What's New Sunday Edition

Joan M.
on 6/28/08 8:53 pm - Lexington County, SC
Goor morning everyone..don't faint!  Yes, it is me!  Been away a long time but am coming back at least for now...I have been dealing with upper arm pain and having Xrays, MRI's and now this coming week a bone scan.  Still no diagnosis but I am hopeful we will have one soon.  The pain is severe and causing me to not function at full capacity which for a high energy, nothing stops me kind of girl it has been very difficult. But!!!!!  I have great news.  The other day I talked to DD (married one) in Colorado and told her I wished I could call her and tell her to come and pcik me up because I am at the DEN airport and surprise her...but with airline tickets being so expensive and me w/o job in summer is impossible.  The next day my Babay sister in Maryland emailed and said she had two airliine ticket vouchers for me to go see my DD if I wanted them!  Isn't God great!  He gives us the desires of our hearts..we just have to be still and know that He is God.  So my teenage DD and I get to go to CO for two weeks.  We are so excited as are my SIL and grands!  My DD is planning lots of fun things for me and her sister to do while there.  She called me asked to make beef stroganof while there...too funny!  And some other sapiritual things and Nanny thiings that only I can do...too special for sure.  So pain or no pain we are going and will be refreshed, and come back with many memories for this Nanny "far away". Hubby got hurt last week at work...cut pinky on saw so is on forced vacation this wee****il he gets stitches out and that messes our vacation the following week to Myrtle Beach to see my sisters and brother.  We can only go on weekend now and not the whole week.  Oh, well, God knows and there must be a reason. Sorry I shared so much but I am overflowing this morning with joy...and I get to go to church on top of the other joys!  Again, God is good...all the time!

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

on 6/28/08 9:49 pm - Hamilton, OH
Hi Joan ...  Yes, God is good!!  I'm happy that you are able to go visit!!  Enjoy - Janelle
on 6/28/08 10:03 pm
~~~~~~~~ Ain't Life Grand ..... God is Awesome..... what a great and generous sister you have. AND you will have fun spoiling the grands.. that is what life is about.... lol Millie
karen C.
on 6/28/08 10:26 pm, edited 6/28/08 10:27 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Joan and Friends,

I've had my email back for a couple of days but still playing catch up. We're settled into the apartment. I think it will work out great for the next 3-4 months until our new home is finished. That is also progressing well. Cabinets are ordered, wiring and plumbing, roof, and windows are finished. This week should bring insulating and sheetrocking. Then the "pretties" as I call them will begin.  I know the "frame" has to be done right but I'm ready for the outside showy stuff!

A close friend's daughter had a beautiful wedding yesterday. She had a wonderful little girl 3 years ago when she was 22. Didn't rush into a marriage; instead concentrated on being a good mom, growing up and working on the relationship with the dad. Well, they stuck it out, both have matured a lot. Such a beautiful, family oriented wedding as the 3 participated in becoming "one family" with everyone in attendance's whole hearted approval. Not the old traditional wedding of a "virgin" bride, but a modern one fully of very evident love and respect for each other. They have endured much to become a legal union and I wish them love and happiness and the patience to endure what comes their way.

I've been helping with the the "pre and post" stuff. This morning I'll go out and help with a brunch for about 50! Fruit, breakfast casseroles, and lots of wonderful people. They have a lovely yard looking over the river and community. About dark last night it was luscious tho it had been almost 100 degrees earlier. Thank goodness we have a very dry climate so even that temp was tolerable. This morning it will be about 80 degrees and they still have the tables set up outside.

Other than that we're just busy! Heading to see the babies on Wednesday for a few days. Can't wait. Erin says they are smiling lots and starting to "talk" to each other and themselves while lying in their cribs.  I always wanted a sister. It must be such a special bond they are starting to develop. I hope they become close friends.

Gotta get a shower. Hugs. Hope to be here more often.

Karen C

Aime B.
on 6/28/08 10:46 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good Morning Joan!! Good to see you posting. I have also been missing action quite a bit as of late. I am so busy caring formy grandson and my dil. I finally got a room set up for them downstairs. N and the baby can basically stay on one level which will be better for N. She shouldn't climb stairs too much. I had to move my little office upstairs which is so far away from my coffee pot. I am trying to decide if I want to just bring it up here with me. I am considering the stair climbs are good for me for exercise as well as maybe reducing the amount of coffee I drink. I think come winter I will make a definite decision.  N did make it home from the hospital Friday afternoon. We were able to spend some good time together with the baby. I took both of them over to spend the evening and day with my son last night. Ah- too sleep alone and be completely unneeded for a few hours. Last night, however, N started to have chest pains. She is back in the hospital. My ex has the baby and I will go pick him up this morning. I wil leave after I get the laundry hung out. It is almost all ready for hanging.  Life is work and homework.  Oh, my brother visited my mother last week and got her treadmill that has been a dust collector for several years now. He is bringing it to me this afternoon!! I am looking forward to having something for some regular exercise around.  I hope that everyone has a lovely Sunday and a great wee****il next time

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Margo M.
on 6/29/08 12:02 am - Elyria, OH
you were one who i wondered the whereabouts of just the other night as i lay in bed...good to see you post-sorry for the arm trouble and hubby's accident....enjoy the colorado trip-you need it!!!!!!!!
Brenda R.
on 6/29/08 12:56 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Joan and my other OFF sisters. I hope that things go good for everyone.  I am so glad to see you back, Joan. You are missed when you aren't here. I sure hope that your pain starts to get better. When you have the constant and nagging pain it makes your life your life miserable. I am happy to see that your going to get to go see DD and family. That is going to be treasured time for you. Make sure you make many many happy memories to bring home with you. Make sure you bring us home some stories. We love stories! Aime, I am so sorry about N and her chest pain. I am keeping all of you in special prayers. You are certainly a very patient person~I would go nuts, there is no two ways about that. When LP grows up you are going to be a VERY important person in his life. It won't be long for that to come to be. He is just growing like a little weed. Such a sweetie too.  Margo, how are things going with you? I just see you popping in and chatting for a bit. I miss you girl!  Nothing much is happening here. I am sitting and watching some show about McDonald's around the world. They have some pretty fnacy dancy ones too. They have a lot of diners and restaurants that are McDonald's. I never knew that. Of course we don't have any of those around here. I never knew that they have some of those anywhere. It is kind of interesting to see this.  Bill just left to go fishing with his cousin and one of their friends. I am not sure just where they are going but I do know that is fairly close to home. I don't think Bill has been there before. He will jump at any chance to go fishing. lol That is his favorite thing to do. Are you all sitting down? What I am about to say may shock all of you~he likes to fish better than grilling out!!! Are you all alright? Did anyone faint? If so I hope that you come to soon~we will miss you while you are out. I guess we are suppose to go out with Bill's cousin for a late lunch or early dinner, however you want to look at it. I don't know where we are going. I did mention to her about Val's in Chesterton. I think she is wanting to go there. I like it there so that would be alright with me.  The sun is out!!!!! This is the first time it has shown it's sunbeams all morning. It has been cloudy and cool. We are having a cool front for a couple of days and then it going to start getting hot again. Chicago had some bad storms last night but we didn't get any. I thought that we would but it missed us this time. I am so glad about that. How are you doing, Paulette? I know that you live around there. I hope that things are alright with you.  I guess I had better get going. I am just sitting and vegging and I guess I should get off my big duff and do something. Not sure what but something. lol I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said for everyone. Special prayers are going up for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 6/29/08 1:53 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Brenda, We are fine most of the storms were up north of the city, just one quick burst  in the early evening then it was gone.  We are actually about 40 miles south of downtown Chicago and south of I-80 about 10 miles west of Dyer, Indiana.  It is much cooler here this morning, I have all the windows open enjoying it.  When Carla K comes in july we should come see you. Paulette
Brenda R.
on 6/29/08 4:05 am - Portage, IN
I am so glad that eveything is alright. It looked for a bit that we were going to get something this morning but now it is bright and sunny. I have all my windows open too and I love it! I can't stand "fake" air as Ella and I call it. lol I think that would be a fantastic idea about coming and getting together. I think we have ALOT of fun. haha  Love and hugs to you, sister.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 6/29/08 5:01 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Brenda, I talked to Carla a hour or so ago. she will be in July 26. She will be by me that Sun night and we are planning a road trip for Monday the 28th. How about coffee or something? then we are going to Muskegon (I think) will see Eileen too.  I'll PM you when I have the details or else Carla will. Hugs, Paulette  PS-can never have too many sisters!!
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