What's New Friday!
hi nancy! michael watches Canadian news often he finds out more about our country that way! and so we watched alot of the festivities for your Canada day.... i'll ask you the same about the jelly--do you use sf pectin also???? it is so good to see you post-don't say that you have nothing to say- we want to know how you are...how your business is faring...i can picture you on the veranda with a cat and a book....you get the idea! hugs!
lol..yes..we Canadians know ALOT about Americans...we learn it in school and we get really great news casts here.
InfoDIVA is growing and Im building my database of clients to refer and also Im now getting people calling me for help to find a service that is ethical. Im printing certificates for each client so that they can frame them and post them on their office walls.
Im reading a fabulous book called THINK & GROW RICH by Napolean Hill..written in the early 1900s... he was WAY ahead of his time.
Today a small pink covered women's magazine came out..I have a banner in that magazine for my business...woohoo!

Annette - You mentioning Rod Serling sure brought memories back for me! While in High School - 1969 - I worked for the Los Angeles Film Teachers Association. An English teacher I had coordinated the group and Rod Serling was one of the members I worked with. He was really active with the Association. Very nice man.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane! I'm going to go watch the marathon today I think. LOL
Dear Annette...you'd get so tired of me japping...lol. Rufus and I have to get more diligent again about eating...sometimes I get so busy, out and about, that I dont eat properly..sometimes not at all til dinnertime. However I DO drink my water and still take my pills.
I didnt know Rod Serling lived there..wow..I LOVED that show! Havent seen it in years! It was always a scary fascinating show to watch.
oh yes..I can fully identify..with two sisters...one that lives far away yet still convinces mother that she needs money and she is 50 now! and the other who , much like mother, burns her bridges and refuses to have anything to do with mother..so, yes, I do it all alone. Well, I can sleep at night knowoing Im doing the right thing.... Mother is NOT easy but she is still my mother.
Im struggling with weight and old habits creep up..how I wish Id never discovered that I can eat sugar and not dump! I need to smarten up and get back on track..whats worse is that BEFORE I was doing SO well so I feel even more the failure for losing my detemination and the energy I used to have.
Happy 4th To You ! I have to echo Nancy.... I too have had a weight gain , mine was even worse than yours Nancy....23 lbs. I had the revision surgery on June 24th. Been on a liquid diet since then and move to pureed and semi solid foods next week Thursday. So far I've lost 16 lbs. It's even harder this time to be on liquids....I'm even finding myself in tears as John & Phil sit down to eat dinner , so I have to go into another room as it's just too hard to be in the same room. It's hard enough to see the food but the smells are what are driving me mad. I keep busy with all I do , gardening, museum, crafts,photography, housework...etc. I stop in and play catch up but find myself holding back, not belonging, as if my failure has ended my right to be here. I never have much of any importance to contribute so why say anything. Does that make sense ?
Joyce S.
Karen C