what's new WEDNESDAY?

annette R.
on 7/1/08 6:28 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning.  I have been waiting and waiting for somebody to get started. You must be in bed, lucky you. Happy Hump Day Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
annette R.
on 7/1/08 7:05 pm - ithaca, NY
A new store opened and they advertised sizes 1 - 24.  How exciting, the smaller sizes are difficult to find.  The salesperson greeted me at the door and asked if I was looking for anything in particular. That was a nice touch.  The clothes were of good quality but OH RATS - I am too old for the type of clothing offered there. The shorts wouldn't cover much of anything. Tops either look like maternity wear or expose every sinful inch of skin. Dresses galore but this style of a balloon dress with a gathered hem is not flattering to any figure. I felt as old as dirt. Some of the items were more subdued and conservative, but I felt so overwhelmed and deflated that I just wanted to leave.  00000000000000000000000000000000000000 <--- Annie just typed a greeting for you.  Black Cat 2 She's all huggy kissy this AM. Have you tried the Mineral type face powder? I love make-up and have all sorts of goodies. The mineral powder sure doesn't work on my face like it does on the models. It makes me look like a prune faced cadaver. Not the look I wanted. Annie is not going to allow this chatting. She wants me NOW. See ya later Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Pat R.
on 7/1/08 8:46 pm - Sturgis, MI
I'm up, I'm up! Emptied the dishwasher, put fresh water in Fluffy's bowl and ready to go to the pool for water walking.

Speaking of my furbrat, I had the front door open day before yesterday, and a nice cool breeze was coming thru the screen door. As I was in the kitchen, I looked and there was my poor baby on her hind legs looking longingly out the screen.....it just broke my heart. She has always been allowed to go outside ever since she came to us, but last summer I caught her twice going across the street...so I told her "no more outs". She can't get it off her mind and begs and begs for me to let her out even tho' it's been a whole year. I just don't want to have to scrap her up off the road.....it would kill me too! She usually lays in front of the patio door and surveys her "queendom".....just like Brenda's Misty!!

Last day of work for the week. A four day weekend and absolutely nothing planned....booooooring!

Found a really nice top at a Cato's store yesterday. They carry plus sizes and ladies sizes.....everyone had been telling me how nice their things were. Most of the "stuff" was a little too "mod" for me, and the short sleeves were really short. The one I bought has pretty short sleeves too but I don't care....if people don't like my "batwings" they don't have to look at me!!! Anyway, I was able to wear an 18-20 Misses.

I don't wear much makeup - a little eyebrow pencil (mine are so light you can barely see them), and lipstick and sometimes blush. I've been using Oil of Olay face cream.

Well time to go to the pool. Have a great day all........



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Done! Your Ticker: 
annette R.
on 7/1/08 10:18 pm - ithaca, NY
 Black Cat  Black Cat Black Cat  Black Cat Black Cat  Black Cat Black Cat  Black Cat  DoorPat, My furbrats have never been allowed outside but they all line up at the sliding door.  I bought a cat harness thinking I could take them for a walk on a lea**** was an ugly scene trying to put the contraption on any of them, so I gave up. Enjoy your pool time. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
J Brown
on 7/2/08 1:57 am - Omaha, NE
And I love, love , love the minerals. I used to just use liquid because the powders just seemed to get stuck in the creases. Finally after all the hype of the minerals ( and finding a buy one get one free sale)I tried it and I love them, doesn't get stuck in my lines. I have the powder and the blush. I use the Loreal. They even have little tiny eye shadows now. But I'm not spending that kind of $$ for eye shadow just because it is cute
annette R.
on 7/2/08 5:28 am - ithaca, NY
Jean, The liquid is good for me too. I just saw the cute eye shadow today but resisted the temptation to buy it. Those packaging experts are smart. They know we like either glamorous or cute. Gets our $$$ every time.  Eyeshadow 2 Blush Lipstick 3 
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 7/2/08 2:14 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Annette, Annie and all: As I was reading everyone's posts, Diva woke up in the living room and starting meowing loudly, looking for me. She came into the office (front bedroom) meowing ... maybe she was looking for Annie? ... or she knew I had coffee? ... anyway, she left, then I called her and she came running back in here, had a little "sip" of coffee (a taste off my finger), a drink of water and off she went. She says "meow" to y'all and to Annie and Annette's furbrats, Misty, Fluffy, Tevia and all the other kitties in OFF land. I got home early again last night ... it's so nice without reviews! My friend Phyllis in Florida had called me ... she's coming home to Chicago in August ... her mom has rectal cancer and she's coming to visit, and is going to take me to a White Sox game. I couldn't afford it myself ... it's $31 a ticket just for crappy upper reserved seats down the line! Anyway, she wanted to order the seats and wanted to do it while I was on the phone with her, so since it wasn't too late, I called her back. She wound up ordering upper box seats through StubHub, which is a place where people can sell unused seats (like season tickets that they won't be using, etc.) ... so we got upper box seats for about the same price as the upper reserved, and they're better seats! Then we wound up talking for about another hour, hour and a half. It was good to talk to her. It's funny, but I hadn't seen her since high school before I reconnected with her in 2002, and now we seem to have so much to talk about; some of my high school friends I have nothing in common with, and Phyllis is the one person I thought I wouldn't have anything at all in common with, and we actually get along pretty well. She was pretty rebellious after high school ... hitchhiked down to Florida and got married right away, which was a big surprise to all of us Catholic school girls. She didn't get her degree until after she got divorced and only started teaching five years ago; now she teaches autistic kids. That's the last thing I would have thought she would do, so go figure. We are getting storms sometime today, I can feel it in my body; woke up with a headache today and my sciatic nerve is giving me problems. I'll have to stop at the chiropractor on the way into work. I'm really out of it this morning. I'm having shooting pains down my butt into my big toe. Not a fun sensation. Plus the headache ... doesn't make for a good morning, let me tell you. Well, that's about all for now. I think the other two cats are sleeping in my bedroom ... not on my bed, they only do that in the winter, but on the floor in the bedroom where it's dark. Pat, my cats are all indoor cats and always were; none of them ever try to escape. They all love it, though, when I open the sliding door to let in the fresh air ... Diva likes to bat at the bugs, especially the moths at night. Scooter and Nettie just like to sleep in front of it and enjoy the breeze. Unfortunately, with my allergies, I don't open it up until the pollen count is down, usually in July. I noticed it was up yesterday because my eyes were itchy (and the mowers were out, so the grass pollen was flying around) ... it was cool enough, but I had to close the windows because I was getting drippy. My old cats, Kittle and Cinnamon, were born outdoors and always tried to escape; I had to round up Kittle a few times in Georgia when he was diabetic and getting close to his shot time ... people in the neighborhood must have thought I was a lunatic calling his name up and down the block; he got caught in a thorn bush next door and I had to extricate him that time ... I was all scratched up ... he liked to wander off, my big diabetic boy. I had to keep an eye on him! Well, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 7/2/08 5:38 am - ithaca, NY
Eileen, Diva has good manners. If one of mine wanted coffee, they would reach in the cup and help themsleves. You are a much better furmommy. Mine are wild hellions. Meow to you Diva.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 7/2/08 8:45 am - Evansville, IN
Diva has tried to lick it off the cup, but I've stopped her. Now she knows if she rubs up against me and purrs nicely, I'll dip my finger in the cup and let her have a taste. She likes Starbucks Casi Cielo ... oh she likes anything ... she also joins me for meals because she knows I can't fini**** all and she'll get a taste. She also joins me in the kitchen when I'm fixing lunch for work because I'm a softie and will give her a piece of meat ... Nettie and Scooter don't care about this at all. I was trying to find this column written by our Sunday columnist ... very funny ... about trying to find clothes and only finding baby doll tops and tops with little sleeves meant for teenagers, or tops that looked like maternity clothes, but I can't find it on the paper's web site. If I  find it, I'll post the link.  All of us with batwings will appreciate it. The column got tremendous response ... seems a lot of 40-somethings and 50-somethings out there don't like the fashion of the moment either.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 7/1/08 8:35 pm - Elyria, OH
morning! i did not want to get up this morning! went to bed in plenty of time-just tired today- worked in the garden yesterday-planted two flats of flowers in the front and hoed my  (vegetable) rows!! dang that is hard to do--i am a weeder person myself but trying to do this michael's way!the backs of my thighs hurt today tho cuz i am so stupid and always lean down from the waist!!!! i know better yet i still do it!! owie!!! my cukes have lil babies on em! about as long as a fingernail! it's been a few years since we have done any veggies so it's actually exciting to me!!!!his hibiscus are blooming to beat the band and it is so beautiful on our deck!!!! the hummers love the flowers; i sat quietly on the swing and jus****ched for about an hour last nite. roxie the wiggle wort finally made too much racket and we went in to fix supper. last nite i baked two mulberry pies- i put a sliced up necatrine in one-wow-was that a nice addition!!!! i had sent michael out for about two cups of berries and he came back with a 3# coffee can full -enough for two nice pies! yesterday after work, i applied for another job with the county-there is an opening in juvenile/probate court for a receptionist...it would be full time  meaning add'l hours (the pay isn't but 31 cents more than i get now an hour) AND insurance----- i can do everything they require  so i figured hey let's go for it! there are of course 30gazillion other applicants!!! the posting went up monday after i left work and is only up til next monday so it (waiting) should go fast...i have turned it over to God cuz i can't sweat this one. it would be great...so a prayer if ya have one to spare would help! thanks!i'm up against lotsof cute lil 20 and 30 somethings! this afternoon, we have an appt to meet with our attorney...seems michael's (former ) employer finally wants to try to settle this worker's comp thing out...so--we shall see what happens with this...he can also start to apply for permanent partial disability tho it won't kick in til 40 weeks after he receives his last pay from the claim...of course, michael the activist wants pain and suffering and this settlement we are mtg about today is NOT that type--and i wish he would let it go cuz it consumes him and he won't win what he thinks he should...i don't think he has that fight in him anymore and we sure can't afford the atty fees for something to start it. we have had another prospect come forward about buying our bird-actually two diff people- it will depend on what they think when they meet him(and what we think of them!) and if they come thru with the cash-one is sposed to come on friday (the 4th) but she probably would have to make payments-the other i am not sure about yet as to when she could come or how sincere she is yet. well...almost time to curl my hair and get pretty.....oh-mineral makeup...i haven't tried the good stuff...$$$....but i do use avon's knock off style-i like it but the coverage isn't what the minerals promise! this summer tho i have only been "blushing"  and with my allergies haven't even been using my eyeliner (that's a real stretch for me to go anywhere without my eyes done!) hoping everyone has a good day... connie...one day at a time sweetie...deep breaths  and keep going forward!  brenda...hang on to your hopes for the vet job! susan must be enjoying herself...btw thanx jeanb for planting the gilligan song in my head!!!! we have a lot of folks MIA again-- hope all are well... hugs and prayers........
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