Thursday what's new??????
we had some very nasty words around here yesterday-michael and pain do not mix well together-- and things get said which are stuck in my memory bank now for got somewhat better as the night went on; he did sleep even if he won't admit it cuz he missed his 3 am pills- took em at 5 i know he will be alright!
mystery box #2 is going out in today's mail to Boo (maryann) in massachusetts.....
this afternoon, we are getting company again-the mother/daughter team who are buying my bird will be coming to visit. the last one was enjoyable but michael was in better spirits so we shall see how this goes! they have appts up north of detroit and live south by lima so we are a good (tho a tad out of the way) stopping point. and it helps to build rapport with Doc.
dunno anything esle-nobody prepped the coffee pot last nite so i guess i better stumble over to make some fresh!!!
hugs and prayers.......and drink tha****er!!!!!
Good morning Margo and ALL
Margo my love, you have my sympathies. Men can be such a PITA !! Imagine if one of them ever had to give birth? Sex would be abolished forever. Hang in there.
Tom had to remove his wedding band for the first time. His hand became swollen and numb. He was not happy removing the ring but we thought it was best to remove it or face the posibility of having it CUT off. Yes, he refuses to see a doctor.
I saw the new dietician yesterday. She couldn't get my labs to print but will get them to me soon. Cindy is going to do some research about the one liver function test. Apparently there are more than one functions tested. All my labs were good and unchanged except this one part.
We reviewed my diet which hasn't changed and seldom varies. Although she likes the variety, she thinks I need to eat more. I eat frequently and really can't hold more. Don't know how to get in anymore than I do now.
She thinks I should weigh more in the 130 - 135 pound range instead of the current 113 - 115 pounds. Cindy explained that my body needs some weight to ward off illnesses, or something to that effect.
I kind of lost it when she said to GAIN weight.
My brain is so messed up with my body image. Just the night before I mentioned to Tom that I feel fat. How can I feel fat with bones poking out? Intellectually I know this isn't right. Emotionally I have a vision of total fattness.
Just venting and sharing with my OFF family.

Morning all....
Thoughts and prayers still going up for you Margo.
Annette, you are NOT FAT...hope they find your labs and solve the issue with the liver function. Do you do smoothies or protein shakes??? Just might help some.
The orthopetic surgeon says I have bursitis in the large muscle on the left-hand side of my knee....AND he says it was aggravated by the water walking. Well duh, now he doesn't want me to do the water walking for a while. I can ride the recumbent bike, but nothing else. I am to take tynelol extra strength, and ice it twice a day. If it isn't better in four weeks he will give me an injection of
something??? After watching me walk he also says my butt muscles are weak
but he didn't give me any exercises to strengthen them.
All the x-rays they took didn't show any problems and he says as long as my hip doesn't hurt, we won't bother it.
Relieved that there is no surgery on the horizon.
Going to be a scorcher here today == 90 degrees and high humidity.
My prayers go out to the all those in Iowa, Wisc., Illinois
and elsewhere with the flooding and tornadoes.
Thoughts and prayers still going up for you Margo.
Annette, you are NOT FAT...hope they find your labs and solve the issue with the liver function. Do you do smoothies or protein shakes??? Just might help some.
The orthopetic surgeon says I have bursitis in the large muscle on the left-hand side of my knee....AND he says it was aggravated by the water walking. Well duh, now he doesn't want me to do the water walking for a while. I can ride the recumbent bike, but nothing else. I am to take tynelol extra strength, and ice it twice a day. If it isn't better in four weeks he will give me an injection of
something??? After watching me walk he also says my butt muscles are weak
but he didn't give me any exercises to strengthen them.
All the x-rays they took didn't show any problems and he says as long as my hip doesn't hurt, we won't bother it.
Relieved that there is no surgery on the horizon.
Going to be a scorcher here today == 90 degrees and high humidity.
My prayers go out to the all those in Iowa, Wisc., Illinois
and elsewhere with the flooding and tornadoes.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good Morning Margo and everyone..........
The sun is actually trying to peek out today. It hasn't been out all week. It rained all day yesterday....pouring down rain!! The temp didn't even make it to 60 degrees.
Margo......good luck with Michael.....hope he is feeling better and definately in a better mood.
Pat surgery!!! That is great news!!
Annette....I have the same feeling of being fat lately. I am 125 pounds but I still feel bloaty and ugh!! That thin image is hard for our brains to rap around. I still want to get down to 120!!
As for me.....I am praying for a better day.
My cleaning fairy will be here at 8:30AM. I have some extra things for her to do today.
I will be calling my friend Pearl later this morning. I pray she had a better night and is in less pain today. Thanks to all of you offering her your prayers. I will pass that on to her as well.
I need to work on getting things marked for my garage sale in two weeks. I have barely started marking anything. I have sooooo much clothes to get rid of it is crazy. I am going to mark them low enough so they go. People around here love to see sales that say there are plus sizes. I hope to get rid of a bunch. The rest I will donate to the Womans Shelter and Journey Home.
I need to get in the showerr and get my day started.....I will check back in later to see how everyone elses day is going.
Prayers to those in need.
Love and hugs to all.......connie d
Good Morning, Margo, and Everyone,
I'm sorry to hear things are out of sorts at your house, Margo. Here's hoping today is a better day.
This time last Thursday, I was headed to the hospital for surgery. What a difference a week makes.... Woke up with my right ankle hurting for no explained reason. It's the ankle with 8 pains and 1 plate in it from breaking it almost 30 years ago. Not sure if I might have twisted the wrong way in my sleep. Oh well.... could be worse things to complain about.
Quiet day today. Nobody else in the house except the two of us. Just getting in the protein and water and one load of laundry. That's it!
Prayers for those in the mid-west with the weather problems.
Hi All,
My daughter and her family were one of the families affected by the flooding here. Her appartment was flood over a foot so she had to move to her dad's till her landlord can get the apartment upstairs ready for her to move into. Very few people have flood insurance here unless they live in very low lying areas or along the Mississippi. So the things people lose are gone for good. I checked out last eve to see the video of the million dollar home on Lake Delton break in half and wash away. No flood insurance there either.
Apparently fema is coming to this area again but last time they were here many did not get a cent.
It looks all good on the news when they come to town but they are so limited in what they can give.
The rain is pouring down again as I type, had been all nite. Thanks for the prayers for this area, they are needed and appreciated.
Have a good day everyone..
I love Spring!!!!!!
I love Spring!!!!!!