Major WOW Moment
Congratulations on your WOW moments. Each one seems to be as good as the first one! I had a visit with the wls nurse and she showed me the pictures that she has taken since just before surgery. I was surprised that the first on (pre-op) I remarked that I looked very unhappy. By the time we went through a couple more times she remarked that I was starting to smile. I am sure this last one that she took yesterday I was just blooming. Make sure that you ask to see them after several months and then you can really see the difference. It is amazing.
I believe your suggestions for success is right on the mark! You have to make sure that you do reward yourself on occaision. That is so important. I know I never thought that I was worth it and now I KNOW that I am and I do it on a fairly regular basis. lol
Sending you lots of ginormous hugs for your wonderful WOW moments!
Glad you can enjoy this WOW moment! It is really a wonderful journey, not without it's ups and downs, but life just seems to get better and better, at least this part of the journey (lol)!!!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
How exciting to have a contact in Hawaii! I will be in Kona January 28- February something or other. I get to Hawaii at least every other year and preferably each year. What a beautiful, relaxing place -- is the super ferry a reality?
Congratulations on winning your battle with the fat fairy! I'll be asking for lots of advice!