What's new Sunday July 5, 2008?
Annette, Being honest with ME has always been my most difficult thing. NONE of us would be here were it not for an eating disorder. . . . I dare anyone to challenge that. Balance is what it is all about and that is a real bugaboo for me too. Seeing that there is a problem and acknowledging it truly is the first step. Sometimes we need to "look at that" for a while before venturing forth to the action part of the solution. I am so proud of you for taking this action. Healthy Annette is what you are searching for. There is a lot of knowledge out there. As you reach out and seek it you will learn new ways of dealing with the "head" issues. Remember that tried but true phrase that continually comes back to us? Yep. . . that's it. "It wasn't brain surgery!" Hugs,
Karen C
I remember seriously wishing that I were an alcoholic or a raging drug addict. In my warped mind I could stop those "cold turkey" where as I knew that food was something that my body had to have. . . and I knew that I couldn't eat healthily, in control, eating to live and not living to eat. I still don't choose to do that sometimes. So. . . know that you are not alone. Different issues perhaps, but not so different in the whole scheme of things. Gosh I wish we could sit on the floor in a big circle (a very big circle room for everyone interested) and talk for hours. I'm sure Pittsburgh had some of this. I know Dallas did for sure! How about a big circle as the sun sets outside of Karen's condo on Maui?
Karen C
You know, Karen, I had those feelings a lot of times. People could understand alcoholism or drug abuse, and you could get insurance to pay for treatment relatively easily. But obesity? No, everyone said you needed to have willpower, to control yourself around food. They didn't understand that you don't need alcohol or drugs to live, but you need food to live. You have to eat to live; you just can't give it up. And insurance companies sure don't help matters when they decide they won't pay for things like self-help groups like weigh****chers or gym fees ... why, you should pay for those yourself, but drug addicts or alcoholics or even smokers trying to quit get their treatments paid for ... and then try to get WLS, and so many people I know have been denied not just once or twice, but three or four times ... practically had to beg to get it done, or had to pay it themselves. Obesity is considered a failure of ourselves, unlike any other addiction (and that's what it really is, an addiction to food).
Wasn't it great sitting around in Dallas chatting about everything and nothing and connecting on such a great level with people whom we only knew online before (for the most part)? I felt I knew most of you all my life, and yet, I didn't really know you until Dallas. Can't wait for another get-together.