Have a great time at the wedding and on your vacation. The fishing boat trip sounds wonderful, although I doubt I would do much fishing ... my past fishing usually winds up feeding the baby fishes. But I always enjoy myself.
Good morning to the rest of my OFF friends! I set my alarm for 8 to get up to go to ceramics for the first day in a month, even though I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Got up just before 8 when the landscapers roared past with the mowers. Now, I know they were out mowing yesterday, but here they were, mowing again, of course at 8 in the morning. So I got up and got ready, drove out to ceramics (and it's not exactly close), get out there and there's nobody there except the owner's husband (the teacher doesn't live there). So I asked what was going on and he said the teacher had a church group trip and canceled class. Well, it would have been nice if she had called me. I realize I haven't been there for awhile, but I'm still interested in attending and gas does cost a lot. I could have gone in and painted by myself, but that's no fun, so I went home, fuming at the waste of gas. So I had my AchievOne, brewed a pot of coffee and now I'm chatting with y'all. I'll do my exercising next.
We got done before 10 last night, so the sun was just setting when I went home. That was kind of nice. No reviews at all this week. The only day we'll be late will be Friday, and that's because of fireworks. There is a change in schedule of no preprint (night print) for the features section, so I don't know if we have to do the reviews at night anymore. Have to ask my boss about that.
Hope all is well with everyone. Not much else going on with me. Just tired from getting up so early this morning. Got to scoop out litter boxes today ... didn't do it yesterday and I'm sure they're really full. Have a good day.