what's new Thursday?
Good afternoon to my wonderful, loving and VERY supportive OFF family. I don't know what I would do without all of you. I am closer to most of you than I am to some of my own family. That is why I think of you all as my family. I had to make a fast trip to the church this morning. While I was there I decided to go see my niece Autumn. She and her daughter has been living with her boyfriend (now I have to say ex) and the sad thing is that he is an alcoholic. I feel bad but he chooses not to get help and that is his loss. He told her the other day that she had to leave. Now they are at my sisters and her belongings are spread in 3 different places. I went to Dairy Queen where she is a manager and just gave her a hug and kisses and she just wanted me to hold her. I know that she doesn't get that from her mom and has always came to me for that. I tried to be as supportive as I can. I just love her so much and I hate to see her hurting but I guess such is life. She has to hurt in order to grow but I sometimes wonder why it has to hurt so bad to grow. haha I told her that our door is always open to her and Brittany and what ever Uncle Bill and I can do we will do. I just felt the need to let her know that she is loved and has our support. Then when I left DQ I went and got a iced Hazelnut coffee from MeDonald's. That is my downfall!! I came home and now here I sit and thought that I had to come back and finish what I had started earlier this morning. So........here I am again!! I had a night from h3ll last night. I went to my church meeting and got out at 7:40 and I finally got home at 11 last night. I went and got gas and when I went to start the car at the station it wouldn't start. I called my nephew and he said that he thought it was the battery. I told him later that the fuse box was clicking and he said then he thought it could be the computer. Well it ended up being the battery. Naturally when there is something wrong with a car there is then a cluster of men!! They flock to it like magnets. One of them said that he was a mechanic and he would figure out what was wrong since when it jumped it still wouldn't start. Well, come to find out the side terminal of the battery just busted. This big steel thing just broke right off. I never saw anything like it. I went to Wal Mart (I forgot that there was a Auto Zone and some other car place just down the road. Wal Mart was all I could think of!) and told Bill that I didn't want to get a cheap battery but I didn't need the best either so we were going to get the middle priced one. I got there and looked in the book for my car and could I get the mid priced one? OH NO! I had to get the most expensive one since that was the only one made for my car. Now here I am spending over $90. by the time I got out of that place. We go back to the gas station and between Bill and our nephew they get to the battery which to get to they had to move the fuse box and some metal bar too. I asked them why they make cars with all this crap crammed in a tiny little spot? Doesn't make sense to me at all but what do I know......after all I am just a stupid woman!! haha So I finally got home at 11 and thought that I wanted to kiss the ground when I walked in. What a night! I wanted to ask for prayers for Bill's cousin too. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and she has double pneumonia and also sepsis. She is holding her own and they are not sure if she is going to even live. So I am in need of prayers for my neice Autumn and also for Debbie. I know that I could count on my prayer warrior sisters. Thanks for all of them going up. I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up and special ones are being said for those in need of them.

hey sis and off family!!!!!
wow what a spectacular light show last night here!!!! wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we had a storm of thunder and lightning and some rain but not as bad as we thought it would be....rained off and on all day so far here....yuck!!! but tomorrow its supposed to be a nice day and night for the fireworks!!!
rick made me a steak sandwich for lunch today with lots of meat and cheeses...guess what i have now....GAS lol he said i smell funny....lol oh well i am sharing the joy of WLS with him...LOL
went to the thrift stores and man they sure are expensive here!!!! lotsof nice stuff but gezzzzzzzzz the prices are about what i can get them for brand new!!!! so i didn't get anything for me....found a pair of baby sandlesfor anthony...they are sooooooo cute i just had to get them for him...only 99 cents too!!!!
tomorrow we will be having a cookout here...hot dogs burgers and ribs...potato salad and fruit...yummm can't wait...then off to the fireworks...be the first time in years i have gone to see any...used to walk the 10-12 blocks to see them back home but it got so dangerous to walk we stopped going. (plus i was so fat i couldn't walk that far without being out of breath) so lots of excitement for me this holiday!!!
margo i read the posts all the time off and on when i am online...i just don't answer most because many have already posted their support and i have nothing new to add so i feel like i don't have anything new to help....sorry.
last night before the storm we were sitting out in the back yard on the swing watching the baby twin fawns and the mommy deer playing in the yard....its so cute them jumping all around frolicking in play...the bunnies also are playing its comical!!! loads of lightnimg bugs too!!! what a light show every night here...i love my new place called home!!! (can't wait to get my OWN tho...well me and ricks own...its nice here but i want my own space ya know??)
well we are going to the store for some holiday food shopping now so hope you all had a great day and know if i don't respond to your posts i am here thinking of you!!!! have a safe and happy 4th!!!!!!
on 7/3/08 10:54 am - Park Forest, IL
Hello my OFF friends, Got home about an hour ago ( long day at my daughters) and have been reading all the posts and replies............Now if only my memory would tell me who said what so I could reply to each and every one of you here but of course I think someone's piggy found the bird who ate the chicken while runing round the old elm tree because of the lightning.....no wait that isn;t it?????? LOL!!!! I'm poking fun here because I do read all the posts and replys but because I'm still kind of new so I'm trying to be polite and not a bigmouth
and put my 2 cents in on every post. You'll be sorry when you meet me in frankenmuth and find out I'm a chattter box.
BTW I think my husband is jealous he said "I'm very happy that you have found so many new supportive friends but don;t forget that I am here and I am your best friend and you're always on the computer!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I hope you all have a good evening and a great 4th of July. Hugs, Paulette