So I had this surgery in April to investigate the belly pain and discomfort I had been having. Since the surgery have had NO PROBLEMS except one little teeny tiny twinge once. That is until LAST NIGHT. Yep, I was moving some wood - not doing anything heavy or hard getting ready to mow the grass. started feeling uncomfortable then wham bam thank you ma'am it hit. Didn't last long right where I think the pouch is. (same place it has always been). It passed and I mowed. Came in and started painting. finally ate some supper and stayed so full all night I could hardly get a chai tea down with my pills.....NOW you know this is serious stuff! can't get chai down? During night woke up several times to upper rt sided discomfort, just like I had before the surgery. Went to work but came home at 1045. Now feeling better but WTH???? Have an e mail out to my surgeons PA, hope to hear back from her soon. We are NOT going to be doing surgery again. DURN it! (not really what I am saying but I am somewhat frustrated by this.) Not a happy day in Swanton Ohio at the Gring house let me tell you! Oh wait, the DOGS are happy mom is home to cater to their wishes~
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Hi Margo, yep, you know me and chai. I can get it down today and now am actually feeling a touch better. the nagging pain in the right upper abd has dissipated somewhat. still twinges once in a while. Waiting to hear from doc/Amy. I can't beleive adhesions would grow back that quickly!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Hi Debbie,
I'm so sorry this mysterious pain has come back to haunt you again. Could it be a muscle spasm from doing some bending and lifting. Are you doing some exercise to tone up the muscles in your midrift? I hope the PA is able to give you some answers and you get help without surgery. What did you eat before this happened? Do you still have your gallbladder?
Hi Bev, Gall bladder has been gone for 5 years almost now. Lost it the same year I lost my ex! (not died, separated and divorced). Actually that year I lost 250# and my galllbladder, how does that sound? LOL
In April after having these pains and problems for over a year and CT scan/MRI negative he did a look see laparoscopic exam, freed up a ton of adhesions over the Roux limb and fixed a small internal hernia. That was done 2 days before the Pittsburgh GTG and Melissa S drove miss Debbie to the GTG! Get the pain right in center of upper abdomen about where I think the pouch is, then pains on right upper abd where GB used to be and for a day or two afterwards am bloated, sometimes nauseous, and don't feel like eating a lot. He (doc) thought the adhesions were the culprit but now I wonder.........
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Hi Debbie!
Not sure what your pain is but I get SEVERE spasm right where my pouch is. It's worse than a gallbladder attack but it turns out I have an ulcer. What kind of surgery did they do? I have to have another EGD in July and they're doing some kind of balloon thing. However, I don't have the full feeling like you do for that long. I hope you feel better soon!
Judy, He hasn't done (doc that is) an EGD, I fear that may be next. I know they are a peice of cake figuratively I just hate the thought of it and more expense. At least I have met my deductable this year now. Having toe surgery in June to correct 4 hammer toes 2 on each foot, One being pretty bad and the others are heading that way quickly. Hurts to walk in some shoes! That is only a 30 minute procedure done in his office and under local. I could almost suspect an ulcer myself if I didn't already take a proton pump inhibitor because I am on blood thinners for life. And I take celebrex too. we'llsee.
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.