What's new Monday?

(deactivated member)
on 6/23/08 8:45 am - Park Forest, IL
Thanks Margo, the "old" pic was from 2007 (292 lbs-my highest) the new one from May (265 lbs.) Today I was 257!!!!Yipee. but I'll wait another day before I change my weight on my ticker to make sure..LOL.  The girls think they will get hundreds of pumpkins...we'll see, sure were lots of weeds today.  Paulette
on 6/23/08 12:42 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Margo and all my OFF friends, I will miss George too.  I liked his oxymoron jokes like "why do we call a place you park a driveway and a place you drive a parkway?" Well I'm at work only because they pay me. hee-hee. I scored a good buy at the craft store A.C. Moore yesterday.  I've been trying to plan my meetings in the fall for my Tiger Cub Den.  I lined up a friend who does radio controlled model planes and helicopters for a hobby to come do a display for the boys at the end of Sept.  Well I found wooden plane kits that they can put together and paint for .99 cents a piece.  I bought a bakers dozen of them.  When I got home my hubby wanted to know if I bought him one.  They are all little boys inside. Nothing to do this evening so I'm going to read some more of the book my gf gave me about the Red Hat Society.  Since I am the Queen I feel I should have some semblance of knowing what I'm doing ~ even if I don't. LOL.  So far it looks like our only job is to make sure we have fun. I woke up to fog this morning and it is warm and humid.  It is supposed to be like this tomorrow too. Have a great day everyone. Bev

Connie D.
on 6/23/08 12:58 am
Good Morning Margo and everyone...... I agree it is sad that "George Carlin" has passed away. He was quite the unique person. He had a gift of humor for sure! Aime......the pics of LP are just wonderful. I love the one of your mom and him. The way they are looking at each other is so priceless. He is quite the little cutie!! I had a busy weekend for sure. Glad the garage sale is behind us now!! Wow...that is alot of work. It really went well and am grateful for the extra money. I will be going to Minneapolis Childrens Hospital on Wednesday afternoon. I will be there through Friday with Nic. He is having his scans and testing to see how the cancer is doing. Please keep him in your prayers. I know you always do...just say a couple extra if you can. I have a busy couple workdays ahead so I best get to it. I am glad everyone had a good weekend. Now go out and do something nice for yourself today! Prayers continue to those in need.....special ones to some. Love and hugs to all........connie d
Brenda R.
on 6/23/08 1:42 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all my special OFF family. I am so grateful that I have this place to come home to.  I am sad about George Carlin too. I have always like him. He could be a bit outspoken but that isn't always a bad thing. He was a very funny man and with some of the things he said could really make you think! Nothing new today. Just another Monday here in Portage. Big Whoop!  I am planning on staying home today and just doing things here that need to be done. I have a bunch of junk that has to be put in their homes~and I am sure there is some junk that I need to find new homes for and the question is where would that be around here? lol Bill has gone to take my library books back. I am so glad that he said he would do that. He is good to me even though sometimes I forget that. I have to make a effort to remember that and make sure that I thank him for all he does for me. I am blessed with him in my life even though sometimes he drives me totally nuts! The weather outside is nice. It is sunny and suppos to be in the low 70's. I like it but now after surgery it can get cold to me. But I would rather breathe fresh air and not fake air like the air conditioner. Bill would rather have the fake~don't ask me why. I would rather have the low 70's in temperatures than the hot humid stuff we have on a regulat basis. At least with the cooler weather you can breathe and not have to gasp for every breath you take. The birds are chirping and enjoying their lives. I love to listen to them and to watch them too. My mom got me into that and I still like it. I feed them bread but not seed since I am not allowed to do that. I am not suppose to feed them the bread either but I do it when the office is closed. What they don't know isn't going to hurt them.  I tried something new with one of my medications today. I take Tricor for my tryglycerides and I have had to crush them ever since surgery. I went to fill my pill holder for the week and I asked Bill if he thought that I could cut them in half. I did and we both thought that it was small enough for me to take and so this morning tried it. I had no problem and so now I have graduated from the crushed to taking the 2 half pills in the morning. I am so glad about that since I hated crushing them and I hated taking them too. I would rather take a pill than one that is crushed.  I better get going. I hope that you have a wonderful day and I am sending love and big hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones are being said for those in need of them. I am so glad that God knows all who need special ones. I would never be able to remember!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


karen C.
on 6/23/08 2:03 am - Kennewick, WA

George Carlin could be so rank and yet so funny! It was hard not to laugh, really laugh, with him and his takes on every day life. I'll miss him too. He was just awarded a 50 yr comedian award. He was certainly one of those "out of the box" people wasn't he? I didn't realize that he was 70 or more. . .  He seemed to live life fully; perhaps used himself up earlier than necessary but on his own terms. Not a bad way to go IMHO.

Speaking of going. . . I'll be absent for a few days. Computer desk and computer are moving to the apartment today. New connection won't be in until Thursday or Friday and that's IF ( a BIG IF!) I can get everything reconnected and with several wires crossed. Pray for me and the computer gods ok!

Still don't have a cell phone. I'll try to get that taken care of today so at least I'll have some form of communication. JW I'll do my best to connect with you tomorrow early!

You all behave (or don't get caught) while I'm away.

Karen C

Donna L.
on 6/23/08 2:55 am, edited 6/23/08 3:01 am - Wilson, NC
The "Smoking/Nicotine Monster" is on the attack today.  I will not give into this.  I will quit.  Having bad anxiety, nervousness, and ulcer is kicking today.   I loved Carlin's routine about packing stuff while on vacation.  Geez, can't remember how many years ago it was that I heard that.   My nighttime reading for the past two nights has been the low carb/Atkins instructions I got from my dr. and the nutritionist.  I will need to follow that for a month prior to surgery.  I'm trying to remember as much as I can so it will be easier to do when the time comes.   I made reservations for August 3-5 so I can take my 3 oldest grandsons to the beach again this year.  That is always a blast.  Those boys do love the pool, sand, and ocean.  I also bought a new vaccum cleaner yesterday.  Dang thing's IQ is higher than mine.  I've always bought cheapos in the past but splurged on this one.  WOW what a difference.  This one lets me know when the carpet is clean.  Ahhhh, another mindless task for me to do....lol
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
Eileen Briesch
on 6/23/08 3:57 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and everyone: I just found out that George Carlin died, too ... it brought back memories of "Wonderful WINO!" that was on the radio many years ago. So funny!  I was busy this morning. Had appointments at the ortho doc and the psychologist. I'm not happy with the ortho doc at all. Today I saw his PA ... told him the knee hurts a lot and I wanted to look into the tendon needling procedure; he asked me to wait and give the Celebrex a month to work. OK, I will give it a month. Then he said there was a little loosening in knee and maybe I would need a revision. Geez, I really don't want any more surgery. I'm sick of people cutting on me. It's why I don't want plastic surgery ... I'm sick of the pain. I had the knee replacement so my knee wouldn't hurt, but here we are more than a year later and I'm in just as much pain (or maybe more). I'm not happy. Told this to my psychologist (and I love her, she's worth the money); we have some very deep discussions. Luckily, insurance pays 90 percent of her fee, otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford her.  Didn't sleep well last night ... I stood for an hour and a half to make my Waikiki meatballs and then my leg really hurt the rest of the night. Boy, was my meal good though ... I have a lot left; I'm bringing my coworker some because she never heard of this recipe. Needed two Vicodin to get to sleep and then only got six hours worth because I had to get up early for my appointments. I don't want to take all these drugs but I'm not getting any relief.  Well, I'm off to take a nap before work. I'm going to put an ice pack on my knee to see if that helps. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 6/23/08 7:27 am - Elyria, OH
michael is still taking two vicodin ev four hours-plus tylenols...and takes sleeping pill and restless legs at nite and doesn't sleep mor ethan 45 mins to an hour at a time....
Eileen Briesch
on 6/23/08 10:23 am - Evansville, IN
Most of the time I can get by on one vicodin, a neurontin, and two elavils and that puts me out for the night (other than for potty breaks), but last night I was up in pain after a half hour in bed ... too much standing cooking meatballs I guess. I guess I'm right when I say I can't stand for more than a half hour without it costing me. Wish they'd do something about this knee.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 6/23/08 10:18 am - Portage, IN
Eileen, can you share the meatball recipe? I sure would appreciate it if you would. Thanks so much. Love and hugs to you, dear lunch buddy. We are going to have to meet again for lunch sometime when you are on your way to Chicago.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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