Good Tuesday morning....what's new?

Judy G.
on 7/1/08 12:21 am - Galion, OH

good morning everyone!!!! happy july!!! omg i can't believe its july already!!!! all this chilly weather and all just doesn't seem right!!! today its supposed to get to 76 here...yippeee

i got a call from BJ's yesterday afternoon for a job interview!!!! its at 4 pm tomorrow and i am excited about this one!!! its for stocking right now but atleast i will have my foot in the door for cashier when an opening comes up!!!! i heard they pay good and also have benefits too!!!! keep prayers and fingers crossed for me please!!!!

well we are going off on another adventure in a few minutes so better get going here....just wanted to let you all know i am thinking of you!!

thanks again marti for changing my location and also for sending christine my way!!!! she is just around the corner from me!!! can't wait to meet her!!!


Brenda R.
on 7/1/08 12:27 am - Portage, IN
Good morning OFF family.  Nothing much is happening here today. I have to get some of that awful reading done for the church committee. I didn't read word one yesterday. Bad, bad me! It is just so boring I am dreading it.  The sun is shinning and it is cool this morning. I am not sure what the temperature is going to be today. It has been so nice since we have a cool front from Canada. I do so love those cool fronts as long as they aren't to cool. haha  Misty was looking out her door and watching everything that is going on in the  back. There isn't much that gets past her. She is a Miss Eagle Eyes that is for sure. She would love to get outside but she is totally declawed and so that is a no no. She once got out in the front hall and I told her that she had to stay in the house. That she couldn't defend herself and if someone came up to her and she got into a fight she could die and then mommy and daddy would be sad and we would cry because we miss her so much. She looked like she understood everything that I was saying to her so I figure she did. You can't blame a girl for thinking highly of her monster baby can you? I took out a couple of packages of ground round and I am going to make dinner for tonight and tomorrow. That was with the meetings I have tomorrow at the church I am not going to have to worry about fixing anything but veggies for dinner. I am not fixing to much pasta for Bill anymore since he doesn't need it any more than I do. He doesn't seem to miss it. At least if he does he doesn't say anything. I am going to make a meat loaf for dinner tonight. I think I am going to put some cheese in it for a change and then it is going to add protein too. Sounds good to me since everything is good and even better with cheese. With the other package I am going to make Italian meatballs in sauce with cheese. Bill really liked them the last time I made them. There is going to plenty of left overs (that is if Bill isn't so hungry he gobbles them all up~and that has been known to happen!) and so I am going to be covered with his lunch and stuff. I like meals like that. The older I get the less I like to cook. I loved to before and still at times do but most of the time it is do easy and more for the leftovers. haha I guess I had better get going. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and a good eventful day today. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers for everyone, and special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


annette R.
on 7/1/08 4:31 am - ithaca, NY
Brenda, The 'cat talk' posting made me smile today!!! (You always make me feel good)   I sometimes wonder about my sanity the way I talk to my furbrats, so reading how you had a chat with Misty was perfect.  Cats always understand, obeying is not what they decide is in their best interest.  We might consider introducing Misty to Karla's boy Tevia, but my Annie already has her eye on him. Okay, perhaps I am sorta nuts.  Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 7/1/08 1:08 am - Evansville, IN
Susan, Have a great time at the wedding and on your vacation. The fishing boat trip sounds wonderful, although I doubt I would do much fishing ... my past fishing usually winds up feeding the baby fishes. But I always enjoy myself. Good morning to the rest of my OFF friends! I set my alarm for 8 to get up to go to ceramics for the first day in a month, even though I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Got up just before 8 when the landscapers roared past with the mowers. Now, I know they were out mowing yesterday, but here they were, mowing again, of course at 8 in the morning. So I got up and got ready, drove out to ceramics (and it's not exactly close), get out there and there's nobody there except the owner's husband (the teacher doesn't live there). So I asked what was going on and he said the teacher had a church group trip and canceled class. Well, it would have been nice if she had called me. I realize I haven't been there for awhile, but I'm still interested in attending and gas does cost a lot. I could have gone in and painted by myself, but that's no fun, so I went home, fuming at the waste of gas. So I had my AchievOne, brewed a pot of coffee and now I'm chatting with y'all. I'll do my exercising next.  We got done before 10 last night, so the sun was just setting when I went home. That was kind of nice. No reviews at all this week. The only day we'll be late will be Friday, and that's because of fireworks. There is a change in schedule of no preprint (night print) for the features section, so I don't know if we have to do the reviews at night anymore. Have to ask my boss about that. Hope all is well with everyone. Not much else going on with me. Just tired from getting up so early this morning. Got to scoop out litter boxes today ... didn't do it yesterday and I'm sure they're really full. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 7/1/08 1:12 am - LaCrosse, WI
Just got back from my 3rd nut appt...I asked her why 6 appts with her when the surgeon said only 3....apparently he spoke before my insurance did. I asked her also to give me a estimated timeframe for my surgery. She said everyone has approved me from the clinic standpoint but once I finish my 6 nut visits which will be Sept 8, they'll submit it to my insur then they'll schedule me...she said there is a waiting list!!!!! OMG!! She said they should be able to get me in by the end of this yr...she said they get alot of cancellations and I could fill one of those...when I told her my insurance changes just about yearly, in Jan, she said she would speak to the team and try to get me in for sure by the end of this yr. I would hope so!!!! Thank God I had 5 yrs of medical history at that clinic cuz that is a must by my insurance also. We most talked about ways to handle stress other than eating...same thing I talk with the psych about yesterday. She did not weigh me today and I totally forgot as well. I've got alot of "head" work to do this coming 3 wks before I see her again. Have a Great Day everyone!!!!! Alice">">>

I love Spring!!!!!!
J Brown
on 7/1/08 1:16 am - Omaha, NE
So, am I the only nut who when Susan writes that she is going on a 5 hour trip in a boat Gilligans Island theme song "Three Hour Tour" just keeps running through my head ? I hope you had( since you won't see this until you get back) a fantastic time. I talked withgrandkids about deciding on a vacation, they had the choice of 2days in a cabin in a nature reserve or a day at a water park. My grandaughter picked the cabin. I was surprised but happy as that is really what I wanted to do. There is a great nature center  and a play ground  and of course lots of trails, but I really figured kids would go more for the water park. It just shows how my grandaughter is growing up. Plus I think the fact she would be away from herfamily for 2 entire days didn't hurt. Now I have to break it to Chuck. Mr. control freak. There is sleeping room for 5 in the cabin, but he snores so bad I don't want him there. he only lives 5 miles from the place so I am sure that he will choose to stay home with his, AC, TV and dogs But just the fact that I went ahead and made plans on my own will make him unhappy.. Oh wellBoo hoo. And then again he may be totally ok with it, He is so unpredictable. Since the kids are staying with me , they are still with out power from the storm on friday. I made a nice dinner last night and then asked if they would give me some time in the yard, with all of us working we got most of the storm damage cleaned up. My poor roses, my poor herb garden, etc etc. I had thebest pot of New Guinea Inpatients ever, stripped, but there are a couple of leaves on it so who knows maybe it will recover. Not so the largeMother-in -law tongue I had just taken out the day before. I feel like a murderer.Tomorrow is granddaughters 15th birthday so I will do a little shoping for her today. Blessings
Cajun Angel
on 7/1/08 4:57 am - New Orleans, LA
Jean, I had the same thought...A three hour tour...  HAHA!  As much as I'm looking forward to my vacation - time away from H3LL, I do believe I'd much rather a cabin in the mountains or a camp by the lake than Disney World in mid July, but you go where and when you can!  Sister, BIL, and niece invited mom and me to tag along, so DW it is.  Never been, but expect it will be mighty HOT and crowded!
J Brown
on 7/1/08 8:40 am - Omaha, NE
On July 1, 2008 at 11:57 AM Pacific Time, Cajun Angel wrote:
Jean, I had the same thought...A three hour tour...  HAHA!  As much as I'm looking forward to my vacation - time away from H3LL, I do believe I'd much rather a cabin in the mountains or a camp by the lake than Disney World in mid July, but you go where and when you can!  Sister, BIL, and niece invited mom and me to tag along, so DW it is.  Never been, but expect it will be mighty HOT and crowded!
Ohhhh I know it will be hot and crowded, But I adore the Magic kingdom !! I would trade you anytime.. well now let me stop and re think my position. when I went 6 years ago.. it was September.. I don't remember being especially uncomfortable even at 250, so my guess is it wasn't to hot , and no line was over 15 minutes. some places, I remember a water ride, it looked like something burned out in Idia.. no line and we went about 4 times with out having to leave the ride. . Well I hope you have a good time.. I am just a kid at heart..I love Tink.. I l Love Tink
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