TWO WOW Moments!!!!
Oh Marti!
You deserve a huge pat on the back and if your liver was "fatty" before, with that loss, I bet it is in good shape now too! 33lbs is a huge amount to have lost already! Goodness, here, turn around....I am patting your back for you!
Thanks for your post,
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Cheryl, that is such wonderful news on the liver and I pray that things are going to be just as well for the gall bladder. It is kind of odd sounding that your liver is now dark and that is a good thing. haha
Tiny and petite, that is something. Did you ever think that if someone said something like that they would be talking about you? I know that when someone says something to me about how tiny I am getting I just look and think that it is going to be a long time before I am tiny.
Congratulations on the WOW moments. I am so glad that you shared them with us.
i still am amazed at the fatty liver concept-don't understand it, i guess...not something my doc ever talked about...congrats on yours being smaller better!!!
and wow-tiny petite wow...ya know i have looked at your pics and i have to say taht i can see it!!!
me- i feel like an elephant!!!! i see it in my photos i see it in the mirror i see it sitting here ta the computer! uggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Thanks, Margo!
Am so happy to hear about your grandmother! Back home already! Wow!
Yes, fatty liver, I had never heard of it till my MD told me I had it. She talked to me about it and then I just had to go look it up on the internet and scared the crap outa me. So, I am pleased about that.
Margo, You are gorgeous, NOT an elephant. I have seen your pictures too! I know how those elephant feeling days feel though. Come over to my house and see you through my computer!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin