Happy Fourth of July!

Marti O.
on 7/3/08 8:12 pm, edited 7/4/08 4:57 am
I am torn between two lovely ladies to respond to ......so I just decided to do a new topic......I loved Laureen's message about the new FREEDOM that comes with our weight loss.....that is amazing! Nancy, it is so great to see you post. I see you are busy as usual. I hope your legs are soon better. I know that is such a struggle for you. I had a terrible headache and discovered my oxygen was not on......I think a very cute little finger could not resist that big white button. I have lots of cute little fingers around my house this long weekend....and they are all sleeping right now. All our children are now here for the Fourth. I have cousins, brothers lots of friends from all over, including Canada in for the big holiday. Mike and I are going out to breakfast this morning and meeting my cousin from Indiana and my brother from Dallas, while the bikes, wagons and strollers are all getting decorated for the neighborhood parade at 10:00 am. Sarah and I are going to be making Cannoli's for the party today. Mike and the boys made sausage yesterday to grill for the party. We go to a family friend's home every year. They have a big pool and it backs up to the park where the city does their fireworks, so it is lovely to watch the fireworks from a screened porch with a glass of wine in my hand and family all around. Another family member had a big pizza party last night as all the families finally arrived for the big day from all over.There was about 40-50 of us and there will be even more today. We all bring something and the food is great, but the fun and family is the best. I have been very very busy in real estate lately, but my kids were raised in real estate so they all go with the flow.Kathleen has been having a tough week. She got a strep infection and it aggravated her MS and she was in a lot of pain, but she is getting better now. She has a house full of friends and family also. There are also a lot staying in hotels nearby. Tomorrow the guys all golf and we are going to the Farmer's Market in the morning. Madison has a fabulous Farmer's Market all around our Capitol square that is kind of an event each week. Lots of flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. Then in the afternoon there is a Kids Carnival at Kathleen's house for her son's half birthday [his birthday is Dec.28] so she wants to celebrate it also in the summer. [he is 18 months] and Owen is going to be 7 years old next week. I have made a big batch of frozen Margaritas for the parents and then we will grill out for dinner as all the guys come back from golf. Sunday is our youngest grandson Nolan's [from Texas] Christening and then Mass and then a Luncheon at a restaurant afterwards and then everyone starts packing for the trips home. This is our big family holiday and the weather is cooperating nicely. I love the Fourth of July, it is all about Food, Family and FREEDOM.....from so much. It is amazing that last evening at the pizza party, I was totally not tempted to even have a bite of pizza. I try to stop myself before I eat and say "What do you really want" and I usually find it is not what is in front of me. I find I am not having to "resist" anything, my little pouch keeps me faithful. I noticed my cousin's daughter who [and I applaud her] has lost 160 pounds through Weigh****chers, I think had a tough time at the party with all the food around, cookies, [I baked three pies, cherry, fruit and apple]...and I noticed her having a quick little cookie here and there. I feel so very lucky to have my little pouch, because I just don't care. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Jan C.
on 7/3/08 8:21 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Hi Marti, i just read your wonderful post about such a great family tradition for the forth. that is great , i can just see all of you having a wonderful time.  Joe and I will spend the day cleaning up around our place and the rental house we bought , we had another storm roll thru last night so there are lots of limbs down again. I heard several of them breaking last night. I hope no more are on buildings like last week,  Just wanted to tell you hi  and hope you have a wonderdful week end. Which i dont see how you couldnt surround by friends and family like you are.  Happy 4th of July   Much love



Marti O.
on 7/3/08 8:29 pm
Thanks sweetie, how is your rental working out.  I bet your yard is gorgeous I just have not had the time to plant much this year, but fortunately I have a lot of perinneals and Mike puts down cocoa bean mulch and also plants flowers in pots and around the patio....and sometimes [I am ashamed to admit] I have my cleaning lady "deadhead" the flowers....she actually really likes that part...says she never knows what she is going to do at my house.LOL...but she has been with me for about 24 years so we are comfortable with each other. Hope your Fourth is happy! Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Margo M.
on 7/3/08 9:47 pm - Elyria, OH
marti...your weekend sounds wonderful with the family gatyherings and such! i am finding that as today was approaching, i am missing my MIL very much-it has been a year since she passed-almost--but i miss her most for the holiday gatherings that we used to all have-4th of July and Christmas were the two biggest and she was the center of the planning and cooking etc--and it was 25 years ago today that i saw my adopted mom in the nursing home the last time before she died..... ah well...a kick in the pants and i move on!!!! thank you for your wonderful post today! don;t be such a stranger! hugs and prayers!
annette R.
on 7/3/08 10:22 pm - ithaca, NY
Marti, Your posting makes 3 lovely ladies   What a warm and loving gathering for you. I think you would all be happy with bread and water because the point is getting together, NOT the food. I'm not knocking your food, it does sounds marvelous. Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Brenda R.
on 7/3/08 10:43 pm - Portage, IN
Marti, your family get together sounds so much fun and filled with love, warmth and happiness. I almost felt like I was there while I was reading your post to us. Thanks for the trip. I enjoyed myself.  That reminds me of when I was young and we all got together for every holiday and a lot of non holidays too for that matter. All of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side got together and my cousins and I always had so much fun. It is funny how I always thought that was soooo many of us (and there was) but when I look at us now.......wow! Most of my cousins are now grandparents and great grandparents now and things change so with time. Sometimes it makes me a bit sad because things are so different now.Most of the young people now a days don't feel toward family the way we did and still do. They are missing out on so much now and when they are older with the happy and joyous memories that only family and close friends can bring.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/4/08 1:45 am
Marti, I wish everyone could have a 4th celebration like the one you are having. It sounds so "all American". Every town should have a parade and picnic and fireworks. The music of the day should be John Philip Sousa.. Just like in the music man. lol Millie
Karen S.
on 7/4/08 2:33 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha darlin....You have been missed!

I LOVED reading about your day, your family and your traditions. I could almost picture Madison with your description of the farmers' market. Although, I would venture to say that I probably wouldn't even recognize the city any longer since it has been 40 years since I lived there!! Someday I really would LOVE to come back and drive around and see if there is anything left that looks familiar.

Sending you a big hug...although I don't think you'll be needing it...you will be hugged endlessly today! Happy, Happy!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Connie D.
on 7/4/08 10:40 am
Hello Marti....Happy 4th of July. Flag Wave  It is great to see you here today. Sounds like you and your family know how to do up the holiday weekend in a big way!!! I am home quickly between events.....needed to pick something up and do a quick check in on my wonderful OFF friends. Glad things are going well for you. Hugs.....connie d
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