Pic in post or blog.....
Hi Donna,
I have been able to do both. Step one is to go to your photos in OH (click the brown arrow at center of screen, a little down from the top). You need to Add Photos, browsing thru files you have saved on you PC, selecting each one & then Uploading them. After they are uploaded, you can view them & copy them (I right click on the photo & say copy), then paste them in your post. If you are really lost & can't follow, I can PM you my phone number if you want me to walk you thru it.
Jan you are a GENIUS! I have tried to copy and paste them every way except, obviously, the right way. Your instructions were right on the money. Now maybe I can sleep peacefully tonight! lol

Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
