My girlfriend Sheila inspires me to work out...
..and she is an athlete. She is from Ireland and still runs for Ireland. She is 50 years old and runs all over the world in competition and has won many gold medals in her lifetime in Triathalons, Duathalons and she has run the Ironman 5 times. She doesn't anymore becuase it is the same time as the World Duathalon Championships in Europe.
She has been injured many times....and never gives up, she works her way through the injuries no matter how severe. She got a severe achilles injury a couple of years ago in Belgium, but she worked with doctors and most of all herself to get back in shape to compete again. She never believes it is over....she has seen herself too many times crossing the finish line in first place.
She fell out running a few weeks ago with her huge Malamute dog when he saw some deer and pulled her up a hill chasing them and then as he started down the hill with her, she knew the only way she could stop him from running back across the road into traffic was to fall down on the grass. But she twisted her knee doing it. She didn't give up...she iced her knee for 3 days and then when tests showed it was only a small severe strain in the knee...she continued to work through it in the hot tub, water therapy and running with a brace......she competed in a Triathalon three weeks ater that and won her age group....which is 50 years old....and there were 640 people competeting and her time beat many others....including men.
She is also a busy Realtor and always makes time for a minimum of one workout a day....usually a Spinning class.
I know now that I must workou****er and weights .....if I want to stay healthy.....that is my shape is of less inportance to me now....I just want to be healthy....and at my age [67] it is more important that ever to lift weight to strengthen my bones.and build muscles.
Sheila is a very sweet person and lots of fun to be around....and yes she has a great life, she drinks wine and parties with all of is the keeping of her body that works for her. She takes supplements like very very good fish oil and other supplements for her muscles and "TRIES" to eat healthy, but is never a crazy person about it. She has just inccorporated exercise into her life and it works.
I hope she helps inspire some of you also.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Thankjs Bev....I am happy for you about the swimming....if there is anyway you can also use some weights that would be great for your bones....and of course muscles...but most of all bones.
Our brain does some crazy things for us doesn't it. In that movie/book The Secret...they just keep saying if you believe it you can do it.....that is also what I am trynig to hang on to.....I never want to spend my life like I did before WLS...and at 18 months out I don't think I am going to be losing easily now. I am certainly not thin, but I look "okay"...I just want to maintain my health......It is so much easier to get out in the early morning now in the summer...harder in the I need to develop my habits now.
Good luck to you.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
You know Kathi you are at that "blank slate" stage and you can do it all the right way.....and I think the right way s to institute exercise from the very beginning......I do know that work out will help eliminate that need for a "panni" is hard to retract that excess skin, but itf you work from the will work.....they say it doesn't but I know that it does by what I have researched from other people. I do know that I work sit ups on a machine for 3 songs on my IPOD and I do know that it has helped. I hoep you are doing well...and you will have super success.
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
* ** ** * I Don't like people like your friend. I think it is disgusting to be doing all those healthy things .. .. ( stop it .. stop it) They think they are so wonderful but they aren't .. .. ..( shut up .. shut up )..... Sorry, jealousy just reared its ugly green head.. I'm trying to get her back under control. Really, I admire people who do this. I wish I had the encouragement years ago to continue on with my physical activities instead of giving in to others demands on my time. Now... well, I'm beginning again... Just came home from hitting a bucket of golf balls... small but it is a beginning. I'm glad your friend has you working out again. Best of Luck.... Millie (and the ******y green eyed monster)
I am sure it would be easy to be jealous of Sheila ...if she were not so very dear and so very sweet.....she would never dream of pushing her life on anyone......she always sees the good in everyone....she is very competitive in racing, but not in life.....that is why she inspires me....she does it all for herself....she also berates herself when she fails to do what she has determined she needs to do for the day in the way of exercising or eating.
That is what we need to do...decide that no one will do it for us....we have to make the CHOICE to do or not do......Just like Yoda says "Theres is no TRY....there is only ....DO OR NOT DO"....You know when someone tells you they will try to get to your "whatever"....they probably are not coming...We want to take care of our bodies , but only for ourselves.
Hugs, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
You collect good people all around
and inspire them also. "Just Do It" was the inspiration I heard from you and that worked well.
Walking has been my exercise of choice. It works the body and frees the mind. Lifting weights - some people choose weights in a gym. I attach Matthew and Melanie to my arms and legs for a frolicking good session. They don't let me slack off after a few minutes. Hard driving little trainers and only charge hugs and kisses.
Love you

You are just the kind of Grama that I wish I had.....the one I am not....but fortunately each one of my grandchildren has another lovely grandma that loves to do all that stuff. As they become older we become closer and closer....My husband is the one for the baby years.....
Kathleen says..."Oh my Mom is the Mom that stops in every day after worrking out with her cappachino....charges her IPOD while she kisses babies, checks with me about what's up and answers her cell phone a couple of times, grabs her IPOD and then is off in a flurry of hugs and kisses." BUT thankfully she also added "but if I ever need her for anything...I just have to ask."
We are all different Gramas and you are a real winner.
love, marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"