Good Tuesday morning....what's new?
Susan, Have a wonderful trip to San Diego. I know you probably wont get this today as you are in route to get the plane. Carl and my friends made it to Topeka Kansas yesterday. Today they are driving to Peduka Kentucky. Not much going on here but work and getting ready to drive down south. 25 more days and I fly to Chicago to meet up with Paulette. I cant wait. I am also going to be seeing my kid and my family. Hope al is well with everyone. Carla Prayers for Lora as she had to have emergency surgery sometime last week.
Good Morning Everyone,
Life around here has been on "fast forward" recently. Our house sale was supposed to close last Friday. Long story short, we sign, other party couldn't quite get everything involved in their home's FHA sale together so we didn't get the final signatures done until yesterday. At last the home sale check is in the bank and we're down to just the new home that we're building.
It was over 100 all weekend and our old house doesn't have underground sprinklers so WE were the sprinkler system all weekend. With an empty house there was nothing to do so. . . We'd move a sprinkler, leave for an hour or so and come back and move it. Took up way too much time when we could have been doing something else.
Helped a friend with "wedding stuff" involving pre and post wedding dinners and breakfasts. So yesterday as we're trying to get to the final paper signing, check pick up, Mike's truck dies in the middle of the road. He was on his way to check the new house and pick up mail. We transferred our mail to our new home address instead of the apartment. So I pick him up, we take care of the house sale, call AAA. . . wait an hour, call again. . . . wait almost another hour and finally get his truck towed. All of this with a temp of 104! Thank the good Lord that I no longer weigh 377 lbs!!
We're supposed to leave tomorrow for Erin's (after dental appt for me and massage therapy for Mike) to kiss and cuddle Clara and Hannah until Monday. It's been almost 3 weeks since we've seen them. Erin says they smile and coo non stop. Just can't hardly stand it.
Forgot that my oil has needed changing for 2 weeks. Gotta try to get an appointment this morning. Sidewalks being poured at new house. I'll post new pics soon. It's really coming along. Insulating and sheetrocking will take place soon. Cabinets are ordered and we're working on outside colors and stone selection for the front of the house.
It's "only" supposed to reach 99 today. . . . and I was griping not long ago about being cold~ Nice pool here at the apartment. Hope to find time to lounge by it in the mornings before long! Hugs to you all. I'll say hi from Erin's if not before.
Karen C