the pharmacy (someone else drove of course) the day after I was released from the hospital, and went to a baseball game 6 days after surgery.
Catheter - yes, probably until you're mobile and coherent enough to use the bathroom. Some people go home with their drains, I didn't. I did however have a feeding tube because my surgeon repaired a hiatal hernia and was concerned I may not be able to swallow well enough to get in any protein. The feeding tube stayed in for 5 weeks, and I used it maybe three times.
If memory serves me, I think it was three weeks before I could life anything heavier than a jug of milk.
Nope, no period after surgery, I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 26. YEAH!!! No worries!
I've been blessed with very strong bones! The last few bone scans I was told I have the bones of a 20 something year old - I'll be 56 the end of the month! Due for another scan in Sept/Oct.
Vitamins/medicines - My surgeon took me off everything 2 days pre-op. After I was released from the hospital I was told to take my chewable vitamins. When I was allowed soft foods, I was told to crush my other vitamins in a bit of no sugar added applesauce or cottage cheese or yogurt. I no longer needed my blood pressure meds until a few months ago, and then it was only one rather than the five I took pre-op. Pre-op I was on a total of 10 med per day - 5 for bp, others for cholesterol, arthritis, depression...
Problems: slight dizzy spells - which I attribute to not enough fluid; dumping episodes when i didn't stick to the plan in the beginning. One night I ate no sugar added ice cream, forget to check the fat content, and spent nearly 2 hours in the bathroom on the throne holding the trash can. Most of my minor problems were brought on by something foolish I did - not chewing well enough before swallowing results in serious chest pain. Overeating - unbearable pressure, barfing, hiccups, runny nose.
Hold on tight, you're in for the ride of your life! Best wishes!