Good morning Janet and all
Got my cup in hand but the old feather left for the golf course hours ago.
There was a banquet at the golf course last night with a band after the feast. I skipped the food part but joined later.
Earlier I decided to do my hair. My plan was to tone down the reddish blonde and leave the color on for a few minutes. A friend dropped in just as I finished applying the color, and I lost track of time - HOLY ****!! The Ronald McDonald red was bad but now my hair is the color of a rich burgandy wine. Similar to the font I am using.
At first I thought I should wear a differnt dress to go better with the new color. HECK NO - stuck to my original plan. It was a bright red dress, form fitting, slit up to my yoohoo on both sides, size small no less, added a pair of heels, shoveled on the make-up and I was set to go.
The compliments were so nice. I still get a blank stare from people who haven't seen me since the weight has come off. One person said they thought Tom was with another woman until they figured out it was me. It was a good evening.

* * * * * WOW .... I love playing with hair color. My family prefers a toned down reddish brown but I do like the funky highlights too. Sounds like you had a fun fun time. Doesn't it feel good. You should tell others... Yes, Tom is with another woman... aren't you? Not the same person as before WLS.... Millie
I know what you mean Millie, funky is good. I started dying my hair when I was 14 years old and began to go grey. Until a couple of years ago, nobody had a clue what color it was. I let it grow out - WHITE.
I haven't decided if I will keep experimenting, but for now, I enjoy most of the color changes.
Good Morning Janet and everyone..............
The sun is shinging....wooohooo....3 days in a row!! We had bad thunderstorms again last night. Sure was noisy. Had tornado sirens going off and on for a while too. Lots of excitement in the neighborhood!! I live in a townhouse...we all meet in a certain area if there are bad storms. It ended up being more of a neighborhood get together!!
Yesterday morning I drove down to Minneapolis to meet up with some of my OH friends for coffee. That was so much fun. I didn't get back home ontil after 2:30PM. What a fun group they are..woohooo!!
After I got home my neighbors had a party/BBQ and insisted that I join them. I did and that was fun too.
Today is "Car Races" day....I will leave about 3:00PM for that.
I went shopping for a bit on my way home from Minneapolis. I stopped at JC Penneys and found 3 really nice bras for $3.00 each!! I love to clearance shopping!! They fit perfectly and they are so pretty!! That made my day. I have needed new bras and kept putting it off. Yesterday was my lucky day!!
Hope all the DADS out there have a wonderful day.
I am going to have some breakfast and do a coffee/newspaper run!! Oh yeah....better shower and get dressed first....hahaha!!
Prayers to those in need as always.
Love and hugs to all.......connie d
Morning Janet and all my friends,
Lazy morning here in Central AR. First latte down and thinking about making another one, then getting a move on for the day.
The kids are coming for dinner, seems to be a trend since my DS lost his job. I feed them a nice meal and send them home with enough leftovers for at least one more, so at least I can help out that way. Today DH's request for his Father's Day dinner is tacos, beans and rice. Will make the tacos out of soy crumbles since the kids are vegetarians, will start cooking the "un-fried refried beans" around noon and the rest will be easy.
Gary and Jeff (DS) went to the shooting range yesterday and Gary got the car stuck in the mud clear up to the axles !!!! He said it was something right out of "My Cousin Vinny". Not at all funny, but it took the two of them and three or four other guys to persuade the car out of the mud. They were up to their knees, the tires were shooting mud every where and it was about 95 degrees out. MMMM male bonding at it's best LOL!
Hope everyone has a dandy day. Take care and big hugs to all!
Good morning to everyone and a special Happy Father's Day to all our dads out there. I hope that your day is wonderful and you get to spend time with those you love and hold close to your heart.
The birthday party went well yesterday with the exception that several didn't show. The birthday girl was really enjoying herself and by the end of the party she was in the arms of her great grandma (my aunt) and was out for the count. She is a little cutie.
There was several family members who haven't seen me since loosing weight. They all said that I looked good and was so proud of me. They all had questions and wanted to know what I can eat and how much. They kept telling me that I was so tiny and we all know that isn't right! I have a long way to go before I get near to that! I said only near since I know that I am never going to be "tiny"! My cousin told me that if mom was here to see this she would be so happy and proud of what I accomplished. I think that often since especailly dad never saw me thinner. Mom did when I lost over 90 pounds in OA but never this thin. I want to think that they are up there together watching me and approving.
Today is Bill's last day of vacation. I would like to take him out for dinner today for Father's Day. If left to his son that wouldn't happen. He did call yesterday and talked to him for a couple of minutes. That was the first call in over a week and that one was the first in several weeks. No call even for Bill birhtday. He is some peice of work. Nothing much is planned for today. Just a quiet time home and that is going to be nice.
The day is kind of overcast but at least no rain. I am so sick of rain as I know that a lot of people are. There has to be an end to it sometime I would think. It is suppose to rain all day but it is still fairly early and so there is time for it to turn wet. lol I pray that those who have problems with flooding see an end to it soon.
I guess I had better get going. Nothing much going on here and it starting to depress me since it shows I have no life!!! I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers for everyone~special ones going up for those in need of them. I hope that all our Dad's have a wonderful day and we all get to spend time with our dad's~even if it like me and only in thoughts and memories.