what's new WEDNESDAY?

Margo M.
on 7/2/08 3:28 am - Elyria, OH
hmmmmmmmmm that shot my theory--it ended up at the bottom--ok never mind--i will never understand computers!!!!!!!! oh---since we only have a 4 day work week-well some of us--is today hump day or was yesterday????food for thought!!!! hugs!
Brenda R.
on 7/2/08 5:19 am - Portage, IN
Margo, this is my own personal opinion but when there is a 4 day work week I think there is no hump day but that Tuesday night ends up being Hump Night instead. Hmmmm....that is something that I MUST share with Bill! I find that VERY interesting. haha

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 7/2/08 10:05 am - Somewhere IN, TX
My HUMPING days turned into Hurumphhing days... Hurumphhh!!
annette R.
on 7/2/08 5:53 am - ithaca, NY
Margo, Yes, that makes sense and it baffles me too. When I start the morning post, I UNcheck the box to notify me of replies. Otherwise, my e-mail fills up to the top. Still I get replies which are intended for other posters. Doesn't matter ... the computer gremlins do their magic inside this box any way they see fit. 
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Karen S.
on 7/2/08 3:46 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good morning my sweet OFF sisters......(brothers seem to be missing lately)

Well, as always, I LOVE coming in and spending some time with you in the morning, and have read everyone's post. I wish I could just hug you all and invite you to my lanai for coffee and a gabfest! Kitty peeps could bring them and they could wreak havoc out on the lawn catching geckos and sneaking up on sunbathers while we laugh outselves goofy. I like the fantasy!! LOL

My life has gone from quiet and serene to busy and chaotic for the past few days. I like peacefulness much better, but there's that pesky stuff called money that needs to be earned, and health that needs attention.

Monday I flew to Honolulu for my two-year appointment with my surgeon. He had my CT scan on his computer and it was interesting to see slices of my insides!! He told me all looked good, and said he would not worry about my losing too much weight until I lose another 10 lbs!! My BMI is 21 and he said 18 to 25 is normal, so I'm in the normal range, but in my mind I am a bag 'o bones, and not soft and round like I used to be. I like being slender, but I don't like the bones showing through. Stupid to be complaining about something like this I'm realizing as I type......instead I should be GRATEFUL for having this WLS be such a success. Thwack...shame on you, Karen!! Ok...I'm over it....ha!

I started my two week temporary position yesterday doing front desk duty for the agency where I do the newborn hearing testing. Wow..I'd forgotten how busy an office job can be!! It's been years since I worked in an office setting and I was exhausted when I came home. So many names to learn, so many phones to answer, so many questions to which I had no answers..........wow. I'm glad this is temporary, and I'm happy to be earning the extra bucks!

We are all suffering with the gasoline prices, aren't we. It's now $4.66 on Maui and going up daily it seems. I'm just thankful I have a small car, and that I live close to most everything...but I still have to fill up about once a week so that's a couple hundred a month. The prices in the grocery stores are just plain ridiculous.......$4.00 for a can of soup?? I don't think so!! Thank heavens for the farmers' market for veggies, fruit, and flowers. And thank heavens that I don't eat much anymore....but I sure feel for the families. Can you imagine feeding a family of five these days!! That's what my son and DIL are doing, and some day those little baby boys are going to be teenagers!! They will need three refrigerators!! And maybe my son will have to switch from being an engineer to being a bank robber!!

OK..I'm stalling. It's time to do chores before hitting the shower and getting off to work. I'm glad I filled up my "OFF family tank" this morning.....and I'll take you all to work with me happily. I wish for you a day full of surprises that are the good kind. Please come and share.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Margo M.
on 7/2/08 5:39 am - Elyria, OH
karen...michael wants to know what kind of soup for $4 a can??he offered to mak eyou soup-a big pot!!! hugs and aloha misses.....
Eileen Briesch
on 7/2/08 2:02 pm - Evansville, IN
Aloha Karen: I haven't seen you for awhile. Congrats on your two-year appointment. You have done so well.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 7/2/08 5:36 am - Portage, IN

Good afternoon to my OFF sisters. I am hoping that eveyone is having a wonderful day so far.  I have been busy today. I had to get up and get ready to go to my meeting at the church today. It went well but it lasted almost 2 hours~much longer than I wanted but we got to chatting. It was a Care Calling committee meeting and we were writing up the letters to go out to the people who haven't been to church for several weeks. This way they know that they are missed. We also made up a letter to go out to the shut ins and the nursing home people so they know that they are still thought of. They tend to want the letters more since they save them all the time. Bless their hearts.  I have been on the phone with DS. I guess my neice and her boyfriend called it quits yesterday. Now Autumn and Brittany need to find another place to live. I guess she is looking at apartments sometime soon. In the meantime they are staying at my sisters. I didn't want her to move in with Billy anyway because he is an alcholic. Autumn thought for sure that she could change him and no matter what I told her she knew best. Typical 27 year old~she knows everything about nothing. He stoped drinking in October and started doing it again while she was in Dairy Queen school for her management position. He was really sorry but still did it. She kept a lot of things quiet because she didn't want up to know eveything but now things are coming out. I just knew that it was a mistake for her to give her apartment up but she did and now has to start all over again. She has the worst luck with men and I told her that she is looking in the wrong places. I pray that she learns from this one but I have my doubts.  Bill's cousin got taken to the hospital yesterday by ambulance. She has double pneumonia and sepsis. She is in ICU and they aren't sure weather she is going to make it or not. If she isn't doing better today they are going to put her on a ventalator but I can't get a hold of anyone to find out anything so far. She got hit by a car several years ago and has a lot of leg problems because of it. She almost had to have it amputated.  I would appreciate it if everyone could keep Autumn and Debbie in your prayers. They really need them right now. I know that I can count on my OFF prayer warrior sisters. Thanks so much.  I have another meeting at the church tonight at 7. I am so tired of going to church and doing this. I think that I could just get in my car and tell it to go to the church and it would go on automatic pilot. haha There is so much road construction around here that you have to go a million miles out of your way to get to where you are going. I do not understand why the state of Indiana has to tear up every major highway all at the same time. Then there is no where to go.  I think I might just walk across the street to the Goodwill (yes and I never find anything there either) and look for some jeans. I am not sure why I think that I am going to find anything there because I never do but I think I might try.  I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone too, with special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Margo M.
on 7/2/08 7:54 am - Elyria, OH
sounds like you need a special hug today brenda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's one from me....and prayers going up
Judy G.
on 7/2/08 7:55 am - Galion, OH

hey sis...afternoon...or is it evening?? lol well i had my job interview at BJ's today and i won't know anything til after the 14th!!! have to wait til randy gets back from vacation....oh well maybe its good that i have to wait til then..get the holiday out of the way lol it will be a 3rd shift position doing stocking shelves...no benefits til after i get full time...but will have holiday, sick days and vacation after 30 days i think they said. so thats a start...lol

well just wanted to stop in and let you all know how my day is going..tomorrow i am going to the thrift stores and check them out!!! came across several ofthem and i am hoping i find some bargains there!!!

going outside now to watch the momma and 2 baby deer play...so cute!!!


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