TGIF what's new?????

Margo M.
on 6/12/08 8:03 pm - Elyria, OH
i need coffee.... what's new in your world????? what plans for the weekend?????
(deactivated member)
on 6/12/08 8:09 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
1) Me, too 2)  Absolutely nothing 3)  None
Cajun Angel
on 6/12/08 11:39 pm - New Orleans, LA
  A woman of few words, what man wouldn't love that!
Jan C.
on 6/12/08 8:13 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
weekend ? what weekend? we will continue to work on the rental property to get it ready for our new renters by the end of the month. they will be here ready to move in on the 29th so we have to get our butts in gear. we have finished demo and rebuilding so the pretty part is the easy part and goes faster . rebuilding the bathroom today should have that done at the end of today and then can mud and tape the sheetrock is going to look so much different.  wow clean lol other than all of that nothing much planned.. how about you?


on 6/12/08 8:21 pm
.... .... Chuckling .. ... Janet, now that is what I call "to the point". I think you do need coffee. Lots of little new things going on in my world.... sewing projects, kids coming for a visit, grandson getting baptized, Ex & new wife coming around, son going back to Iraq (August). ***This weekend Mom and I are going to a 40th anniversary party for my DIL mom and dad. It is a wonderful thing when the mother in laws get along so well.. .. scary for the kids though lol we compare notes... (tee hee) They want no gifts but it is so hard not to bring something. We are thinking of a nice plant arrangement. A container with a few houseplants in it should be nice. Any other thoughts? suggestions? I would like a little more sleep today.. went to bed at 11:pm and now wide awake at 3:am... Have a great day... Millie
on 6/12/08 8:47 pm - Jacksonville, NC
on 6/12/08 8:56 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Gardening, what's new???  I'm actually on top of things this year, and have the weeding (sort of) under control.  I took some pictures, but haven't been able to figure out the new camera software, so can't post them yet.  Poor Melissa is still waiting for pics from Pittsaburg GTG and Detroit, and "they're in there!!!", but I can't get them out.  It's a good project for the weekend.  I'm determined to figure out this computer stuff... I've been working on the landscaping around the house, and finally bought some 6" x 6" treated lumber to edge some areas.  Now I need someone to give moral support while I use power tools to cut them.  I have a friend who says he'll come over for the moral support, but I'm determined to do it myself even if he's here.  Have to get rid of this nervousness of handling power tools. Other than that, not much.  Will pick up some overtime if it's available.  Going to a church rummage sale with a friend.  Maybe I can get another Eddie Bauer summer dress for 15 cents.  Yup, FIFTEEN CENTS!!!  I wore it to a wedding shower last Saturday and got lots of compliments.  I just giggled and said, "Thank You."  If they only knew.. That's it for me.  Gotta leave for work. Everyone have a great weekend. Candy


annette R.
on 6/12/08 9:14 pm - ithaca, NY
There is a golf tournament happening so I won't see much of Tom. My inconsiderate daughter and son-in-law chose this time to take the grand's to Lake George and a Wiggles concert. How DARE they go off and have fun? Just kidding - honest. I have to go feed the 6 cats twice a day. (they have the nerve to call me a crazy cat lady?) Their very old cat is blind and needs extra care. It is awesome to see her manuver all around the house despite being blind.  My new business cards arrived. I wanted some for the support groups and Tom designed them for me. That is in part what he does for a living. I'll leave some with the surgeon and dietician. Now when people stop and ask about the support groups I can hand them a card with all the info printed for their reference.  Keep busy or be totally lazy - those are my plans. Annette
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Jeanne G.
on 6/12/08 9:57 pm - Peoria, AZ
got up to pee over an hour ago and can't fall back asleep, trying to tire myself out. I am on Pacific time. Today I go to the laser hair removal girl. I am having my underarms and lower legs done. I am pretty bald under ther arms and just started with the legs. NO MORE SHAVING!  Saturday I am planning on going to a support group in the morning. I haven't been to one since my surgery. Then a going away party for a friends daughter who is moving out of town. That's about it.

 Jeanne G

on 6/12/08 10:08 pm - Bradenton, FL
Lets See, I need coffee so off to Starbucks, Off to work, Then off to the beach!!!!! Carla
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